The document provides tips for impressing at a job interview in 5 steps: 1) Research the company thoroughly beforehand; 2) Prepare for potential questions and have examples ready; 3) Make a positive first impression with your appearance, punctuality, and enthusiasm; 4) Give full, well-thought out answers to questions and ask questions yourself; 5) Follow up after the interview with a thank you email reaffirming your interest to help secure the job offer. Following these steps can help stand out against other candidates at the interview.
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1. H
to prove that
you want the job
London I Manchester I Birmingham I Leeds I Keele
2. Your time to shine
If youve got through to the interview stage, youve caught the recruiters interest. Your interview is the only chance
youll have to keep it. This is your time to shine you need to prove that you want the job, that you can do it, and that
youll 鍖t in with the company culture.
Though it can be daunting, there are simple steps you can take to make sure that you impress.
Impressing at the
London I Manchester I Birmingham I Leeds I Keele
3. The recruiter wants to see not only that youre up for the
job, but also that youre enthusiastic about the prospect of
it. They want you to show talent, ambition, and initiative. As
part of this, they will expect you to have spent time resear-
ching the company.
Your 鍖rst port of call should be to visit the website and 鍖nd
out as much as you can about the company, what it does
and what it stands for. Youll then need to search for any
press releases or articles to 鍖nd about the companys
recent news and achievements.
Check out the companys social media channels to 鍖nd
out more about their voice and interaction with the public.
Above all else, get a feel for the companys culture and
demonstrate the values that they prize in the interview.
London I Manchester I Birmingham I Leeds I Keele
4. London I Manchester I Birmingham I Leeds I Keele
You need to go in to your interview con鍖dent, collected and well prepared. Before the interview, spend time
thinking about potential questions and answers, points you really want to emphasise and the kind of impression
you want to make. Figure out your strengths and think about how you can address your weaknesses.
Think about usable examples of when youve gone above and beyond in the workplace and exceeded your
targets. Have an elevator speech ready as an introduction to who you are and what you can do. Plan out the
questions you want to ask and do a little LinkedIn digging about your interviewer. We all know how it goes: fail
to prepare, prepare to fail.
2. Preparation
5. 3. First impressions
Never underestimate the importance of 鍖rst impressions.
Like it or not, youll be judged as soon as the recruiter sets
eyes on you. Make sure its a positive judgement.
Arrive ten minutes before the interview. Have your refe-
rences/work samples with you in good condition in a folder.
Dress in smart, professional business clothes. Smile, make
eye contact, and give a 鍖rm handshake. Be enthusiastic,
positive and assertive. Be likeable. You dont want to give
the recruiter an easy opportunity not to hire you - make
sure you make a great impression.
O V E R 3 3 % O F I N T E R V I E W E R S M A K E T H E I R M I N D U P I N T H E F I R S T 9 0 S E C O N D S
London I Manchester I Birmingham I Leeds I Keele
4. Questions and answers
The question and answer session is the make or break part of the interview. If you dont perform well, the job will go to
the person that does. Let the interviewer lead the session but make sure your answers are full, well-thought out and
responsive. NEVER give a yes or no answer. Remember that you can ask questions throughout, not just at the end
of the interview.
Nobody wants to work with someone who comes across as dull, shy or unengaging. At the same time, nobody wants to
work with a cocky know-it-all. Strike up a good balance between being friendly and formal, give examples of your skills
without boasting and dont be afraid to let your personality shine through. Always remember that skills can be learnt and
you will ultimately be hired on your culture 鍖t and mind-set show the recruiter who you are and just what you can do!
6. 5. Close the deal
London I Manchester I Birmingham I Leeds I Keele
Remember that youre being considered against other
candidates and will need to go that extra mile to impress.
The recruiter wont stop their consideration straight after
the interview so make sure you stay in their mind.
This doesnt mean bombarding the company with anno-
ying calls and emails every day. After the interview, just
send the interviewer a quick email as that 鍖nal touch.
Show appreciation for their time, reaffirm your enthu-
siasm and interest in the job and then wait to hear back.
It really could make all the difference in closing the deal.
The candidate who wows at the interview is the one who
will get the job. Follow these 鍖ve steps and make sure you
dont fall at the 鍖rst hurdle.
Show appreciation
for their time,
reaffirm your
enthusiasm and
interest in the job