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Rank Country Users number
1 China 1,349,585,836
2 India 1,220,800,359
3 United States 317,874,628
4 Brazil 273,583,000
5 Russia 256,116,000
6 Indonesia 236,800,000
7 Nigeria 167,371,945
8 Pakistan 140,000,000
9 Japan 121,246,700
10 Bangladesh 114,,808,000
2013-2014, Lebanese-economy-forum, World Bank data
Mobile TV
Mobile TV services
in Bangladesh
Nusrat Zahan
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
 Founded 2008
 Started operation 2010
 Founder- CEO of Citycell, Mehboob
Value added service
VAS is those services that offer verity
of services for that mobile operators
charge a fixed or premium price. It
can be non-voice service like SMS,
MMS, WLAN, GPRS, WAP, mobile
gaming and voice services like PTT,
IVR, and WDA.
Service provided companies
Company name Logo
Grameen Phone
Mission, Vision and Objective
 Mission: Each of our activities must benefit and add value
to the common wealth of our society. We firmly believe
that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the
constituents with whom we interact; namely: our
employees, our customers and our fellow citizens.
 Vision: True Services (Pvt.) Limited's vision is to become
the leader in serving a happy and loyal customer base for
the telecom partners and bring good business with
consistent mutual benefits.
 Objective: Our objective is to provide latest up to the date,
important, knowledgeable, necessary value added service
to all mobile users in Bangladesh. We want to be
recognized locally & internationally as a high quality
software service developer and marketer.
Product and Services
SMS Category:
 Point-to-Point message
Mobile terminated (MT) - Push
Mobile originated (MO) - Pull
 Point-to-Omni point (Bulk SMS)
Sends messages to predetermined cell broadcast
Product and Services
Value Added Service Category:
 SMS Base Services
 Premium Services (Binary Message Services)
 Push Pull Services (Text Base SMS Services)
 Subscription Services
 WAP/GPRS Base Services
 WAP Site enable services
 Mobile TV Services (for GP Users)
 IVR Services
 Daily News services
 Breaking News services.
 Entertainment News Services.
 Sports News Services.
 USSD Services.
 Traditional VAS products: Ring back Tone, LOGO, Wallpaper, Screen Saver, Games.
 Stock brokerage service.
Business Segments
 Service: Bandwidth management, Data network, Security
solution, network and security service
 Customer: Telco Mobile Operators
 Service: Design VAS, Process and organized contents, Deliver
content to end user
 Customer: Telco Mobile Operators
 Service: Human resource, employee rights, dealing,
marketing, management, motivation
 Customer: Inside and outside party of organization
SOWT Analysis
 Content development market is a fast growing
market because of customizing of IT development. True has
own IT development team to grab the market.
 Most personal marketing in this field and True has
excellent marketing program.
 True guarantee for consistent quality of their
 True has experienced specialists and high potential
employees to do quality full job.
 True offer customer reliable product with reasonable
service charge.
 True has excellent trouble shooter group to solve any
kind of problem related to job within shortest time.
SOWT Analysis:
 With the pressure of current services, it is hard to
differentiate the offerings.
 There is a tension of security concern when it is
cloud computer sourcing.
 Sometime poor quality services are run in market
with low cost, when clients want low cost rather than
quality work they move to other company.
 True has funding problem because it is Private
limited company.
 It started its journey just five years, so it is very
small time to be reputed.
SOWT Analysis:
 True is very loyal company to their
customer, for those customers are looking for
ongoing relationship.
 Mobile content service is a very upward
growing market. The supplement of this market
is huge so it can be said that there chances to
grow more.
 There are many unoffered services which
are designed by True technicians, at the perfect
time they will expend their services.
SOWT Analysis:
 It is a growing market so there are many
competitors like Arena, Ring offering alike services.
 Price is a very big fact. True can to compromise
with quality so some time they charge little bit higher
than other company.
 Customers now very choosy, people are using
internet in their mobile phone and they get
information from it, they are less interested to get
information as subscription basis.
Welcome to the project
 3G- Third Generation Telecommunication
3G technology established at
International Telecommunication Union group
(ITU) of standards that goes to IMT-2000. We are
enjoying through 3G,
- Global Positioning System (GPS),
- Location-based services,
- Mobile TV,
- Telemedicine,
- Video Conferencing,
- Video on demand.
 3G in Bangladesh:
At first state-run company Teletalk
lunched in 2012. Other GSP operators
lunched 3G by October 2013. Citycell
operates a nationwide third-generation
CDMA2000 network.
Mobile TV
 Mobile TV briefly defined as real-time
broadcast transmission of content to
mobile devices.
