Some of the things a researcher may want to record in a journal or impact diary. Particularly useful for those in the Arts and Humanities who may not have many citations.
4. Popular impact
Media mentions
Quotes in media
Quotes in policy
Invitations to write for The Conversation, blogs etc.
Rabble rousing, lawsuits, town hall meetings, protests, arrests, angry
letters from important people
5. Social Media
Social networking contacts: followers, subscribers, etc.
Topics trending
Blog mentions
LinkedIn recommendations
6. Social Impact
Mention by policy makers
Meetings with important people
Invitations to consult
Influencing curriculum creation
7. Esteem measures
Invitations to present
Important people asking you for advice
# of audience members your presentation/seminars
Grants & grant $
Cited in testimonials
Impact factor of journals you publish in
& many more