The document discusses two equations related to exponential functions: Planck's Law describes black body radiation as A=B/(e^C) +D, and the Eyring Equation relates to transition state theory in chemistry. Both equations follow a generic exponential format of A=B/(e^C) +D.
A document discusses a cubic Venn diagram and its dual representation, noting that including a virtual external node helps show the symmetry between the two diagrams. The document is dated December 15, 2014.
A novel look at how stories may change the brainRalph Sherman
1. A novel study examined the short- and long-term effects of reading a novel on brain connectivity using functional MRI scans.
2. The document discusses several past studies on the neurobiology of the amygdala from a 1971 symposium as well as more recent research on anti-neurofilament antibodies and their role in Alzheimer's disease.
3. It also mentions the Journal of Mental Science's association with Dr. John Hughes in the 1970s and his research on the human amygdala and olfaction.
Brain metabolism, eeg, 2012 case study from madrid spainRalph Sherman
This case study from Madrid, Spain examines the radiological and electroencephalographic findings of a patient with mitochondrial Complex III deficiency. The EEG showed very disorganized and slowed background activity with persistent spike and multifocal spike-waves. Mitochondrial diseases are caused by alterations in intracellular energy production affecting tissues with high energy requirements like the nervous system. Symptoms include muscle weakness, hypotonia, psychomotor retardation and seizures. Diagnosis is based on clinical signs and evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction, with brain MRI and EEG findings helping to guide clinical suspicion.
Ralph Sherman served in the U.S. Army 238th Chemical Depot Company from 1945-1946, first stationed on San Jose Island in the Bay of Panama. He was discharged from the army in February 1946. As a chemical laboratory assistant, his duties included making quantitative tests of war gas concentrations, operating sampling machines, and working on computations from field tests. He maintained and repaired sampling instruments.
This document provides biographical information about Ralph Sherman and David Bhakti Ananda Goswami, the founders of the Saint Francis of Assisi Private Ecumenical Retreat in Myrtle Point, Oregon. It discusses their backgrounds, careers, and over 100 combined years of research experience. It also mentions Ralph's great-granddaughter Hannah Williams, who has helped maintain the retreat property, and reflects on their fruitful year connecting with followers online and looking forward to further service in 2017.
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsLinkedIn
We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether theyre using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating and in many cases, surprising.
This 際際滷Share explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If youre marketing a tech brand or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience then these are insights you wont want to miss.
This slideshow presentation discusses using parametric quantification methods to study the sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+-ATPase) in excitatory-inhibitory compensation. Specifically, it presents a least-action approach to model the pump's behavior and minimum energy requirements under varying neuronal activity levels in order to maintain ionic homeostasis.
Math formulas show that A equals B times C, and that the Planck Law and Eyring Equation are power functions that relate energy times time to watt/B units. These equations demonstrate relationships between action, energy over time, and power.
Deercroft is located in the Coquille River Valley in Myrtle Point, Oregon near the Oregon Coastal Range and Sugarloaf Mountain. The landscape features the Coquille River Valley and is near the Oregon Coastal Range mountains and Sugarloaf Mountain.
The document summarizes information from Ralph Sherman's slideshare posts. It describes the J.M. Richards laboratory which was established in 1958 in Grosse Point Park, Michigan and closed in 1973. It also mentions several of Sherman's projects involving biofeedback, transition state theory, hyperbaric oxygenation research, and linking concepts from physics and chemistry to biology and the brain.
A retreat was held at Deer Park in Myrtle Point, Oregon from February 20th to 23rd, 2018. The retreat center is located at the junction of four branches of the Coquille River, fifty miles from the Pacific Ocean. During the retreat, there was very rare heavy snowfall that left snow on the clear cut areas and coastal mountain range for three days after the snowstorm.
This document discusses the author's interactions with three individuals involved in biophysics research. It mentions meeting Hudson Hoagland in 1958 at the first Biophysics Society Meeting, receiving a paper from Henry Ballin the same year after requesting a copy, and meeting Werner Koella around 1980 after he had retired from Ciba.