 Some people defined as video playing via
mobile devices.
 In general, mobile TV is TV watched on
smart mobile devices. It also includes paid
television service delivered trough mobile
phone networks or received free-to-air via
terrestrial television stations.
Mobile TV history:
 Sony watchman is the early example of 1982
which can be carried outside like todays
handheld TV devices.
 In 2002 Mobile TV used commercially for the
first time at South Korea. So, South Korea is the
first country in the world that has Mobile TV.
 Though Teletalk brings 3G service in Banhladesh
but at first Grameen Phone provides Mobile TV
service in Bangladesh from 2013.
Specification for providing Mobile
TV service:
 Power ingestion:
Mobile TV is a streaming service. It needs continuous
power and network service for nonstop receipt,
decoding, and display of video.
To make data streaming continuous process mobile
TV needs good memory. To run Mobile TV mobile
memory should be high.
 Mobile display size:
Big mobile screen brings the real environment of TV.
Specification for providing
Mobile TV service:
 Mobile processor:
High processor power gives the good quality
performance which is essential for watching mobile TV.
 Quality full content supplier:
To provider good mobile TV service the content
provider companys role is very important. They have
to have that much capacity to provide fluent service to
How user find the service
Two way for getting the service
1. Visit 3G entertainment WAP of
telecommunication operator and follow
the link
2. True Service provides the facility to the
users either operator link or direct
domain m.binodon24.com.
Gateway of Mobile TV service users
 Non-subscribed users gateway
 Subscribed users gateway
Non-subscribed users gateway
Subscribed users gateway
Format used for this project:
 True used DVB-H standard for the delivery of
audio and video content to mobile handheld
devices. DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting -
Handheld) is one of three dominant mobile TV
formats. DVB-H Delivers IP based services to
mobile devices.
 It is used for Mobile TV service for its feature.
Features of DVB-H
Format used for this project:
Feature DVB-H
Videoandaudioformats MPEG-4orWM9video
Transportstream IPbased
Modulation QPSK
RFbandwidth 5-8MHz
Powersavingtechnology Timeslicing
Architecture used for this service
Two architectures used for this service:
1. IP multimedia system (IMS) or 3GPP
2. Multi-media Domain 3GPP2
IP multimedia system (IMS) or
 IP multimedia system (IMS) or 3GPP:
True Services (Pvt.) Limited designed IMS
such a way that can deliver Mobile TV
service by internet protocol multimedia to
3G mobile users.
IP multimedia system (IMS) or
Multi-media Domain or 3GPP2
 Multi-media Domain or 3GPP2:
 3GPP2 is based on mobile technology
standered CDMA2000.
3GPP2 mainly works for voice calling
system. Voice call is little bit similar to
Mobile TV service because voice calling
and Mobile TV both need streaming live
video service.
True Service (Pvt.) Limited uses 3GPP2 for
video streaming system.
Multi-media Domain or 3GPP2
Channel frequency available in
Mobile TV service
 Channel I
 ATN Bangla news
 Desh. TV
 TEN Sports
 BBC Bangladesh etc.
Advantage of this service
Portability or handy is the main feature of development of
mobile TV.
 Full digital:
Mobile TV is digitally capable to catch digital broadcast
without any antenna. mobile TV catch digital signals.
 High bride technology market:
3G is new in Bangladesh. Mobile TV service is also very new
comer. Content provider market has good potentiality to
increase their market.
 Continuous technological improvement:
technologists are trying to improve mobile TV conteniously.
now there are many applications to play mobile TV based
on android, ios etc. operating system.
If anyone wants to launch this Mobile TV project he
has to follow some requirements that need to be
met by mobile networks and mobile devices.
Requirements for Mobile network:
1. Protocols:
Mobile networks should be able to establish video
streaming. major requirement of protocol is video
2. Encoding:
The network must have standers for encoding of
video and audio defined for different applications.
 Data transfer:
The network must be that much efficient that can provide any
significant transmission of streaming video and 3G networks
are needed to provide satisfactory services.
Requirements for Mobile devices:
 3G Mobile Internet:
The device must have 3G internet. To get the service user has
to on online.
 Good video and audio quality:
There are many smart phone devices. All have good quality
audio and video system it is no true. User has to grab good
one that can support fluent data streaming.
To fulfill customers satisfaction, maintaining quality of all
these media is very important. For mobile TV customer
pay for every second, so they should get excellent quality
 Minimum bandwidth:
The format and system should be designed such a way
that make sure the minimum use of bandwidth.
Mobile TV provides multimedia contents to the users by
wireless communication. If it contains with personalized
recommendation system, it may allow the users to easily
select the contents that they want to access.

