The document discusses the benefits of trees and the legal duties of landowners regarding trees on their property. It notes that landowners have a duty of care and are responsible for inspecting trees for defects to prevent injury from falling trees. The document lists many benefits of trees, such as carbon sequestration, oxygen production, erosion control, and energy conservation. It provides an example of one tree providing $51 in total annual benefits, including intercepting over 1,400 gallons of stormwater. The document emphasizes that trees have significant environmental and economic value.
2. ISA Pledge
I pledge as an ISA Certified Arborist to:
Adhere to the Code of Ethics,
Comply with all accepted professional
Deliver safe & competent services with
objective & independent professional
Disclose potential conflict of interest,
Follow appropriate health & safety
procedures to protect clients,
employers, employees, and the public.
6. Negligence
A person is negligent when he or she fails to act
as a reasonable prudent person under the
Duty of Care
A landowner is not only held to the duty of
common prudence in maintaining trees on his
property, but is also held to an even greater
duty of inspection to discover possible defects of
a tree in order to prevent it from falling and
injuring others. If risk cant be eliminated, it
should be mitigated so that acceptable level of
risk is achieved.
9. The benefit$ of trees?
Carbon sequestration
Erosion Control
Energy Conservation
Storm Water Interception
Pollution Control
Quality of Life
10. Annual Benefits
$51 total benefits
1,438 gallons of
Conserve 35.2
320 pounds of CO2