We Are Social's comprehensive new Digital in 2016 report presents internet, social media, and mobile usage statistics and trends from all over the world. It contains more than 500 infographics, including global data snapshots, regional overviews, and in-depth profiles of the digital landscapes in 30 of the world's key economies. For a more insightful analysis of the numbers contained in this report, please visit http://bit.ly/DSM2016ES.
The document provides instructions for creating a forest plot in R to display results from multiple randomized controlled trials. It explains that a forest plot is useful for meta-analyses to show outcome data from several RCTs studies that have been entered into R as separate matrices and combined into a list. The code examples demonstrate how to define the matrices for each trial's data and compile them into a list for analysis and visualization in a forest plot.
This document summarizes the results of a survey conducted in Belgium as part of a larger study on socio-cultural attitudes of Muslims in Western Europe. Over 1,100 Belgian residents were surveyed, including samples from the ethnic majority and groups of Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani, and Ex-Yugoslavian background. The survey examined attitudes on issues like the portrayal of Islam in public debates and the importance of cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims during times of crisis. Detailed response rates and demographic information is provided for each sample group. Additional results from the larger study can be found in cited journal articles and project websites.
This document summarizes a presentation on learner experience design. It discusses conducting user research through methods like interviews, empathy mapping and personas to understand learner needs. Journey mapping is presented as a way to map out the learner journey and identify pain points. Prototyping solutions through sketching and storyboarding allows iterating designs based on feedback. Experience design is framed as taking a learner-centered approach to orchestrating the overall experience across an organization through collaboration between different teams. The goal is to adopt practices that improve the experience at all levels of an educational system or program.
Este documento discute la importancia de la educacin para formar individuos que sirvan a la sociedad y desarrollen valores como la dignidad humana, la fraternidad y el respeto a las diferencias. Argumenta que la educacin debe preparar al hombre para vivir en plenitud y tener una relacin creadora con los dems y la naturaleza. Tambin resalta el papel del maestro en guiar a los estudiantes hacia un cambio de actitud que se refleje a nivel social.
En 3 oraciones o menos:
Piedad Crdoba argumenta en la carta que el proceso contra Dilma Rousseff en Brasil es un golpe de estado orquestado por polticos corruptos y grupos de ultraderecha, ya que Dilma no es culpable de los cargos en su contra y su destitucin busca privatizar la empresa estatal Petrobras para beneficiar intereses econmicos. Tambin se?ala que muchos de los que votaron para destituirla tienen denuncias de corrupcin peores y que hay motivaciones religiosas y militaristas de
Time 2 Live Entertainment is an Independent Entertainment Promotional Company, focused on providing full service promotional, marketing, and advertising services to Independent Artist. At Time 2 Live Ent. their main objective and intent is Independent Artist promotion, recognition, accomplishments - ultimately generating their success. For More on the services Time 2 Live Entertainment you can like Time 2 Live Ent on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TTLEntertainment, or by following @TIME2LIVEENT on Twitter.
Going Big : Why Companies Need to Focus on Operational Analytics Capgemini
Over 70% of organizations surveyed now focus more on operational analytics than customer analytics. While operational analytics offers large potential benefits, few organizations are realizing that potential. Only 18% of organizations have extensively integrated operational analytics across business processes and achieved desired objectives, termed "Game Changers". Game Changers have a robust data strategy including integrated datasets, use of external and unstructured data, and high utilization of operations data. They have made analytics essential to operational decision making.
In this update of his past presentations on Mobile Eating the World -- delivered most recently at The Guardian's Changing Media Summit -- a16zs Benedict Evans takes us through how technology is universal through mobile. How mobile is not a subset of the internet anymore. And how mobile (and accompanying trends of cloud and AI) is also driving new productivity tools.
In fact, mobile -- which encompasses everything from drones to cars -- is everything.
The price of crude plunged more than 50 percent in late 2014, an event whose ripple effects are still being felt in the global petroleum industry and on Wall Street. Before the crash, most forecasters had assumed that oil would stay above $100 per barrel for the indefinite future. In fact, a combination of technological disruption and political pressures left the price of the world's most important commodity vulnerable to sudden collapse. Are the current low prices just a blip, or have we entered a new weaker price regime for oil? And how might a better understanding of the deeply complex underpinnings of energy markets have helped experts make better predictions?
Cont Aran acta como un Mdulo Universal para toda clase de empresa, con el propsito de captar la informacin relevante al trabajo de las declaraciones de IVA y de Contabilidad, dando resultados inmediatos en un archivo sencillo, ligero y de fcil manejo.
