describe how to sensor image base on skin detection
mainly on different skin color
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immoral scene sensoring
1. Guided by,
Mrs. Alpha Vijayan
Associative. Professor
CSE Departement
Presented by,
Sam.V.Varghese (11010012)
Sudheesh K.S (11010022)
Tibin Thomas (11010016)
Gokul G (11010021)
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 1
2. Reduce rise of immoral digital visual contents in
Motivate the research in fast and reliable obscene and
immoral material filtering.
Use the power of computer vision for socially
admissible projects.
Contribute to open source OpenCV library function.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 2
3. Manual censoring and grading in tv broadcasts and
IP address based filtering of internet sites.
Computer vision based censoring.(limited)
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 3
4. Difficulty in Skin and Non-skin colour separable.
Illumination changes over time.
Skin tones vary dramatically within and across
Different cameras have different output for the
identical image.
Movement of objects cause blurring of colours.
Ambient light, shadows change the apparent colour of
the image.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 4
5. Skin colour based detection using combination of
HSV & RGB colour space
Allows fast processing.
Robust to geometric variations of the skin patterns.
Robust to resolution changes.
Experience suggests that human skin has a
characteristic colour, which is easily recognized by
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 5
6. Process of finding skin-colored pixels and regions in an
image or video.
Skin Detector transforms a given pixel into an
appropriate color space .
Then use a skin classifier to label the pixel whether it is
a skin or non-skin pixel.
The color needs to be represented in a color space
RGB color space ,HSV,YCrCb are common color space
used to represent images.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 6
7. Pixel-Based Methods
Classify each pixel as skin or non-skin individually,
independently from its neighbors.
Color Based Methods fall in this category
Region Based Methods
Try to take the spatial arrangement of skin pixels into
account during the detection stage to enhance the methods
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 7
8. Automatic Detection of Human
Detects whether there are human immoral scenes
present in an Image.
The system marks skin-like pixels using combined
color and texture properties. .
These skin regions are then fed to a specialized
grouper, which attempts to group a human figure.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 8
10. The algorithm successfully extracts 43% of the test images
This system is not as accurate as some recent object
It is detecting jointed objects of highly variable shape
diverse range of poses, seen from many different camera
Both lighting and background are uncontrolled previous
object recognition experiments.
It might detect non humanbody whose color similar to
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 10
11. A Novel Scheme for Intelligent
Recognition of immoral Images
Features extracted from skin region and whole image.
Fourier descriptors and signature of boundary of skin region
is used as shape descriptor features.
Self Organizing Feature Maps (SOFM).
Finally, the selected features are fed to parallel classifiers
The output of each classifier is sent to decision making
experimental results are convincing but the results can
be improved by extracting high .tp:86.7% fp:6.64%
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 11
13. Large number of pictures taken under special lighting
A feasible solution for the problem is to adapt the adopted skin
chroma distribution
The skin tone is formed by the interaction between skin and
Model based on Cb and Cr values can provide good coverage
of all human races.
The popular skin colors of immoral images, including various
lighting conditions, into several categories
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 13
14. every sample skin image is first trans-formed from
the RGB color space to the YCbCr space
YCrCb is an encoded nonlinear RGB
signal, commonly used by European
television studios and for image
compression work.
Y Luminance component, C
The detection rates of the immoral images
and the ordinary images are 71.7% and
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 14
15. HSV based skin detection
HSV skin detection : -
Image is converted from RGB colour space to HSV
colour space.
The converted image is probed for the skin colours
according to the H channel discription for skin colours.
The noisy image is passed through morphological
filters to produce the desired image.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 15
20. The objective of this paper is to show that for every color
space there exists an optimum skin detector scheme
such that the performance of all these skin detectors schemes
is the same.
Used 4 color space RGB, YCrCb, HSV, Cr Cb
Proved mathematically for the existence of optimum skin
color detector using Neyman-Pearson Test
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 20
21. Hsv size gave the best performance, superior to the other
model with less false detection
Hsv model gives slightly better performance as compared to
Gaussian mixture.
It is possible that color spaces other than RGB could result in
improved detection performance.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 21
22. comparison of 5 different color spaces HSV,
HS,Normalized RGB and YCrCb
HSV, HS gave the best results
Normalized rg is not far
YCrCb gave poor results
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 22
23. The project will involve building -:
Create a skin color/texture database
Extract frames from the video to get images that
can be used for analysis
Search for skin color in the image
Extract the image part with the skin color.
Shape identification
If match stop video for some minutes repeat,this
after sometime
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 23
24. 1. Get the
Pass the video/image
Break the video into
Mark objectionable
skin color
Extract the part with
skin color in it
No Yes
No end
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 24
25. Create a skin color/texture database
Extract frames from the video to get images that
can be used for analysis
Search for skin color in the image
Extract the image part with the skin color.
Shape identification
Post on imposition
We use opencv for implementing modules
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 25
26. With consistency increase growth in the immoral scenece
market we need to stop the people to have illegal use of the it
This tool will help them to detect and block the supply this
things to the people who are not supposed to see them.
This can be also in the censer board to detect any kind of porn.
This can also be used by the parents to stop their children from
watching unwanted thing without their permission or till
he/she is not up to certain age limit.
19 October 2014 Dept of CSE 26