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Immediate dentures
Reduction of residual ridges varies in
rate, amount and location from individual to
individual and within the same individual.
The bone of the maxilla and mandible will
experience external resorption and
endosteal deposition as the residual ridge
gradually rounds off once the teeth are
Modal Rate Of Change In The Denture
Bearing Area Following The Extraction Of
Maxillary Teeth In 25 Patients.
40% By the end of the first post-extraction month.
65% By the end of the third post-extraction month.
80% By the end of the sixth post-extraction month.
90%By the end of the twelfth postextraction month
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
An Immediate denture may be defined as a
denture that is made prior to the extraction
of the natural teeth and which is inserted
into the mouth immediately after the
extraction of those teeth.
Advantages of IM Dentures
Maintenance of the soft tissue contour of
the face
Maintenance of mental and physical well
Aid the process of adaptation to denture
The use of existing occlusion for jaw
registration procedures
Aesthetic Considerations
Disadvantages of IM Dentures
Co-operation of the Patient
Increased Cost
No trial denture stage possible
Gross Irregularities of Teeth
Surgical and Anaesthetic Difficulties
Immediate dentures
additions to partial dentures
new dentures, complete or partial,
to replace teeth that are missing
and/or to be extracted
Immediate Dentures (IM)
? Transitional (Interim) IM Complete Denture
? Conventional IM Complete Denture
? IM Partial Denture
When Immediate Dentures are proposed,
patients should be advised of the
necessity for early relining and/or
remaking with associated additional visits
and extra costs
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Transitional Immediate Complete
? A denture made without prior extraction of teeth
? A complete Clearance is followed.
? Synonyms:
Transitional Immediate Complete Denture
– Multiple extractions
– Esthetics
– Function
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Transitional Immediate Complete Denture
Intensive post insertion care
Short-term solution
More expensive
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Conventional Immediate Complete
Maxillary six anteriors
Posterior teeth extracted 8-12 weeks
Predictable, stable ridge contour
Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures
Remove all posterior teeth about 3
months before making immediate
Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures
–Allows for posterior segment to heal
and stabilize
–Maintains anterior teeth for
appearance, some function
Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures
– Maxilla
– anterior teeth present
– Cooperative patient
Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures
?Single custom tray
?Split impression technique
?Posterior segment
?Anterior segment
? Stock tray
? Putty index
Impression Techniques
Split Impression Tray
Posterior Custom Tray: ZnO Eug.
Over all Stock Tray: Alginate
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
The most important short coming is the
anatomic inaccuracy of the vestibule at the
junction point
Split Impression Tray
Putty Index Technique
Tray extends to and contacts incisal edge of anterior teeth
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
? If sufficient tooth contact for jaw
relationship, interocclusal record is
taken with shade and mould of teeth
? If insufficient tooth contact, occlusal
rims will be required
Special Lab recommendations for
Immediate Conventional Complete Denture
?For tooth set-up:
–Anterior teeth:
? “Cut anterior teeth off cast at gingival level.”
? Set anterior teeth on cast for patient viewing.”
–Posterior teeth:
? “Arrange posterior teeth on record base in
(balanced/ monoplane/ lingualized) occlusion
wax-up for try-in evaluation.”