Este documento presenta la agenda de un evento literario que tendr lugar el 23 de abril en Barcelona. La agenda incluye los nombres de varios autores y sus obras literarias o temas que sern presentados en diferentes horarios entre las 10 de la ma?ana y las 20 horas. Algunos autores como Angelique Pfitzner y Daniel el Rojo aparecen listados en ms de una sesin. La agenda parece indicar la presencia de obras de gneros como el crimen, la novela negra y la literatura de misterio.
Software Defined Networking from IBM_Next Generation Network Agility_ White P...Kanishka Ramyar
Software defined networking from IBM_next generation network agility. Please contact me at kramyar@us.ibm.com for Ask the Expert session for software defined networking
1) A $5 pasta special is offered with your choice of pasta with veggies and meatballs or grilled chicken and a water bottle.
2) Permission forms for a Broadway musical in Toronto on April 27 are due back to Ms. Geier on Monday.
3) Volunteer drivers are needed to transport students to work placements and must complete paperwork including a criminal background check.
Alpha Business
Financa Juaj eshte e Sigurt me Alpha Business
? Instalim program
? Importim nga Excel ne Program
? Konfigurim i programit per biznesin tuaj
? Trajnim per stafe
? Asistence
? Kontrate vjetore per mirembajtje
Programi kompjuterik me cilesor dhe lehtesisht i perdorshem per administrim financiar dhe kontabel te kompanise. Finance, Kontabilitet, Inventari, Shitjet-Blerjet, Pagesat e Faturave, Arka-Banka, Import-Eksport, Listepagesat, Prodhimi, te gjitha raportat zyrtare tatimore. Azhornim ne kohe me ndryshimet ligjore. P?rshtatje dhe fleksibilitet p?r cdo sugjerim t? klientit.I vetmi me funksionalitet Online.I njohur dhe i certifikuar si program origjinal nga Sun Microsystems,USA
LogiPOS ?sht? gjenerata e re e zgjidhjeve p?r Pikat e Shitjes, e cila u ofron mund?si kompanive t? manaxhojn? shitjes n? m?nyr? t? thjesht? n?p?rmjet programit. LogiPOS ?sht? dizenjuar p?r tju adresuar nevojave t? sotme t? biznesit, me q?llim p?r t? ndihmuar kompanit?, t? ?do lloj madh?sie p?r t? manaxhuar jo vet?m parat? e tyre por edhe funksionalitete t? ve?anta q? lidhen me pro?esin e shitjes.
Time 2 Live Entertainment is an Independent Entertainment Promotional Company, focused on providing full service promotional, marketing, and advertising services to Independent Artist. At Time 2 Live Ent. their main objective and intent is Independent Artist promotion, recognition, accomplishments - ultimately generating their success. For More on the services Time 2 Live Entertainment you can like Time 2 Live Ent on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TTLEntertainment, or by following @TIME2LIVEENT on Twitter.
Going Big : Why Companies Need to Focus on Operational Analytics Capgemini
Over 70% of organizations surveyed now focus more on operational analytics than customer analytics. While operational analytics offers large potential benefits, few organizations are realizing that potential. Only 18% of organizations have extensively integrated operational analytics across business processes and achieved desired objectives, termed "Game Changers". Game Changers have a robust data strategy including integrated datasets, use of external and unstructured data, and high utilization of operations data. They have made analytics essential to operational decision making.
In this update of his past presentations on Mobile Eating the World -- delivered most recently at The Guardian's Changing Media Summit -- a16zs Benedict Evans takes us through how technology is universal through mobile. How mobile is not a subset of the internet anymore. And how mobile (and accompanying trends of cloud and AI) is also driving new productivity tools.
In fact, mobile -- which encompasses everything from drones to cars -- is everything.
The price of crude plunged more than 50 percent in late 2014, an event whose ripple effects are still being felt in the global petroleum industry and on Wall Street. Before the crash, most forecasters had assumed that oil would stay above $100 per barrel for the indefinite future. In fact, a combination of technological disruption and political pressures left the price of the world's most important commodity vulnerable to sudden collapse. Are the current low prices just a blip, or have we entered a new weaker price regime for oil? And how might a better understanding of the deeply complex underpinnings of energy markets have helped experts make better predictions?
