Often it is seen that despite our efforts health complications do crop up from time to time affecting any of our body parts. Similarly, dental health issues are pretty common among people and the majority of them complain about having impacted teeth. Impacted teeth is a condition where your wisdom teeth dont grow properly and creates difficulties for you. Go through the slide to know the causes & symptoms of impacted teeth.
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Impacted Teeth The Causes and Impacts to Your Dental Health
10. However, if a
wisdom teeth
that is impacted
infected, it
causes other
dental issues.
11. Gums that are swollen and red
Gums that are tender or even bleeding
Jaw ache
Swelling of the jaw
Bad breath problems
Your mouth has a bad taste
Youre having trouble opening your
Difficulty in chewing, biting, or opening
the mouth
Pain when opening your mouth or
chewing and biting