Adel Rahimi from Sharif University of Technology worked to improve English to Persian machine translation by using n-grams of part-of-speech tags. This method analyzes sequences of part-of-speech tags in the translated text, which helped correct syntactical errors. The approach achieved a 65% accuracy level in evaluating correctness of translated sentences compared to the original Persian sentences.
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Improvement of English to Persian Machine Translation via N-grams of Part-of-Speech tags
1. Improvement of English to Persian
Machine Translation via N-grams of
Part-of-Speech tags
Adel Rahimi
Sharif University Of Technlogy
3rd Regional Conference On New Achievements In Electrical And Computer Engineering
2. Hi! Im Adel Rahimi
I work at Sharif Speech and Language
Processing Lab.
I love NLP and Data Mining.
You can find me at:
3. IN SHORT Machine Translation has always been an interesting topic in
the NLP.
Its always improving, we tried a new method to align the
English to Persian machine-translated texts. We used n-gram
modelling for part-of-speech tagged tokens. This method
improved the accuracy for syntactical mistranslated sentences.
Orch (1999) used a method that translated word by
word and then reordered words as the destination
languages syntactic structure
Koehn (2009) proposed that we translate phrases
regardless of word structures
Kumar & Byrne (2008), Blackwell (2006), and
Kumar (2003) all were looking for a method to use
Finite State Transducer
9. 9
悋惘愕 悋惶 悴擧 悋惠惘擧悋愕惠 惠惆悋 惡愕悋惘
悋擯愕 悋惶 悴This is a very common meteric
愆惆 惠惘悴 悴悋愕惠 惠惆悋 惡愕悋惘 悋 惠惘擧 擧
愆惆惠惘悴 擧悋 悋悴慍悋 惆惡悋n n pro adj adj v
惆惡悋愆惆 悋惶悋忰 擧悋 悋悴慍悋pro n n adj adj v