This document discusses the importance of communication and education. It defines communication as the exchange of information between two or more parties, and identifies different types of communication including verbal, written, oral, nonverbal, and visual. It also discusses barriers to effective communication. The document emphasizes the importance of education in developing skills and knowledge to transfer between generations. It argues that Pakistan needs to improve its education system by moving away from rote memorization and encouraging practical work and research to give students better career prospects and build a brighter future.
4. As everyone knows that communication is
very important to understand each other, to
exchange Ideas, and to express your
thoughts. Communication plays a vital role in
the success of everyone life. So first of all we
should know the perfect meaning of
5. Communication is means that in
which we exchange and share
information and ideas between
two or more person. Basically
Communication is process in
which there are two parties are
involved first is sender and
second is receiver of a message.
But according to us
Communication is writing,
talking, a device, and sign
7. Communication skill is the art of sharing
information, knowledge and ideas from one
person to another person effectively. It is
very helpful in all fields of life such as in
business, person life and while applying a
8. Verbal communication
Written communication
Oral communication
Nonverbal communication
Visual communication
9. Verbal communication is that in which we
share information between individuals
through using speech. Verbal communication
has spoken words, expression and tone of
voice. In verbal communication we are asking
question to each other, giving positive
reinforcement, redirecting question and then
giving feedback, and Summarizing.
10. Written communication involves an
interaction in which words are written. In
which two or more person are involves. In
any business written communication is very
important in touch with the employees and
employees with the owner to solve the
problem that they are facing.
11. Oral communication is the process of verbally
transmitting information and ideas from one
individual or group to another. Oral
communication can be either Formal or
12. We communicate nonverbally through the use
of our Tone, Eyes, Facial expression, Touch,
Silence, Gestures, Smell, Postures, Body
moments, Sounds, and with appearance.
13. Any image that is used to communicate an
idea whether its sign, poster, drawing,
photography or television advertisements.
These all are known as visual
14. Poor listening
Emotional barrier
Muddled message
Cultural barrier
Physical barrier
Language barrier
17. Education is basically the process of knowledge and
skills in the society which are transfer from one
place to the next. In Pakistan education system is
not good but now days its improving. We should
provide the quality of education to our children for
their better future. There are some things to think
Goal of education is to motivate people to learn
more. And how to achieve the goal. Good education
makes every person to think rationally. Because of
education we can be some good speaker as well as
a good reader. And with the help of education we
can also know how to convey our message. It
should be clear and worthfull for the receiver.
Education is the only think that can change our life
style, with the help of education we can reach our
peak point in the near future.
18. In Pakistan education is the matter of life and
death. The world is progressing so sharply,
because they are advance in education. So we
have to improve our self in the education sector.
In Pakistan students does not know what to do
next in his life so he goes to indirect path and
fails in life.
Govt. has to take specific steps to end cramming
system in education from govt. as well as private
sector and implement system of practical work.
Every student can get more knowledge by doing
research on a topic or project. Ratta system
should be end from Pakistan because in Ratta
system student have memorized for a short time
but not for long.
Govt. should hire those teachers who are skilled
with the International teaching standard so they
can give better future for Pakistan.
19. To be concluding that education is very
necessary for everyone to make their life
effective and good. If you are an educated
then the society will follow you. And you can
make a good image in the front of any one
easily with the help of education. Education
brings closer the society to build a new and
bright future.