Cont Aran acta como un Mdulo Universal para toda clase de empresa, con el propsito de captar la informacin relevante al trabajo de las declaraciones de IVA y de Contabilidad, dando resultados inmediatos en un archivo sencillo, ligero y de fcil manejo.
Este documento presenta la agenda de un evento literario que tendr lugar el 23 de abril en Barcelona. La agenda incluye los nombres de varios autores y sus obras literarias o temas que sern presentados en diferentes horarios entre las 10 de la ma?ana y las 20 horas. Algunos autores como Angelique Pfitzner y Daniel el Rojo aparecen listados en ms de una sesin. La agenda parece indicar la presencia de obras de gneros como el crimen, la novela negra y la literatura de misterio.
Software Defined Networking from IBM_Next Generation Network Agility_ White P...Kanishka Ramyar
Software defined networking from IBM_next generation network agility. Please contact me at kramyar@us.ibm.com for Ask the Expert session for software defined networking
1) A $5 pasta special is offered with your choice of pasta with veggies and meatballs or grilled chicken and a water bottle.
2) Permission forms for a Broadway musical in Toronto on April 27 are due back to Ms. Geier on Monday.
3) Volunteer drivers are needed to transport students to work placements and must complete paperwork including a criminal background check.
Alpha Business
Financa Juaj eshte e Sigurt me Alpha Business
? Instalim program
? Importim nga Excel ne Program
? Konfigurim i programit per biznesin tuaj
? Trajnim per stafe
? Asistence
? Kontrate vjetore per mirembajtje
Programi kompjuterik me cilesor dhe lehtesisht i perdorshem per administrim financiar dhe kontabel te kompanise. Finance, Kontabilitet, Inventari, Shitjet-Blerjet, Pagesat e Faturave, Arka-Banka, Import-Eksport, Listepagesat, Prodhimi, te gjitha raportat zyrtare tatimore. Azhornim ne kohe me ndryshimet ligjore. P?rshtatje dhe fleksibilitet p?r cdo sugjerim t? klientit.I vetmi me funksionalitet Online.I njohur dhe i certifikuar si program origjinal nga Sun Microsystems,USA
LogiPOS ?sht? gjenerata e re e zgjidhjeve p?r Pikat e Shitjes, e cila u ofron mund?si kompanive t? manaxhojn? shitjes n? m?nyr? t? thjesht? n?p?rmjet programit. LogiPOS ?sht? dizenjuar p?r tju adresuar nevojave t? sotme t? biznesit, me q?llim p?r t? ndihmuar kompanit?, t? ?do lloj madh?sie p?r t? manaxhuar jo vet?m parat? e tyre por edhe funksionalitete t? ve?anta q? lidhen me pro?esin e shitjes.
LogiFLEX ?sht? nj? program i konceptuar p?r automatizimin e pun?ve n? terren p?r industri si: shitja me pakic?, distribucioni, shitja me shumic? etj.
LogiFLEX operon n? nj? infrastruktur? klient-server q? lidhet me sistemet financiare ose ERP dhe mund t? shkembej? t? dh?na n? koh? reale ose t? punoj? offline dhe ti p?rpunoj? m? pas t? dh?nat.
LogiFLEX funksionon si katalizator duke zgjeruar funksionalitetet e sistemeve ERP, CRM dhe WMS.
Profil Communication Progress | Kompani ne tregun e Teknologjise se Informacionit dhe Komunikimit (TIK). Integratore dhe zhvilluese software | Zgjidhje per infrastruktura IT, Komunikim, Software dhe produkte e platforma edukative.
Teknologjia m? e re e disqeve solid? me nande, me nd?rfaqe PCI-express p?r nj? gjer?si transmetimi t? lart? t? t? dh?nave, me shpejt?si deri n? 2.8GB/s n? lexim dhe 1.5GB/s n? shkrim, madh?si fizike e p?rshtatur p?r laptop, mini-pc, micro server-a, thinclient dhe workstations me adaptor p?rshtat?s p?r bus PCI-e.