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Implimenting Mobile TV Services in BD

  • 1. Rank Country Users number 1 China 1,349,585,836 2 India 1,220,800,359 3 United States 317,874,628 4 Brazil 273,583,000 5 Russia 256,116,000 6 Indonesia 236,800,000 7 Nigeria 167,371,945 8 Pakistan 140,000,000 9 Japan 121,246,700 10 Bangladesh 114,,808,000 2013-2014, Lebanese-economy-forum, World Bank data
  • 4. Nusrat Zahan 10104172 BRAC Business School BRAC University
  • 5. Founded 2008 Started operation 2010 Founder- CEO of Citycell, Mehboob Chowdhury
  • 6. Value added service VAS is those services that offer verity of services for that mobile operators charge a fixed or premium price. It can be non-voice service like SMS, MMS, WLAN, GPRS, WAP, mobile gaming and voice services like PTT, IVR, and WDA.
  • 7. Service provided companies Company name Logo Grameen Phone Robi Banglalink Citycell Airtel
  • 8. Mission, Vision and Objective Mission: Each of our activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth of our society. We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact; namely: our employees, our customers and our fellow citizens. Vision: True Services (Pvt.) Limited's vision is to become the leader in serving a happy and loyal customer base for the telecom partners and bring good business with consistent mutual benefits. Objective: Our objective is to provide latest up to the date, important, knowledgeable, necessary value added service to all mobile users in Bangladesh. We want to be recognized locally & internationally as a high quality software service developer and marketer.
  • 9. Product and Services SMS Category: Point-to-Point message Mobile terminated (MT) - Push Mobile originated (MO) - Pull Point-to-Omni point (Bulk SMS) Sends messages to predetermined cell broadcast areas
  • 10. Product and Services Value Added Service Category: SMS Base Services Premium Services (Binary Message Services) Push Pull Services (Text Base SMS Services) MO. Subscription Services MT. WAP/GPRS Base Services WAP Site enable services Mobile TV Services (for GP Users) IVR Services Daily News services Breaking News services. Entertainment News Services. Sports News Services. USSD Services. Traditional VAS products: Ring back Tone, LOGO, Wallpaper, Screen Saver, Games. Stock brokerage service. CRM
  • 11. Business Segments IT Service: Bandwidth management, Data network, Security solution, network and security service Customer: Telco Mobile Operators Business Developm ent Service: Design VAS, Process and organized contents, Deliver content to end user Customer: Telco Mobile Operators Corporat e Service: Human resource, employee rights, dealing, marketing, management, motivation Customer: Inside and outside party of organization
  • 12. SOWT Analysis Strength: Content development market is a fast growing market because of customizing of IT development. True has own IT development team to grab the market. Most personal marketing in this field and True has excellent marketing program. True guarantee for consistent quality of their services. True has experienced specialists and high potential employees to do quality full job. True offer customer reliable product with reasonable service charge. True has excellent trouble shooter group to solve any kind of problem related to job within shortest time.
  • 13. SOWT Analysis: Weakness: With the pressure of current services, it is hard to differentiate the offerings. There is a tension of security concern when it is cloud computer sourcing. Sometime poor quality services are run in market with low cost, when clients want low cost rather than quality work they move to other company. True has funding problem because it is Private limited company. It started its journey just five years, so it is very small time to be reputed.
  • 14. SOWT Analysis: Opportunities: True is very loyal company to their customer, for those customers are looking for ongoing relationship. Mobile content service is a very upward growing market. The supplement of this market is huge so it can be said that there chances to grow more. There are many unoffered services which are designed by True technicians, at the perfect time they will expend their services.
  • 15. SOWT Analysis: Threats: It is a growing market so there are many competitors like Arena, Ring offering alike services. Price is a very big fact. True can to compromise with quality so some time they charge little bit higher than other company. Customers now very choosy, people are using internet in their mobile phone and they get information from it, they are less interested to get information as subscription basis.
  • 16. Welcome to the project 3G- Third Generation Telecommunication Technology: 3G technology established at International Telecommunication Union group (ITU) of standards that goes to IMT-2000. We are enjoying through 3G, - Global Positioning System (GPS), - Location-based services, - Mobile TV, - Telemedicine, - Video Conferencing, - Video on demand.
  • 17. 3G in Bangladesh: At first state-run company Teletalk lunched in 2012. Other GSP operators lunched 3G by October 2013. Citycell operates a nationwide third-generation CDMA2000 network.
