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Imports of Pakistan by Bilal Khan Durrani
Import: Bring (goods or services) into a country from
abroad for sale.
Imports of Pakistan by Bilal Khan Durrani
ï‚ž Machinery - $16.8 million (Germany, Thailand,
ï‚ž Petroleum - $10.7 billion (Saudia Arab, Singapore)
ï‚ž Chemicals - $48.2 million (Russia)
ï‚ž Vehicles & parts - $45.7 million (Japan, Indonesia)
ï‚ž Fertilizers - $19.7 million (Russia & Australia)
ï‚ž Paper: $15.4 million (Australia)
ï‚ž Rubber: $1.5 million (Russia)
ï‚ž Clocks and watches: $10.6 million (Switzerland)
ï‚ž Ships, boats: $88 million (Singapore)
ï‚ž Pharmaceuticals: $14 million (Austria)
Imports of Pakistan by Bilal Khan Durrani
ï‚ž Pakistan spent $735 million on arms imports
in 2015.
ï‚ž 10th largest arms importer.
ï‚ž Cell phones imports reach $433.276 million in
Pakistan according to the Pakistan Bureau of
Statistics (PBS)
Imports of Pakistan by Bilal Khan Durrani

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Imports of Pakistan by Bilal Khan Durrani

  • 2. Import: Bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.
  • 4. ï‚ž Machinery - $16.8 million (Germany, Thailand, Sweden) ï‚ž Petroleum - $10.7 billion (Saudia Arab, Singapore) ï‚ž Chemicals - $48.2 million (Russia) ï‚ž Vehicles & parts - $45.7 million (Japan, Indonesia) ï‚ž Fertilizers - $19.7 million (Russia & Australia) ï‚ž Paper: $15.4 million (Australia) ï‚ž Rubber: $1.5 million (Russia) ï‚ž Clocks and watches: $10.6 million (Switzerland) ï‚ž Ships, boats: $88 million (Singapore) ï‚ž Pharmaceuticals: $14 million (Austria) etc
  • 6. ï‚ž Pakistan spent $735 million on arms imports in 2015. ï‚ž 10th largest arms importer.
  • 7. ï‚ž Cell phones imports reach $433.276 million in Pakistan according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)

Editor's Notes

  1. Source: https://www.google.com.pk/imgres?imgurl=http://i1.tribune.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/290769-Importphotofile-1321087335-307-640x480.JPG&imgrefurl=http://tribune.com.pk/story/290769/pakistan-allows-more-imports-from-india-as-ties-improve/&h=480&w=640&tbnid=of1MYjwySNCYfM:&docid=fq1O0-OeYKqySM&ei=T1_TVo-8GIL_ugSa34DQDg&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjPn8XIrJvLAhWCv44KHZovAOoQMwh7KFYwVg
  2. http://e36261ef1f37a9aa564c-183246622d51cc66cab6f7d435863a72.r86.cf5.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/wagha-border-660x330.jpg?a1f070