The document discusses tilings of the Euclidean plane using regular polygons. It explains that the only regular polygons that can tile the plane are triangles, squares, and hexagons. For a tiling to be valid, the interior angles of the polygons must sum to 360 degrees at each vertex. Only triangles, squares, and hexagons satisfy this requirement. Therefore, these three shapes are the only regular polygons that can be used to tessellate or tile the entire plane without gaps or overlaps.
This document provides information about a retreat to be held at Deer Park on the summer solstice of 2017. The retreat is ecumenical in nature and centered around Saint Francis of Assisi.
This document discusses an article on gamma and beta bursts during working memory read-out and their suggested role in its volitional control. It also references a 1947 electronics textbook that discusses treating EEG data as coupled electronic circuits, with details on calculating the coupling coefficient k for electromagnetically coupled simple harmonic oscillators represented by impedances.
The document discusses the Eyring equation, which describes the rate of a chemical reaction as a function of temperature and Gibbs free energy. Specifically, it notes that the Eyring equation has the form of rate (A) equals a constant (B) divided by an exponential function (C) of Gibbs free energy and temperature. It further explains that the exponential function (C) is always greater than or equal to one, and that as it approaches one, the rate (A) approaches the constant (B).
The Prologue introduces himself and explains that the author wants to depict real human emotions and truths in the play rather than using masks to portray "false tears" like in older traditions. He tells the audience they will see love, hate, pain, rage and laughter portrayed as humans really experience them. He asks the audience to consider the souls and humanity of the actors rather than just their roles, as they too are flesh and blood people living in the same world. He concludes by saying he has explained the concept and now it is time to begin the performance.
This document lists information about computer drives and a lab. It mentions a Drive E created in 2002, a Drive C created in 2008, and the J. M. Richards Lab for Biophysics founded in 1958.
The document discusses the career and research interests of Ralph L. Sherman. It mentions that he visited Koella, who was emeritus at Ciba, and also discusses Sherman's office from 1957. It then discusses the work of Lester Ingber and how Sherman introduced him to Robert Simmons Sr. and Sorin Comorosan in 1980 to discuss research on memory and calcium kinetics. Comorosan and Sherman had visited a penicillin plant and Ibiza in the past. The document also discusses a measurement problem in biology paper by Comorosan from 1974 and Sherman's situation regarding EEG and Transition State Theory.
A diagram showed a right isosceles triangle with the sides labeled aa+bb=cc, expressing the Pythagorean theorem that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides equals the square of the longest side. The diagram used the primary colors to represent the principal of the Pythagorean theorem in a visual way.
This document contains information about Ralph Lewis Sherman of Myrtle Point, Oregon attending an ecumenical retreat at Saint Francis of Assisi from December 6-12, 2014. It also mentions the social media platform LinkedIn.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
Math formulas show that A equals B times C, and that the Planck Law and Eyring Equation are power functions that relate energy times time to watt/B units. These equations demonstrate relationships between action, energy over time, and power.
Deercroft is located in the Coquille River Valley in Myrtle Point, Oregon near the Oregon Coastal Range and Sugarloaf Mountain. The landscape features the Coquille River Valley and is near the Oregon Coastal Range mountains and Sugarloaf Mountain.
The document summarizes information from Ralph Sherman's slideshare posts. It describes the J.M. Richards laboratory which was established in 1958 in Grosse Point Park, Michigan and closed in 1973. It also mentions several of Sherman's projects involving biofeedback, transition state theory, hyperbaric oxygenation research, and linking concepts from physics and chemistry to biology and the brain.
A retreat was held at Deer Park in Myrtle Point, Oregon from February 20th to 23rd, 2018. The retreat center is located at the junction of four branches of the Coquille River, fifty miles from the Pacific Ocean. During the retreat, there was very rare heavy snowfall that left snow on the clear cut areas and coastal mountain range for three days after the snowstorm.
This document discusses the author's interactions with three individuals involved in biophysics research. It mentions meeting Hudson Hoagland in 1958 at the first Biophysics Society Meeting, receiving a paper from Henry Ballin the same year after requesting a copy, and meeting Werner Koella around 1980 after he had retired from Ciba.