Produkte "Software": Paketa e zgjidhjeve SharePoint, mund?suar nga Communication Progress | Kjo paket? mund?son, midis t? tjerash, krijimin e nj? Sistemi p?r Menaxhimin e Kontentit (CMS) t? nj? sip?rmarrjeje | P?rshtatjen e metodave moderne p?r Menaxhimin e
Dokumentacionit (DM) dhe integrim me sisteme t? arkivimit
elektronik (e-Archive) | Trajtimin e proceseve komplekse dhe nd?r-departamentale, etj. Informohu: +355664074040 | marketing@commprog.com |
Zgjidhje inovative dhe mjaft e thjesht? nga IMPRO| P?r t? qend?rzuar dhe menaxhuar leht?sisht ID-t? e vizitor?ve n? institucionin tuaj! | Sistem i qend?rzuar skanimi ID (Pasaport?, Patent?, Kart? Identiteti)
Software per menaxhim te proceseceve te punes ne fushen e transportit: Menaxhimi i Transportit (Cikli i Ofertave Transport Tokesor, Magazine, Ajror); Cikli i Praktikes; Administrimi i Blerjeve; Menaxhimi i Magazines (doganore + te thjeshte); Menaxhimi i Burimeve Njerezore; Administrimi i Flotes se Mjeteve | Kontakt: +355664074040
Supermicro has developed a new 1U server called the SYS-1028GQ-TRT that can support up to four GPUs or Intel Xeon Phi accelerators, dual CPUs, and redundant high-efficiency power supplies. This high-density server offers superior performance, density, and efficiency for supercomputing applications. Compared to a competing Dell server, the Supermicro solution provides better signal integrity, airflow and lower power consumption without extra components like re-drivers or cables. It also supports higher ambient temperatures and more drive bays. Supermicro offers a wide range of supercomputing server solutions from 1U to larger blade and rackmount systems to meet any scale of computing needs.
The NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU accelerator delivers significantly faster performance than CPUs and previous GPU models for demanding workloads. It features two GPUs with up to 2.91 TFLOPS double precision and 8.74 TFLOPS single precision performance each, 24GB of total memory, and other advanced capabilities. Benchmark results show the K80 providing up to 2.2x faster performance than the Tesla K20X, up to 2.5x faster than the Tesla K10, and up to 10x faster than CPUs for real-world applications in scientific computing, data analytics, and other fields.
Software Development Outsourcing Profile -Communication Progress Ltd (1998)Communication Progress
Benefits of Software Outsourcing to Albania! Help your business' growth and trust in Communication Progress Ltd competences with 18 years experience. Contact us now at cp@commprog.com or visit www.commprog.com to get a customized offer!
The document provides an overview of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) model for software development processes. It describes CMMI as a process improvement model that was developed by the Software Engineering Institute to help organizations improve their software development processes. The document focuses on the software design process as defined by CMMI. It outlines the goal of the software design process, which is to design the software and its components. It also describes some of the key practices and outputs of the software design process according to CMMI, such as establishing design criteria, identifying a design method, optimizing the design, and gathering design elements into a technical data package.
Gentian Likaj is the founder and CEO of Communication Progress. He started his carrier in 1995 as a software expert in Alcatel Italy for Central Offices exchanges. He developed his technical skills during the preparation of software package and database for the Albanian telecommunication network. Gentian together with two other system engineers colleagues established in 1998 the company Communication Progress, staffed it with the best available professional staff, capable of developing, and implementing demanding networking, software applications and high technology projects. Gentian has led many projects, initiated a number of national programs and formed numerous partnerships in the Balkans. As such, Communication Progress has developed partnership relations with many of the worlds leading technology companies such as Alcatel-Lucent, Iskratel, Nokia Siemens Networks, Microsoft, Promethean, Supermicro, Polycom, Optoma, Transition Networks, Fortinet, OpenERP (Odoo) and many others. The company has continuously broadened its service portfolio in the data and private branch exchange networks. Today, Communication Progress has over 40 employees, where over 30 are engineers and software developers. Mr. Likaj holds a Bachelor degree in Telecommunications, and counts numerous professional certificates on data networks, managed networks, telecommunication networks, applications and business management. - See more at: http://startupgrind.com/event/startup-grind-tirana-presents-gentian-likaj-communication-progress/#sthash.rnzwBZn6.dpuf
2. IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare2
IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare ?sht? nj? aplikacion
intuitiv dhe gjith?p?rfshir?s, i cili leht?son menaxhimin
e klient?ve, transaksioneve, riskut dhe portofolit tuaj,
n? koh? reale, n? nj? databas? t? qend?rzuar, ?sht? i
aksesuesh?m n?p?rmjet web-it, kudo dhe kurdo.
? Aksesohet nga stafi n? zyr?, deg?, dhe nga agjent?t n? terren.
? Optimizon duksh?m rrjedh?n e operacioneve.
? Ul koh?n e procesimit t? transaksioneve.
? Suporton shum? valuta, shum? gjuh?.
