A retail buying trip involves building supplier relationships, observing trends, leveraging past sales analysis to finally make effecting buying decisions. Images Retail - Shijo Sunny Thomas
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Improving the efficiency of retail buying trips - Shijo Thomas
A buyer on a buying trip is inundated with an information and situations where
effective decisions have to be made, sometimes instantly. Lets see how retailers
can improve the ef鍖ciency of buying trips through the use of technology
By Shijo Sunny Thomas
ost people would
agree with TS Eliot
when he said: The
journey not the
arrival matters.
Mention that to
a retail buyer on a buying trip, you
might get a serious frown. A buyers
journey begins much before she
embarks on that buying trip and ends
much after her return. Buying is one
of the most critical functions in the
retail business. A buyer is someone
who is responsible for the planning
and selection of merchandise that will
be made available in retail channels.
The level of information that a buyer
has ranges from customer demand
data, product speci鍖cations and
market trends to 鍖nancial budgets
and vendor catalogs. A buyer needs
to be analytical, mobile, 鍖exible,
collaborative and decisive to be
successful for her and for the category
that she represents. She needs to be a
wizard and a fortune teller.
One of the most signi鍖cant activities
that a buyer performs is the buying
trip. She spends a considerable
amount of time planning for the
next seasons assortment. To enable
this, a buyer has to make numerous
trips to vendor locations, sourcing
agencies, industry events and trade
shows. During these trips, she needs
to shortlist merchandise after an
analysis of sales data, market trends
and vendor catalog. Each product is
evaluated against multiple criteria
before being recommended by the
buyer for further action.
A buyer has been traditionally
and extensively dependent on
spreadsheets. Prior to the buying
trip, she would download all
relevant product information from
the enterprise business intelligence
system. She would then slice and dice
this data on the spreadsheets in a way
that buying decision parameters can
be derived. These will be primarily
based on past sales data, markdowns,
gross margins and current inventory
levels. In addition to these, the
buyer also compiles the purchasing
information that would comprise open
orders, vendor contracts and vendor
performance against contractual
Along with the spreadsheet
data, the buyer also pulls together
vendor catalog information, market
A buyer needs to be analytical, she has to
be responsible for taking care of customer
demands data, market trends and finacial
2. The need of the hour
is a rapid platform
where retailers
can themselves
establish a buying trip
collaboration process.
There are cloud
mobile workflow
platforms, which
can be used
towards this
mobile application can be made light
enough to capture information and
refer data that is required on that
buying walk. All information captured
during the walk can be docked into
a buyers notebook at the end of the
day. The buyer can append all other
factors, analysis and recommendations
on the notebook application before
uploading that into the enterprise
merchandise systems.
External integration to market feeds
on product and supplier trends and
intelligence can also be a great value
add. These can be annotated to the
visited merchandise from the entire
supplier catalog. Digitisation of the
catalog and its availability on the
mobile device is a refreshing perspective
to todays buyers. To a large extent, this
eliminates scribbled, highlighted and
dog eared paper catalogs.
Finally, it all comes to collaboration.
The buyer has captured all
relevant information and 鍖nalised
recommendations. During this process
or subsequent to this, the buyer is
required to liaise with a lot of internal
departments for specialised inputs.
Typically, these interactions would
be with buying colleagues, design
specialists, 鍖nance, marketing, store,
etc. A buyer seeks opinion and
feedback on the buying selections.
Obviously, this requires a platform
where all interactions can be highly
visible and collaborative.
The need of the hour is a rapid
collaborative platform where retailers
can themselves establish a buying
trip collaboration process and can
be made available in a very short
duration. There are cloud mobile
work鍖ow platforms available today,
which can be used towards this
requirement of the industry. Cloud
can signi鍖cantly reduce IT investment
towards this solution through a pay
per use model; mobile can improve
buyer productivity and work鍖ow
can establish rapid collaboration.
Therefore, what the retailer gains
is increased productivity and
collaboration at the lowest cost and in
the shortest time.
Buyers are creative people. A lot
of the activities performed by the
buyer during the buying trip are
non-technical in nature and based
on market experience, intuition and
cordial supplier relationships. The
look and feel and interactivity of the
application should be made based on
a buyers persona and liberating the
buyer from the technical nitty-gritties
of traditional IT solutions.
One thing everybody understands
is that buying trips are expensive
and critical. Therefore, it is highly
imperative that these trips have
to be made highly productive and
effective than ever before. Improving
the effectiveness, productivity and
connectivity of a buyer during a
buying trip can make the difference
between goods on the shelf versus
goods in the shopping bag.
intelligence and most importantly
approved 鍖nancial budgets for each
merchandise category. It is common
to see buyers spending a lot of time to
amalgamate all these data into a larger
spreadsheet. This master spreadsheet
eventually and essentially becomes
the Buying Trip Bible.
What we see here is that a buyers
responsibility extends beyond the
boundaries of her own organisation.
She has to interact with multiple
stakeholders who are part of the
vendor ecosystem and also personnel
from various other departments of
her own organisation. She operates
in an environment where information
availability and effective collaboration
is critical. Often this aspect of a
buyers role is ignored as the focus
is mostly on the functions that take
place within the boundaries of the
retail organisation. There is no better
time to focus on improving the buying
trip productivity than now.
The industry needs tools that
provide information on the move and
also establishes that collaboration
between all stakeholders is the
ammunition that todays buyers need.
A comprehensive mobility-based
buying trip solution can provide the
buyer ability to capture and collate
all merchandise information into a
buying folio.
A mobile device can itself
function as the agent for capturing
all information while the buyer is
performing the merchandise tours
during the buying trip. The visit
and vendor information once made
available on the mobile application
can then be correlated with the
merchandise catalog. The buyer
can capture images, speci鍖cations,
notes and calculations on the mobile
device itself. The buyer can also
refer to analytics data both for the
merchandise parameters and pricing
and sales. The analytics view can be
leveraged on the mobile device from
the retailers enterprise analytics
systems. Enabling the buying walk
on a mobile device frees up the buyer
from lugging a heavier computing
device through the tradeshow. The
About the author:
Shijo Sunny Thomas is the industry lead
for Retail & CPG at Fujitsu Consulting.
He works closely with retailers in co-
innovation of retail solutions for the store
and the enterprise.