The document discusses tilings of the Euclidean plane using regular polygons. It explains that the only regular polygons that can tile the plane are triangles, squares, and hexagons. For a tiling to be valid, the interior angles of the polygons must sum to 360 degrees at each vertex. Only triangles, squares, and hexagons satisfy this requirement. Therefore, these three shapes are the only regular polygons that can be used to tessellate or tile the entire plane without gaps or overlaps.
This document provides information about a retreat to be held at Deer Park on the summer solstice of 2017. The retreat is ecumenical in nature and centered around Saint Francis of Assisi.
This document discusses an article on gamma and beta bursts during working memory read-out and their suggested role in its volitional control. It also references a 1947 electronics textbook that discusses treating EEG data as coupled electronic circuits, with details on calculating the coupling coefficient k for electromagnetically coupled simple harmonic oscillators represented by impedances.
The document discusses the Eyring equation, which describes the rate of a chemical reaction as a function of temperature and Gibbs free energy. Specifically, it notes that the Eyring equation has the form of rate (A) equals a constant (B) divided by an exponential function (C) of Gibbs free energy and temperature. It further explains that the exponential function (C) is always greater than or equal to one, and that as it approaches one, the rate (A) approaches the constant (B).
The Prologue introduces himself and explains that the author wants to depict real human emotions and truths in the play rather than using masks to portray "false tears" like in older traditions. He tells the audience they will see love, hate, pain, rage and laughter portrayed as humans really experience them. He asks the audience to consider the souls and humanity of the actors rather than just their roles, as they too are flesh and blood people living in the same world. He concludes by saying he has explained the concept and now it is time to begin the performance.
This document lists information about computer drives and a lab. It mentions a Drive E created in 2002, a Drive C created in 2008, and the J. M. Richards Lab for Biophysics founded in 1958.
The document discusses the career and research interests of Ralph L. Sherman. It mentions that he visited Koella, who was emeritus at Ciba, and also discusses Sherman's office from 1957. It then discusses the work of Lester Ingber and how Sherman introduced him to Robert Simmons Sr. and Sorin Comorosan in 1980 to discuss research on memory and calcium kinetics. Comorosan and Sherman had visited a penicillin plant and Ibiza in the past. The document also discusses a measurement problem in biology paper by Comorosan from 1974 and Sherman's situation regarding EEG and Transition State Theory.
A diagram showed a right isosceles triangle with the sides labeled aa+bb=cc, expressing the Pythagorean theorem that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides equals the square of the longest side. The diagram used the primary colors to represent the principal of the Pythagorean theorem in a visual way.
This document contains information about Ralph Lewis Sherman of Myrtle Point, Oregon attending an ecumenical retreat at Saint Francis of Assisi from December 6-12, 2014. It also mentions the social media platform LinkedIn.
Excretion in Humans | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation covers excretion in humans, explaining the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide, urea, and excess salts. Learn about the structure and function of the kidneys, the role of the liver in excretion, ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption, and the importance of homeostasis. Includes diagrams and explanations to help Cambridge IGCSE students prepare effectively for exams!
PROTEIN DEGRADATION via ubiquitous pathawayKaviya Priya A
Protein degradation via ubiquitous pathway In general science, a ubiquitous pathway refers to a biochemical or metabolic pathway that is:
1. *Widely present*: Found in many different organisms, tissues, or cells.
2. *Conserved*: Remains relatively unchanged across different species or contexts.
Examples of ubiquitous pathways include:
1. *Glycolysis*: The process of breaking down glucose for energy, found in nearly all living organisms.
2. *Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)*: A key metabolic pathway involved in energy production, present in many cells.
3. *Pentose phosphate pathway*: A metabolic pathway involved in energy production and antioxidant defenses, found in many organisms.
These pathways are essential for life and have been conserved across evolution, highlighting their importance for cellular function and survival.
