ICMA sustains and supports its members business by promoting the development and efficient functioning of the international capital markets.
If you have any queries or would like to discuss the benefits of ICMA membership, please contact:
Sanaa Clausse
Director, Business Development, Membership
Email: sanaa.clausse@icmagroup.org
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0325
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ICMA Membership Benefits
1. Membership
Tel: +44 20 7213 0310
E-mail: info@icmagroup.org
Tel: +41 44 363 4222
E-mail: membership@icmagroup.org
ICMA sustains and supports its members
business by promoting the development
& efficient functioning of the international
capital markets.
Since the beginning of the Euromarkets, more than 40 years ago, ICMA has facilitated the
interaction between issuers, lead managers, dealers and more recently investors and asset
managers for the benefit of an efficient and well functioning capital market. Promoting best
practices and standards, contributing to education, helping supervisory authorities and
furthering the links between its members, were always and remain ICMAs mission.
Members benefit directly in the course of their day-to-day business from ICMAs focus
on finding practical solutions to market questions. Its unmatched geographical and
institutional diversity enable ICMA to play a major role in addressing the practical as
well as the regulatory and legal challenges facing market participants as well as central
banks and regulators.
ICMA is one of the few trade associations with a pan-European focus which represents
both buy side and sell side firms. In addition to facilitating the dialogue between its buy
side and sell side members, ICMA maintains a regular dialogue with international and
national regulatory authorities.
ICMA membership
ICMAs members are geographically widespread in more than 50 countries, and vary
considerably in size and type of activities. They range from the largest global investment
banks with a presence in numerous countries to small regional banks primarily servicing
retail bond investors.
Full members of the Association are those organisations who actively deal in securities.
Associate membership is open to other organisations which have an important role in the
international securities markets.
Associate members include central banks, market infrastructure providers, trade bodies,
and law firms.
Capital Market
Association Limited
23 College Hill
London EC4R 2RP
Tel: +44 20 7213 0310
Fax: +44 20 7213 0311
E-mail: info@icmagroup.org
Capital Market
Talacker 29
P.O. Box
CH-8022 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 363 4222
Fax: +41 44 363 7772
2. All ICMA members have
free access to the following
documentation and legal
ICMA Primary Market Handbook
(IPMA Handbook), which provides
standard documentation and a set of
recommendations for the primary market
side of the industry.
ICMAs rules and recommendations,
which provide a framework of best
practice in the secondary market.
Legal opinions on the Global Master
Repurchase Agreement (GMRA), which
currently cover over 60 jurisdictions and
which are updated annually.
ICMAs Legal Helpdesk, which provides
informal guidance to members in
response to their enquiries on the
ICMA Primary Market Handbook
(IPMA Handbook), ICMAs rules and
recommendations and the GMRA.
ICMA conciliation and arbitration in the
event of a dispute.
The Members Register, in which all
ICMA members are listed together with
the contact details of key individuals.
Key membership benefits include:
Formal involvement in a long-established and respected community of financial
institutions active in the capital markets around the world.
ICMA membership is seen as a stamp of approval. ICMA members feel more
comfortable dealing or interacting with another member, particularly if outside their
own jurisdiction, and often the first place they will turn to in looking for business
partners is the ICMA Members Register.
Access to ICMA Committees and Working Groups which develop recommendations,
including guidance for members, for best market practice and the efficient operation
of the markets. The Committees also consider policy responses to regulators.
Access to the work and advice of the Market Practice and Regulatory Policy
Department, which keeps members informed about regulatory developments and
the implications for their business through the quarterly report and other formal and
informal channels.
Guidance on issues related to the international capital markets from the ICMA
Secretariat and other market professionals.
Representation and guidance from specific market constituencies within ICMA
which provide for discussion of technical issues through: the Euro Commercial
Paper Committee, European Repo Council and Committee, Asset Management and
Investors Council (AMIC), Public Sector Issuer Forum, Financial Institutions Issuer
Forum and the Covered Bond Investor Council.
Strong regional organisation and representation ensuring that each of ICMAs 13
regions decides on its own specific priorities, and that the viewpoints of the regions
are represented at board level.
Preferential rates for ICMA Executive Education programmes, certificated courses
which are accredited by regulators and other academic bodies. Individually tailored
training can be delivered in-house according to members needs at substantially
reduced rates versus other education suppliers.
ICMA organises over 100 events each year across Europe and in other parts of
the world.