This document discusses how business analysts can improve their skills through self-assessment. It recommends that BAs identify skills that need improvement using tools like their organization's competency model, the IIBA's self-assessment, peer and 360-degree assessments, and post-project stakeholder surveys. It then provides suggestions for how to improve skills, such as formal training, reference materials, on-the-job training, volunteering, and developing mentoring relationships. Finally, it advises creating a personal plan for skill improvement by setting short-term goals and continually assessing progress.
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Improving your ba skills
1. Improving Your BA Skills:
Aaron Whittenberger STAR BASE Consulting, Inc.
IT Strategic Consultant concentrating in Business Analysis Practice
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
2. Identify the BA skills
that need improvement
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
3. Identify BA Skills
Organizations BA Competency Model (BA
Career Ladder)
IIBA Self-Assessment Tool
Peer Assessment
360尊 Assessment
Project Closure Stakeholder Assessment
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
4. Organizations BA Competency Model
Business Analyst I
Creative Thinking
Oral Communication
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Business Analyst II
Creative Thinking
Decision Making
Problem Solving
Oral Communication
Business Analyst III
Properly Identifies
Creative Thinking
Elicitation Techniques
Problem Solving
Decision Making
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
8. Project Closure Assessment
At project closure (following delivery)
Survey given to one or more business
stakeholders to assess your BA skills and
performance during the project
Best done when stakeholders are
disengaging from project
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
10. Things to Consider when obtaining feedback
Company policies and procedures
Formal, informal
Who gets repliesYou, Manager, HR, IT?
Understand the risks
Consider the assessor
Time constraints
Manager will not fill out 20-page survey
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
12. How to Improve a Skill
Formal training
Reference Material
IIBA Online Library
Articles, Blogs, Newsletters
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
13. How to Improve a Skill (continued)
On-the-job Training
Put yourself in situation where you must use
the skill
Requests tasks/projects
Job Shadow a Sr. BA
Participate in Facilitation (observe then do)
Develop Mentor/Mentee relationship
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
14. How to Improve a Skill (continued)
Local IIBA Chapter
Toast Masters
Habitat for Humanity
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
15. 息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
16. Put a Plan in Place
Personal Plan of Self-improvement
Understand the risks
Set short-term goals
Work on one, or set, of skill(s) at a time
When that skill(s) is improved to your
Mark the milestone in your plan
Assess to identify next skill(s) to work on
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
17. Continual Improvement
Continual Feedback/Assessment
Continual Use of Skill
Year by Year Self Assessment
Move on to next skill to improve
Become a personal BACoE
(Center of Excellence)
息 2010 STAR BASE Consulting, Inc Building the Bridge
#5: May be called BA Career Ladder
Career Ladder usually contains job tasks
Competency Model contains competencies necessary to complete job tasks
Identifies Competencies that the Organization considers important
If you wish to advance in the Organization, this is what you must be good at
Organization may define 3, 4, 5 or 6 levels of BA job titles
Higher job titles may be EA, EBA or IT Consultant
Do not confuse with external Consultant
Internal IT Consultant does:
Consults business units on technology subjects
Consults IT on business practices and needs
#6: Grade yourself on job tasks/techniques/competencies
20 page document: 2 page intro, 18 pages of assessment
Set aside time to complete
Reflect instead of just fill it out
#7: You create questionnaire for peers to fill out
One of two styles
Combination, some rating and some free-form
#8: 360 degrees is a circle
Get feedback from your circle
Create one or multiple questionnaires
Send to all people with whom you come in contact
Get feedback from all people around you (360 degrees)
Different survey for different relationship
Manager will not fill out 20-page survey
Peers usually will be more detailed for you than manager
Team members
Other teams members with whom you come into contact
Daily contact
Rare contact
Others that you come in contact with
Customers, internal, external
#9: Company may institute this as normal project procedure (SOP)
Quality technique or HR function
If company does not do it, you can for your own personal gain
#11: Do company policy allow or disallow such activity
Does company procedure already obtain feedback on your performance
Can you get summary of feedback
Formal or passing-in-the-hall couple of questions
Some respondents may be more forth-coming if replies were not going to assessee
What is company position on getting/giving feedback, recommendations, referrals?
LinkedIn-Lady said company would not allow her to get reference from her Manager for CBAP
What is Manager position on feedback?
How will negative feedback affect your position/career?
The higher up the corporate ladder, the less time for surveys
Multiple surveys for multiple people in the organization
Friends, team members may go into more detail to help you
#12: Now that assessment is done, how do you improve the skills?
#13: Formal training
May have to pay for yourself
Reference Material
A lot of free BA material is available
Some reference material (CBAP Study Guide) may have to purchase
#14: Work on improving the skill through your job
Observe a Sr. BA facilitate a discussion
Next time you facilitate the discussion with the Sr. BA monitoring
Ask for feedback
Find a Sr. BA you respect and ask them career improvement questions
#15: Work on improving your skills outside of your job
Learn from life experiences
I may never have worked for a bank
I have been a consumer to a bank and know how some things work from that relationship
Toast Masters
Public Speaking
Thinking on your feet
Active Listening
Habitat for Humanity
Only few organizers have implicit authority
Everyone else on same level and wielding hammers and saws
Influence from peer stance
#17: The old adage If you dont have a Plan then you Plan to Fail
Skill improvement should not be an ad hoc exercise
Understand the risks of the techniques you intend to use
Will it hurt your career movement
Short-tem, less than 1 year, should be less than 6 months
Can not improve everything at once
If that was possible, we would all be born with all the skills we need
Live is a learning experience
Skill improvement is a learning experience
Set your path, grab your compass
Goal improved to satisfaction
Peer/Manager assessment feedback used to determine if skill is improved
Mark when skills were assessed as improved
Keep track of the competencies and skills you gain over time
If last point of Personal Self-Improvement Plan is ask for promotion/pay raise, you have documentation to state your case
#18: Annual self assessment
Compare to previous year(s)
Keep using skill
Dont drop skill to improve next skill
Skills unused become rusty