?Sectional wax-up
?Anterior segment
for patient viewing
?Posterior segment
for check record
?Posterior “removable”
section used for:
?Confirmation of
horizontal and
?Tooth shade
Special Lab recommendations for ICCD
?For processing and cast trim:
? Refine occlusion
? Complete wax-up
? Flask and return lower half of flask
for cast trim
? Make surgical template in clear acrylic resin
Cast Trimming Guidelines
Step 1 Step 2
Remove tooth at
gingival level
Recess Socket 1 mm
?Invested maxillary
model in lower flask
?Teeth removed
?Sockets recessed
?Ready for “Step 3”
?Ready for arbitrary
posterior palatal
Step 3 Step 4
Labial edge recess to
incisal third mark
Mid-point recess to
mid-width labial cut
Step 4 Step 5
Round over lingual aspect of socket
Step 5 Step 6
Round off labial to middle third,
sand smooth
?Trimmed areas
sanded smooth
?Avoid removing
incisive papilla
ICCD Surgical Template
?Fabricated after cast
?Used to locate
pressure areas on
mucosa at time of
?Denture trimmed
according to blanched
mucosa observed
under template
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Designs of Immediate Dentures
? Labial flange
? Open-faced (socketed)
*Final decision is deferred until study casts are available
Advantages of a Labial flange
? Increased stability & retention
? Improved strength
? Tooth arrangement can be altered
? No interference with sutures
? Stable appearance
? Easier relining
Disadvantages of a
Labial flange
? May produce unnatural fullness of
lip and patient may not like appearance
? Bony labial undercuts may prevent use
of flange unless they are surgically
Advantages of a Socketed IM
?Teeth sit into sockets of the extracted
? Aesthetics good initially
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
Disadvantages of a Socketed IM
? Uneven ridge - Contra-indicated in Mandible
? Loss of aesthetics as resorption continues
? Difficult to reline/rebase or addition of flange
? Retention poor
Post Extraction Instructions
? Do not remove denture
? Keep head elevated
? Small amounts of blood in saliva is normal
? Diet: soft and warm, not hot
? Avoid:
– Spitting, rinsing
– smoking
Fitting the denture
Avoid trauma to the anesthetized tissues
acrylic pearls and spicules
undercuts (helps insertion of denture)
Obvious occlusal discrepancies &
overextension must be corrected
Definitive adjustment of occlusion is not
always possible because of swelling
Post Insertion Management
? Recall next day
? Remove denture
? Apply topical anesthetic to
traumatized mucosa
? Locate over extensions and pressure
areas and adjust
? Reappoint 1 week
Post Insertion Management
? Relines
– Interim – within first 12 months
– Definitive – 12 months +
Post Insertion Management
Remount when:
? Healing edema resolved
? Traumatized mucosal lesions healed
– Usually within 14-21 days
Additions Of Teeth To Partial
? Alginate impression in stock tray
? Impression taken over correctly seated
denture in situ
? Full functional width and depth of the sulcus
? Mark teeth to be added with indelible pencil
to avoid confusion and mistakes
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf
? Wax or silicone interocclusal record
? Opposing alginate impression
? Cross infection
? Send to laboratory with correct patient
and clinical information
? Appointment arranged for both tooth
extraction and insertion of denture at same
Thank You
Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf

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Immediate dentures tt new prosthodontics.pdf

  • 2. Reduction of residual ridges varies in rate, amount and location from individual to individual and within the same individual. The bone of the maxilla and mandible will experience external resorption and endosteal deposition as the residual ridge gradually rounds off once the teeth are lost.
  • 3. Modal Rate Of Change In The Denture Bearing Area Following The Extraction Of Maxillary Teeth In 25 Patients. 40% By the end of the first post-extraction month. 65% By the end of the third post-extraction month. 80% By the end of the sixth post-extraction month. 90%By the end of the twelfth postextraction month
  • 5. An Immediate denture may be defined as a denture that is made prior to the extraction of the natural teeth and which is inserted into the mouth immediately after the extraction of those teeth.
  • 6. Advantages of IM Dentures Maintenance of the soft tissue contour of the face Maintenance of mental and physical well being Aid the process of adaptation to denture
  • 7. The use of existing occlusion for jaw registration procedures Aesthetic Considerations
  • 8. Disadvantages of IM Dentures Co-operation of the Patient Increased Cost No trial denture stage possible Gross Irregularities of Teeth Surgical and Anaesthetic Difficulties
  • 9. Immediate dentures either additions to partial dentures or new dentures, complete or partial, to replace teeth that are missing and/or to be extracted
  • 10. Immediate Dentures (IM) ? Transitional (Interim) IM Complete Denture ? Conventional IM Complete Denture ? IM Partial Denture
  • 11. When Immediate Dentures are proposed, patients should be advised of the necessity for early relining and/or remaking with associated additional visits and extra costs
  • 13. Transitional Immediate Complete Denture ? A denture made without prior extraction of teeth ? A complete Clearance is followed. ? Synonyms: Interim Temporary Provisional
  • 14. Transitional Immediate Complete Denture ?Indications – Multiple extractions – Esthetics – Function
  • 18. Transitional Immediate Complete Denture Problems: Intensive post insertion care Short-term solution More expensive
  • 20. Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures Maxillary six anteriors Posterior teeth extracted 8-12 weeks previously Predictable, stable ridge contour
  • 21. Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures Concept Remove all posterior teeth about 3 months before making immediate denture
  • 22. Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures Rationale –Allows for posterior segment to heal and stabilize –Maintains anterior teeth for appearance, some function
  • 23. Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures Indications – Maxilla – anterior teeth present – Cooperative patient
  • 24. Conventional Immediate Complete Dentures ?Single custom tray ?Split impression technique ?Posterior segment ?Anterior segment ? Stock tray ? Putty index Impression Techniques
  • 25. Split Impression Tray Posterior Custom Tray: ZnO Eug. Over all Stock Tray: Alginate
  • 27. The most important short coming is the anatomic inaccuracy of the vestibule at the junction point
  • 28. Split Impression Tray Putty Index Technique Tray extends to and contacts incisal edge of anterior teeth
  • 32. ? If sufficient tooth contact for jaw relationship, interocclusal record is taken with shade and mould of teeth ? If insufficient tooth contact, occlusal rims will be required
  • 33. Special Lab recommendations for Immediate Conventional Complete Denture (ICCD) ?For tooth set-up: –Anterior teeth: ? “Cut anterior teeth off cast at gingival level.” ? Set anterior teeth on cast for patient viewing.” –Posterior teeth: ? “Arrange posterior teeth on record base in (balanced/ monoplane/ lingualized) occlusion and wax-up for try-in evaluation.”