Wepresent the localizationandhostgalaxyofFRB20190208A, arepeatingsourceof fast radiobursts (FRBs) discoveredusingCHIME/FRB.Aspartof thePinpointingREpeatingChImeSourceswithEVNdishesrepeater localizationprogramon theEuropeanVLBINetwork (EVN),wemonitoredFRB20190208Afor 65.6hr at 1.4GHzanddetectedasingleburst,whichledtoitsverylongbaselineinterferometrylocalizationwith260mas uncertainty(2).Follow-upopticalobservationswiththeMMTObservatory(i25.7mag(AB))foundnovisible hostattheFRBposition.SubsequentdeeperobservationswiththeGranTelescopioCanarias,however,revealedan extremelyfaintgalaxy(r=27.32賊0.16mag),verylikely(99.95%)associatedwithFRB20190208A.Giventhe dispersionmeasureoftheFRB(580pccm3),eventhemostconservativeredshiftestimate( ~ z 0.83 max )implies TheAstrophysicalJournalLetters,977:L4(17pp),2024December10 息2024.TheAuthor(s).PublishedbytheAmericanAstronomicalSociety. 30BantingFellow. 31McGillSpaceInstituteFellow. 32 FRQNTPostdoctoralFellow. Originalcontent fromthisworkmaybeusedunder theterms of theCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0licence.Anyfurther distributionofthisworkmustmaintainattributiontotheauthor(s)andthetitle of thework, journalcitationandDOI. 1The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 977:L4 (17pp), 2024 December 10 Hewitt et al. that this is the lowest-luminosity FRB host to date (108 Le), even less luminous than the dwarf host of FRB20121102A. We investigate how localization precision and the depth of optical imaging affect host association and discuss the implications of such a low-luminosity dwarf galaxy. Unlike the other repeaters with low-luminosity hosts, FRB 20190208A has a modest Faraday rotation measure of a few tens of rad m2, and EVN plus Very Large Array observations reveal no associated compact persistent radio source. We also monitored FRB20190208A for 40.4hr over 2yr as part of the Extragalactic Coherent Light from Astrophysical Transients repeating FRB monitoring campaign on the Nan巽ay Radio Telescope and detected one burst. Our results demonstrate that, in some cases, the robust association of an FRB with a host galaxy will require both high localization precision and deep optical follow-up. Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Radio bursts (1339); Radio transient sources (2008); Very long baseline interferometry (1769); Dwarf galaxies (416)
Overview of basic statistical mechanics of NNsCharles Martin
Overview of topics in the paper
A walk in the statistical mechanical formulation of neural networks (2014)
Energ and Energy Forms, Work, and Power | IGCSE PhysicsBlessing Ndazie
This extensive slide deck provides a detailed exploration of energy, work, and power for IGCSE Physics. It covers fundamental concepts such as the definition of work done, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, conservation of energy, efficiency, and power. The presentation also includes energy transfer, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, calculation of work done, power output, and real-life applications of energy principles. Featuring illustrative diagrams, worked examples, and exam-style questions, this resource is ideal for IGCSE students, teachers, and independent learners preparing for exams.
This ppt shows about viral disease in plants and vegetables.It shows different species of virus effect on plants along their vectors which carries those tiny microbes.
Coordination and Response: The Nervous System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This comprehensive IGCSE Biology presentation explains the nervous system, focusing on how the body coordinates and responds to stimuli. Learn about the central and peripheral nervous systems, reflex actions, neurons, synapses, and the role of neurotransmitters. Understand the differences between voluntary and involuntary responses and how the nervous system interacts with other body systems. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Drugs and Their Effects | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores drugs and their effects on the human body, covering medicinal drugs, recreational drugs, and drug abuse. Learn about the impact of stimulants, depressants, painkillers, hallucinogens, and performance-enhancing drugs, as well as the dangers of alcohol, nicotine, and illegal substances. Ideal for Cambridge IGCSE students looking to understand this important topic for exams!
