First time using illustrator. Assignment was to inform about a solution to a problem by making a black/white poster, my problem again focusing on BeACTIVE.
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BeACTIVE Poster - Illustrator
Too often in our everyday life we settle
for what we already know and are comfortable with, rarely do people step out of
their comfort zone to discover new
activities and about them selves.
“It’s funny what’s
happening to us. Our
lives have become
digital, our friends
virtual. Everything we
could ever want to
know is just a click
away. Experiencing the
world through endless
second hand information is not enough. If
we want authenticity,
we have to initiate it.”
- Travis Rice
BeACTIV is the solution for this growing
and concerning problem. BeACTIV is a
website and mobile application focused
on directing users to discover new activities in their surrounding area by connecting those individuals Hobbies & Interests
with events and activities that relate to
the unique personality of that user.
Individulas will create a profile that lists
their various Hobbies & Interests, of
which our program will then be able to
decipher and show only those activities
which correlates to the users profile. It is
our hope that by making the individual
aware of what they can do with their
days they will not succomb to what they
may have previously wasted the day
Mac J.
Gender: Male
Residence: Oxford, Oh
BirthDate: 10-01-1992
Go-Kart Racing, Football, Sailing, Kite
Boarding, Baseball, Wake Boarding
Car Shows, Sailing, Go-Kart Racing,
FormulaOne, Classic Cars, Kite Boarding, Wind Surfing, Surfing, San Francisco, California, Traverse City, Travel,
Italy, Race Cars, Fishing, Deep Sea
Fishing, Fly Fishing, Sketching, Painting, Snow-Boarding, Skiing, WakeBoarding, Water-Skiing, Boats, Planes,
Entrepreneurship, Design, Ferrari’s,
Mercedes Benz, Exotic Cars, Music,
Country, Hunting, Sport-Shooting,
Horseback-Riding, Fitness, Dirt-Biking
By monitoring the traffic that visits our
website, the number of people who
create a profile, as well as how often
business owners and individual event
creators use our service to advertise, we
will be able to truly grasp how unique
users view our service to be.
Incorporating the ability to use BeACTIV
on your smart phone is our way of
adding to the hope and experience of
never again wasting your free time,
always keeping your self active, and
broadening the horizons of what individuals can discover and accomplish with
their lives.