? P?rmbush k?rkesat e auditit dhe rregullator?ve.
? P?rshtatet leht?sisht p?r k?rkesa specifike.
? K?rkon investime t? arsyeshme n? infrastruktur? IT.
? ?sht? zgjedhja e shum? institucioneve financiare
n? Shqip?ri.
3. 3
? CRM C Menaxhim i marr?dh?nieve me klientin.
? Llogari rrjedh?se, depozita me afat dhe pa afat.
? Administrimi i kredis?, nga aplikimi n? maturim.
? Katalog fleksib?l produktesh dhe ofertash.
? P?rllogaritje t? automatizuara.
? Kontabilizim i integruar.
? Raporte tabelare dhe grafike.
? Administrim i sigurt? i p?rdoruesve, t? drejtave dhe log-eve t? veprimeve.
Shum? module p?r t? mb?shtetur
objektivat e ?do institucioni...
4. IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare4
Informacioni i plot? dhe i sakt? p?r klientin q?ndron n? thelb
t? IMPRO p?r IF. Moduli CRM ofron instrumentat q? nevojitet
p?r t? identifikuar klient? potencial? dhe p?r t? konvertuar
klient?t ekzistues n? ?do faz? t? zhvillimit t? marr?dh?nies.
? Regjistrim i klient?ve potencial? dhe kontakteve t? tyre.
? Sked? e plot? e klientit me t? dh?na si: gjeneralitete, t? dh?na familjare,
t? dh?na socio-ekonomike, foto dhe dokumente elektronike t?
? Njoftime automatike me e-mail dhe SMS p?r ?do transaksion lidhur me
? Autentikim biometrik i klientit.
? T? dh?na specifike p?r klient? individ?, shum?-em?ror?, biznese.
? Menaxhim i ciklit t? an?tar?simit n? rastin e Shoq?rive t?
Kursim Kreditit (SHKK).
5. 55
? Llogari rrjedh?se q? ndihmon hapjen e nj? depozite dhe veprimeve t?
tjera n? sistem.
? Depozita me afat dhe pa afat, n? valut? dhe me interesa fleksib?l.
? Veprime p?r hapje, shtes?, mbyllje t? parakohshme dhe maturim.
? Formular? dhe kontrata q? printohen nga sistemi, sipas formateve t?
? Maturim automatik interesash me procedura fund-dite t?
N?p?rmjet proceseve dhe formular?ve t? gatsh?m, IMPRO
mund?son hapjen e nj? llogarie rrjedh?se dhe nj? kontrate
depozite n? m? pak se 3 minuta.
6. IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare6
IMPRO mund?son konfigurimin e nj? morie produktesh dhe
ofertash kredie, p?r tiu p?rgjigjur k?rkesave specifike t?
klient?ve, nd?rkoh? q? ofron mekanizma ndihm?se p?r nj?
portofol sa m? t? sh?ndetsh?m.
? P?rllogarit?s i thjesht?zuar kredie p?r t? kualifikuar klient?t potencial?.
? Metoda t? ndryshme p?r p?rllogaritjen e interesave, gjobave dhe
? Ndjekja e ciklit t? kredis?, nga aplikimi n? maturim.
? Vler?simi i riskut t? kredis? dhe aprovimi i saj n? sistem.
? T? dh?na t? detajuara p?r kolateralet dhe garantor?t.
? Planifikim i sakt? i kalendarit t? kthimeve.
? Printim nga sistemi i formular?ve t? aplikimit, marr?veshjeve dhe kontratave.
? Veprime si disbursim, pagesa dhe maturim i kredis?.
? Shtes? dhe ristrukturim i kredis?.
? Klasifikim i kredive sipas rrezikut dhe provigjionim i kredive t? k?qija.
? Procedura t? programuara n? fund t? dit?s dhe muajit p?r llogaritjen e
interesave, vonesave.
7. 7
Raportim i avancuar, tabelar dhe grafik p?r tiu p?rgjigjur
k?rkesave t? rregullator?ve dhe p?r t? marr? informacion
p?r vendim-marrje, vet?m me nj? klikim.
? Raporte standarde p?r rregullator?t si Banka e Shqip?ris? apo
Agjencia e Sigurimit t? Depozitave, me nj? klikim.
? Raporte p?r vendim-marrje t? informuar si: kredit? aktive, portofoli n?
risk, kthimet e parashikuara etj.
? K?rkim dhe filtrim i avancuar mbi ?do rekord n? sistem (klient?,
depozita, kredi, pagesa etj).
