Equality and diversity is not just about providing fairness for all, its also an important part of winning more work, creating stronger teams and improving the bottom line.
With equality and diversity being a relatively new consideration for the constructing industry it is often difficult to know where to start and how to ensure the right path is taken. Our trainers have both industry experience and post graduate equality qualifications; it is this unique mix that allows them to see the long and short term benefits to diversity as well as being able to provide you with best practice, working examples and industry specific guidance.
All our courses are confidential and avoid political correctness, allowing you to speak freely and ask the questions that you are unsure of in a safe and understanding environment, we know this is a emotive and tricky area and we are here to help not to judge.
Delegates should walk away feeling confident that they have a greater understanding of diversity and its barriers as well as the tools needed to create a future plan for their organisations.
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Equality and diversity is not just about providing fairness for all, its
sity strategy?
also an important part of winning more work, creating stronger teams
What are EIA? and improving the bottom line.
What should my aim be? With equality and diversity being a relatively new consideration for
the constructing industry it is often difficult to know where to start
and how to ensure the right path is taken. Our trainers have both in-
Constructing Equality
dustry experience and post graduate equality qualifications; it is this
unique mix that allows them to see the long and short term benefits to
Constructing Equality diversity as well as being able to provide you with best practice,
10 Derby Road working examples and industry specific guidance.
All our courses are confidential and avoid political correctness, allow-
k ing you to speak freely and ask the questions that you are unsure of in
a safe and understanding environment, we know this is a emotive and
07748126232 tricky area and we are here to help not to judge.
chrissi@constructingequality.co Delegates should walk away feeling confident that they have a greater
understanding of diversity and its barriers as well as the tools needed
to create a future plan for their organisations.