The document discusses two endemic problems with education in Korea: overreliance on rote memorization and overcrowded classrooms. It states that Korean instructors primarily use rote memorization techniques without proper storytelling or stimulus, making learning difficult and exhausting. To improve this, instructors should use varied materials like instructional videos to better engage students. It also notes that overcrowded classrooms prevent instructors from caring for each student's individual needs, differences, and situations. The document concludes that addressing these two issues of excessive memorization and classroom size through instructor and government efforts, respectively, could improve the quality of education in Korea.
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고영 In class essay(final)[1]
1. The endemic problems of the education in Korea
In Korea, the digital age takes over and now children are called ‘digital natives’
which means a person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital
technologies and through interacting with digital technology from an early age. Reflecting the
state of the period, many companies produce educational applications, smart tablet and so on.
However, still there are several fundamental problems which depreciate the intrinsic value of
the education in classes.
First, in any subject, instructors overuse method of teaching by rote. To some degree,
rote memorization is necessarily needed for learners, but what the problem is that Korean
instructors are habitually teaching in classes without trying proper storytelling, motivating
and any stimulus. It makes learners hardly concentrate on class and feel exhausted through
repetitive memorizing process that excludes enough comprehension or background
information. To overcome this problem, instructors have to prepare various learning materials
which may stimulate learner’s senses and their interest. For example, it is more effective to
show learners instruction video about ‘how to use google drive’ rather than just read the
written material about it. Because video can show the images or screenshots of real google
drive and after watching video, learners may get familiar with that program. Also, in history
class, instructors can allow learners to role play certain historical event. Through the role
playing, learners may get closer to abstract events of the past and interpret it with their own
Second, the study environment in Korea should be improved to consider distinct
differences among learners. In this context, the term “differences” means not only an
individual difference of learning capability level but also an individual aptitude, interest and
2. concern. In class, however, learners are forced to conform the uniformity and receive the
standardized education. The main cause of this problem is that the average number of
students per one class is overcrowded so that instructors could hardly care about each student.
The reason why many parents and their children are not satisfied with the public education is
related with this problem. The government has to try to solve the problem of the overcrowded
classes. If it overcomes, instructors could give solution, feedback, and advices as a result of
considering each student’s own situation, feeling, and difficulties. It must helpful to both
learning ability and mental strength of learners. I believe it based on my experience. When I
was 10 years old, I attended Chungdahm language institute where the number of classroom
mates is limited. In that class, I always put my hands up and answered every questions with
the confidence. I think I could actively participate in the class thanks to teacher’s
consideration and affection about me and that period is when I studied English with the
maximum amount of effort and interest.
In sum, the main problems of education in Korea are two things; too much rote
memorization and the overcrowded classes. The former can overcome with the instructor’s
effort and the latter can with the government’s effort to improve the environment of
classroom. Actually, these two things are always pointed out as serious problems from old
times. With will to change, the education In Korea will be improved to a higher quality.