Beyond Point Masses. IV. Trans-Neptunian Object Altjira Is Likely a Hierarchi...S辿rgio Sacani
Dynamically studying trans-Neptunian object (TNO) binaries allows us to measure masses and orbits. Most of the known objects appear to have only two components, except (47171) Lempo, which is the single known hierarchical triple system with three similar-mass components. Though hundreds of TNOs have been imaged with high-resolution telescopes, no other hierarchical triples (or trinaries) have been found among solar system small bodies, even though they are predicted in planetesimal formation models such as gravitational collapse after the streaming instability. By going beyond the point-mass assumption and modeling TNO orbits as non-Keplerian, we open a new window into the shapes and spins of the components, including the possible presence of unresolved inner binaries. Here we present evidence for a new hierarchical triple, (148780) Altjira (2001 UQ18), based on non-Keplerian dynamical modeling of the two observed components. We incorporate two recent Hubble Space Telescope observations, leading to a 17 yr observational baseline. We present a new open-source Bayesian pointspread function fitting code called nPSF that provides precise relative astrometry and uncertainties for single images. Our non-Keplerian analysis measures a statistically significant (2.5) nonspherical shape for Altjira. The measured J2 is best explained as an unresolved inner binary, and an example hierarchical triple model gives the best fit to the observed astrometry. Using an updated non-Keplerian ephemeris (which is significantly different from the Keplerian predictions), we show that the predicted mutual event season for Altjira has already begun, with several excellent opportunities for observations through 2030.
Pig farming, pork farming, pig production or hog farming is the raising and breeding of domestic pigs as livestock, and is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are farmed principally for food (e.g. pork: bacon, ham, gammon) and skins.
Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming: intensive commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, or extensive farming (being allowed to wander around a village, town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owner's house). Historically, farm pigs were kept in small numbers and were closely associated with the residence of the owner, or in the same village or town.[1] They were valued as a source of meat and fat, and for their ability to convert inedible food into meat and manure, and were often fed household food waste when kept on a homestead.[2] Pigs have been farmed to dispose of municipal garbage on a large scale.[3]
All these forms of pig farm are in use today, though intensive farms are by far the most popular, due to their potential to raise a large amount of pigs in a very cost-efficient manner.[4] In developed nations, commercial farms house thousands of pigs in climate-controlled buildings.[5] Pigs are a popular form of livestock, with more than one billion pigs butchered each year worldwide, 100 million in the United States. The majority of pigs are used for human food, but also supply skin, fat and other materials for use in clothing, ingredients for processed foods,[6] cosmetics,[7] and medical use.[8]Pig farming has gained importance today. Pigs have inherited capacity to acclimatize with varying climatic conditions. Pigs cannot withstand high temperature climate.
Pigs are adjusted to varied rearing practices and consume different types of food (Omnivorous) to attain higher growth and meat production.
Pigs will attain 60-70kg body weight in 6-8months period.
Female pigs i.e., sows will come to heat at age of 8-9 months but avoid using male pigs (Boars) for breeding purpose until it attains one year of age.
Adult sows when bred during right time after attaining maturity will farrow 8-12 piglets in 112-118 days of gestation period (i.e., about 4 months of gestation). Feedefficiencyis to gain one Kg live weightfor every 2.75-3kg feed consumed (FCR: 1:2.75). There are many advantageous in pig rearing. Pork is available at a cheaper price with nutritious and highly palatable tasty meat of higher quality animal protein. Pig bones are used for producing bone meal and also used for purification of sugar in sugar industry.
The manure droppings and urine are good fertilizers which enhance the soil fertilityand improve grain production.
Pig hairs (Bristles) are used for making brushes and ropes, hooves are used for shirt button making and preparation of gum. Hence, pigs are called as multi utility domestic animals. Farmers can take up piggery farming and reduce their debt burden and improve their profits and livelihood.
Cell Structure & Function | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation provides a detailed look at cell structure and function, covering the differences between animal and plant cells, the roles of organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc.), specialized cells, and levels of organization. Learn about diffusion, osmosis, and active transport in cells, with clear diagrams and explanations to support exam preparation. A must-have resource for Cambridge IGCSE students!
Respiration & Gas Exchange | Cambridge IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explains respiration and gas exchange, covering the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the structure of the respiratory system, gas exchange in the lungs, and the role of diffusion. Learn about the effects of exercise on breathing, how smoking affects the lungs, and how respiration provides energy for cells. A perfect study resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!
Hormones and the Endocrine System | IGCSE BiologyBlessing Ndazie
This IGCSE Biology presentation explores hormones and the endocrine system, explaining their role in controlling body functions. Learn about the differences between nervous and hormonal control, major endocrine glands, key hormones (such as insulin, adrenaline, and testosterone), and homeostasis. Understand how hormones regulate growth, metabolism, reproduction, and the fight-or-flight response. A perfect resource for Cambridge IGCSE students preparing for exams!