  • 18. Mobile TV Mobile TV briefly defined as real-time broadcast transmission of content to mobile devices. Some people defined as video playing via mobile devices. In general, mobile TV is TV watched on smart mobile devices. It also includes paid television service delivered trough mobile phone networks or received free-to-air via terrestrial television stations.
  • 19. Mobile TV history: Sony watchman is the early example of 1982 which can be carried outside like todays handheld TV devices. In 2002 Mobile TV used commercially for the first time at South Korea. So, South Korea is the first country in the world that has Mobile TV. Though Teletalk brings 3G service in Banhladesh but at first Grameen Phone provides Mobile TV service in Bangladesh from 2013.
  • 20. Specification for providing Mobile TV service: Power ingestion: Mobile TV is a streaming service. It needs continuous power and network service for nonstop receipt, decoding, and display of video. Remembrance: To make data streaming continuous process mobile TV needs good memory. To run Mobile TV mobile memory should be high. Mobile display size: Big mobile screen brings the real environment of TV.
  • 21. Specification for providing Mobile TV service: Mobile processor: High processor power gives the good quality performance which is essential for watching mobile TV. Quality full content supplier: To provider good mobile TV service the content provider companys role is very important. They have to have that much capacity to provide fluent service to customers.
  • 22. How user find the service Two way for getting the service 1. Visit 3G entertainment WAP of telecommunication operator and follow the link 2. True Service provides the facility to the users either operator link or direct domain m.binodon24.com.
  • 23. Gateway of Mobile TV service users Non-subscribed users gateway Subscribed users gateway
  • 26. Format used for this project: True used DVB-H standard for the delivery of audio and video content to mobile handheld devices. DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld) is one of three dominant mobile TV formats. DVB-H Delivers IP based services to mobile devices. It is used for Mobile TV service for its feature. Features of DVB-H
  • 27. Format used for this project: Feature DVB-H Videoandaudioformats MPEG-4orWM9video AACorWMaudio Transportstream IPbased Modulation QPSK RFbandwidth 5-8MHz Powersavingtechnology Timeslicing
  • 28. Architecture used for this service network Two architectures used for this service: 1. IP multimedia system (IMS) or 3GPP 2. Multi-media Domain 3GPP2
  • 29. IP multimedia system (IMS) or 3GPP IP multimedia system (IMS) or 3GPP: True Services (Pvt.) Limited designed IMS such a way that can deliver Mobile TV service by internet protocol multimedia to 3G mobile users.
  • 30. IP multimedia system (IMS) or 3GPP
  • 31. Multi-media Domain or 3GPP2 Multi-media Domain or 3GPP2: 3GPP2 is based on mobile technology standered CDMA2000. 3GPP2 mainly works for voice calling system. Voice call is little bit similar to Mobile TV service because voice calling and Mobile TV both need streaming live video service. True Service (Pvt.) Limited uses 3GPP2 for video streaming system.
  • 33. Channel frequency available in Mobile TV service Channel I ATN Bangla news Desh. TV RTV Shomoy ESPN TEN Sports CNN BBC Bangladesh etc.
  • 34. Advantage of this service Handy: Portability or handy is the main feature of development of mobile TV. Full digital: Mobile TV is digitally capable to catch digital broadcast without any antenna. mobile TV catch digital signals. High bride technology market: 3G is new in Bangladesh. Mobile TV service is also very new comer. Content provider market has good potentiality to increase their market. Continuous technological improvement: technologists are trying to improve mobile TV conteniously. now there are many applications to play mobile TV based on android, ios etc. operating system.
  • 35. Findings: If anyone wants to launch this Mobile TV project he has to follow some requirements that need to be met by mobile networks and mobile devices. Requirements for Mobile network: 1. Protocols: Mobile networks should be able to establish video streaming. major requirement of protocol is video streaming. 2. Encoding: The network must have standers for encoding of video and audio defined for different applications.
  • 36. Findings: Data transfer: The network must be that much efficient that can provide any significant transmission of streaming video and 3G networks are needed to provide satisfactory services. Requirements for Mobile devices: 3G Mobile Internet: The device must have 3G internet. To get the service user has to on online. Good video and audio quality: There are many smart phone devices. All have good quality audio and video system it is no true. User has to grab good one that can support fluent data streaming.
  • 37. Recommendation: Quality: To fulfill customers satisfaction, maintaining quality of all these media is very important. For mobile TV customer pay for every second, so they should get excellent quality content. Minimum bandwidth: The format and system should be designed such a way that make sure the minimum use of bandwidth. Personalized: Mobile TV provides multimedia contents to the users by wireless communication. If it contains with personalized recommendation system, it may allow the users to easily select the contents that they want to access.