James Fozard was awarded a Certificate of Unit Credit towards a National Vocational Qualification in Spectator Safety at Level 2. The certificate recognizes that he attended Derby College and gained skills in preparing for spectator events, controlling entry and movement of crowds, monitoring spectators and dealing with crowd problems, managing conflict, and dealing with accidents and emergencies. The certificate was awarded on June 10, 2009 by the City and Guilds of London Institute.
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NVQ Unit Credit (10.06.09)
1. City$p
Level 2 NVQ in Spectator Safety
is awarded to
James Fozard
who attended
Derby College
Prepqre for spectator events
Controlthe e,ntry, exit and movement of people at
spectator events
Monitor spectators and deal with crowd problems
Help to manage conflict
Contribute to the work of your team
Deal with accidents and emergencies
Awarded 10 June 2009 1 00609/4833 - 49 I 02331 6/tWQ96't 6/M/08/0 1 /80
fvts",l S*r,t cWb*s-
M Howell Chris Jones
Chairman Director-General
The City and Guilds of London lnstitute The City and Guilds of London tnstitute
The Clty and Guilds ot London lnsutute foundod 1878 and tncorporatod by Royal Chartor l9qr.
The clty & Guilds Group compdses city & Gullds, tLM, city & Guilds NpTc and city & cuilds HAB,