  • 34. ICCD Try-In ?Sectional wax-up ?Anterior segment for patient viewing ?Posterior segment for check record
  • 35. ?Posterior “removable” section used for: ?Confirmation of horizontal and vertical relationships ?Tooth shade
  • 36. Special Lab recommendations for ICCD ?For processing and cast trim: ? Refine occlusion ? Complete wax-up ? Flask and return lower half of flask for cast trim ? Make surgical template in clear acrylic resin
  • 37. Cast Trimming Guidelines Step 1 Step 2 Remove tooth at gingival level Recess Socket 1 mm
  • 38. ?Invested maxillary model in lower flask half: ?Teeth removed ?Sockets recessed ?Ready for “Step 3” ?Ready for arbitrary posterior palatal seal
  • 39. Step 3 Step 4 Labial edge recess to incisal third mark Mid-point recess to mid-width labial cut
  • 40. Step 4 Step 5 Round over lingual aspect of socket
  • 41. Step 5 Step 6 Round off labial to middle third, sand smooth
  • 42. ?Trimmed areas sanded smooth ?Avoid removing incisive papilla
  • 43. ICCD Surgical Template ?Fabricated after cast trim ?Used to locate pressure areas on mucosa at time of surgery ?Denture trimmed according to blanched mucosa observed under template
  • 45. Designs of Immediate Dentures ? Labial flange Complete Partial ? Open-faced (socketed) *Final decision is deferred until study casts are available
  • 46. Advantages of a Labial flange ? Increased stability & retention ? Improved strength ? Tooth arrangement can be altered ? No interference with sutures ? Stable appearance ? Easier relining
  • 47. Disadvantages of a Labial flange ? May produce unnatural fullness of lip and patient may not like appearance ? Bony labial undercuts may prevent use of flange unless they are surgically removed
  • 48. Advantages of a Socketed IM ?Teeth sit into sockets of the extracted teeth ? Aesthetics good initially
  • 50. Disadvantages of a Socketed IM ? Uneven ridge - Contra-indicated in Mandible ? Loss of aesthetics as resorption continues ? Difficult to reline/rebase or addition of flange ? Retention poor
  • 51. Post Extraction Instructions ? Do not remove denture ? Keep head elevated ? Small amounts of blood in saliva is normal ? Diet: soft and warm, not hot ? Avoid: – Spitting, rinsing – smoking
  • 52. Fitting the denture Avoid trauma to the anesthetized tissues Remove acrylic pearls and spicules undercuts (helps insertion of denture) Obvious occlusal discrepancies & overextension must be corrected Definitive adjustment of occlusion is not always possible because of swelling
  • 53. Post Insertion Management ? Recall next day ? Remove denture ? Apply topical anesthetic to traumatized mucosa ? Locate over extensions and pressure areas and adjust ? Reappoint 1 week
  • 54. Post Insertion Management ? Relines – Interim – within first 12 months – Definitive – 12 months +
  • 55. Post Insertion Management Remount when: ? Healing edema resolved ? Traumatized mucosal lesions healed – Usually within 14-21 days
  • 56. Additions Of Teeth To Partial Dentures ? Alginate impression in stock tray ? Impression taken over correctly seated denture in situ ? Full functional width and depth of the sulcus recorded ? Mark teeth to be added with indelible pencil to avoid confusion and mistakes
  • 58. ? Wax or silicone interocclusal record ? Opposing alginate impression ? Cross infection ? Send to laboratory with correct patient and clinical information ? Appointment arranged for both tooth extraction and insertion of denture at same visit