? Eksportim i t? dh?nave n? format xls, pdf, html dhe txt.
8. IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare8
IMPRO ?sht? sistemi q? menaxhon operacionet, kontabilitetin
dhe financ?n n? nj? sistem t? vet?m, duke shmangur hedhjen
n? sisteme t? ndryshme t? t? dh?nave dhe duke ruajtur k?shtu
integritetin e tyre.
? Plan llogarish n? p?rputhje me standardet komb?tare t? kontabilitetit, leht?sisht t?
p?rshtatshme p?r ?do legjislacion.
? Detajim n? llogari analitike, n? aq nivele thell?sie sa nevojiten.
? Konfigurimi i arkave dhe llogarive bankare t? vet? institucionit, caktimi llogarive
kontab?l t? tyre.
? Skema kontab?l t? parakonfiguruara p?r t? regjistruar kategori veprimesh
si: hapje depozite, maturim interesash, t?rheqje depozite, disbursim kredie,
pages? k?sti, etj.
? Administrim i kalendarit dhe periudhave fiskale, si edhe t? dit?ve t? pushimit
q? duhen marr? parasysh p?r llogaritjen e kamatvonesave.
? Regjistrimi automatik i kontabilizimit t? shpenzimeve, veprimeve t? ark?s
dhe bank?s, i t? ardhurave, veprimeve me klient?t dhe furnitor?t, i
veprimeve me inventar?t e aktiveve, amortizimeve, flet?pagesave etj.
? Regjistrime t? veprimeve rregulluese me flet? kontab?l.
? Raporte standarde financiare si ditari kontab?l, gjendja e llogarive,
kartela e llogaris?, bilanci, PASH-i, etj.
9. 99
IMPRO n? mb?shtetje t? financ?s s? t? ardhmes...
? Integrim me bankat p?r disbursim t? kredive dhe kryerjes s? pagesave.
? Pagesa t? k?steve n?p?rmjet kanaleve alternative si mobile money (M-Pesa).
? Firmosja elektronike e kontratave.
? Gjeo-lokalizimi i klient?ve.
? Aplikacon mobile dhe tablet? p?r agjent?t n? terren.
? Modul i avancuar p?r mbledhjen e kredive t? k?qija.
? Modul i avancuar p?r vler?sim t? riskut t? kredis?.
IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare ofron nj? seri
modulesh t? tjera opsionale p?r t? mb?shtetur
operacionet primare.
? Administrim i aktiveve afatgjata.
? Administrim i blerjeve dhe magazinave.
? Administrimi i burimeve njer?zore.
? Module t? reja, t? cilat mund t? zhvillohen sipas k?rkesave t? klientit.
10. IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare10
IMPRO p?r Institucione Financiare ?sht? pjes? e platform?s IMPRO.
IMPRO ?sht? nj? mark? e regjistruar n?n Communication Progress, e
cila p?rfaq?son nj? aplikacion t? kategorizuar n? familjen Planifikim i
Burimeve t? Nd?rmarrjes (ERP). IMPRO vjen pran? klientit n? form?n e
nj? pakete e cila ?sht? modulare, e integruar, fleksib?l dhe e shkall?zuar.
Nj? platform? p?r t? gjitha aktivitetet e nj? organizate.
? Lidhje t? informacionit, proceseve dhe njer?zve.
? Rrit performanc?n e proceseve t? pun?s p?rmes automatizimit dhe
? I kushton v?mendje t? ve?ant? siguris? dhe gjurmimit t? veprimeve
n? sistem.
11. 11
I pari Planifikim i Resurseve t? Nd?rmarrjeve (ERP), i
lokalizuar plot?sisht p?r Shqip?rin?.
? Nd?rfaqe e thjesht?, intuitive, n? gjuh?n shqipe.
? Funksionon n? baz? t? standardeve t? kontabilitetit shqiptar, t?
legjislacionit tatimor dhe kodit t? pun?s.
? Sistem n? rritje dhe p?rmir?sim t? vazhduesh?m, i cili adreson
nevojat e p?rdoruesve dhe zbaton teknologjit? m? t? p?rparuara.
Fleksibilitet Multi-dimensional
? I parametrizuar p?r madh?si t? ndryshme dhe procese unike t?
?do organizate.
? I shkall?zuesh?m p?r k?rkesat n? rritje.
? I vertikalizuar p?r industri t? ndryshme.
? I hapur p?r komunikim dhe integrim me sisteme t? tjera.