This document lists information about computer drives and a lab. It mentions a Drive E created in 2002, a Drive C created in 2008, and the J. M. Richards Lab for Biophysics founded in 1958.
This document provides an introduction to a module on the computer and word processing. The module aims to familiarize students with computers and their everyday uses. It will teach students basic keyboarding and word processing skills. The module is divided into three units which cover an introduction to computers and their components, keyboarding skills, and using word processing software.
The Prologue introduces himself and explains that the author wants to depict real human emotions and truths in the play rather than using masks to portray "false tears" like in older traditions. He tells the audience they will see love, hate, pain, rage and laughter portrayed as humans really experience them. He asks the audience to consider the souls and humanity of the actors rather than just their roles, as they too are flesh and blood people living in the same world. He concludes by saying he has explained the concept and now it is time to begin the performance.
A novel look at how stories may change the brainRalph Sherman
1. A novel study examined the short- and long-term effects of reading a novel on brain connectivity using functional MRI scans.
2. The document discusses several past studies on the neurobiology of the amygdala from a 1971 symposium as well as more recent research on anti-neurofilament antibodies and their role in Alzheimer's disease.
3. It also mentions the Journal of Mental Science's association with Dr. John Hughes in the 1970s and his research on the human amygdala and olfaction.
New microsoft office word 97 2003 documentRajib Paul
This document discusses interpretation, techniques of interpretation, and precautions in interpretation in research. It covers:
1. Interpretation establishes connections within study data and to other research to link results and develop explanatory concepts.
2. Interpreting results involves giving reasonable explanations for relationships, interpreting patterns in terms of underlying processes, and finding uniformity beneath diverse findings.
3. Researchers must consider all relevant factors and avoid false generalizations when interpreting results.
This document contains information about Ralph Lewis Sherman of Myrtle Point, Oregon attending an ecumenical retreat at Saint Francis of Assisi from December 6-12, 2014. It also mentions the social media platform LinkedIn.
Least action parametric quantification of ad na k at-pase in e-e compensationRalph Sherman
1) The document discusses Gibbs molar action and its relation to enzyme kinetics formulas involving rate constants and Gibbs free energy.
2) It references the work of scientists who studied homeokinetics and homeodynamics as related to enzyme action.
3) The document includes a figure from a study comparing the temperature dependence of Na,K-ATPase activity in Alzheimer's disease and control brain tissue membranes.
The document discusses the career and research interests of Ralph L. Sherman. It mentions that he visited Koella, who was emeritus at Ciba, and also discusses Sherman's office from 1957. It then discusses the work of Lester Ingber and how Sherman introduced him to Robert Simmons Sr. and Sorin Comorosan in 1980 to discuss research on memory and calcium kinetics. Comorosan and Sherman had visited a penicillin plant and Ibiza in the past. The document also discusses a measurement problem in biology paper by Comorosan from 1974 and Sherman's situation regarding EEG and Transition State Theory.
Unbound Learning is a startup that aims to help teachers find relevant content on the web more easily by providing smart search and social sharing tools. Their solution connects teachers to the best online content through targeted search and recommendations based on what other teachers have found useful. They plan to launch initial products like district planning tools and a lesson planning tool by summer 2013 and generate revenue through freemium subscriptions and sales to school districts.
Sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation. Electroencephalography (EEG) can provide insights into this process as brain activity changes during sleep. Memory consolidation may involve the brain replaying memories during sleep to strengthen connections and integrate new information.
Si puo, may i dear guests beseech your empathyRalph Sherman
The author acknowledges that their previous solution to finding the cube root of -16 was incorrect. They apologize to the 128 viewers who saw the incorrect solution over the past two months and ask for help correcting their errors in representing the problem as a vector. The author explains how the problem originated from a casual discussion with their son and friend and that they now seek to depict the solution as a glimpse of life rather than just numbers and formulas.
A picture shows a dinghy that appears strange in some way. Vladimir helped with something related to the dinghy but referred to a line as a rope. The document raises questions about what appears strange in the picture and Vladimir's incorrect reference to a line.
This document discusses Gibbs molar action, an equation derived from transition state theory relating the rate constant k of an enzymatic reaction to Gibbs free energy G. It cites the work of Arthur Iberall and F. Eugene Yates on homeokinetics and homeodynamics. The document also thanks Bradley Droessler for review and provides a link to the author Ralph Sherman's LinkedIn profile.
This document discusses the development and benefits of MRI scans. It begins by explaining the need for technology to see inside the body without surgery. It then discusses early technologies like X-rays and CT scans. MRI scans were invented in the 1970s and use powerful magnets and radio waves to produce detailed 3D images of soft tissues without radiation. MRIs have advantages over X-rays like detecting subtle differences in soft tissues and producing multiple plane images without moving the patient. The document concludes that MRI scans are extremely effective diagnostic tools that help discover health issues and guide treatment.
This document discusses modeling coupled oscillator behavior as the coupling constant increases using MathCAD. It found that increasing the coupling constant changed the oscillator behavior. It had intended to find a harmonic ratio of 2 to 1 but missed that result.
This slideshow presentation discusses using parametric quantification methods to study the sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+-ATPase) in excitatory-inhibitory compensation. Specifically, it presents a least-action approach to model the pump's behavior and minimum energy requirements under varying neuronal activity levels in order to maintain ionic homeostasis.
Math formulas show that A equals B times C, and that the Planck Law and Eyring Equation are power functions that relate energy times time to watt/B units. These equations demonstrate relationships between action, energy over time, and power.
Deercroft is located in the Coquille River Valley in Myrtle Point, Oregon near the Oregon Coastal Range and Sugarloaf Mountain. The landscape features the Coquille River Valley and is near the Oregon Coastal Range mountains and Sugarloaf Mountain.
The document summarizes information from Ralph Sherman's slideshare posts. It describes the J.M. Richards laboratory which was established in 1958 in Grosse Point Park, Michigan and closed in 1973. It also mentions several of Sherman's projects involving biofeedback, transition state theory, hyperbaric oxygenation research, and linking concepts from physics and chemistry to biology and the brain.
A retreat was held at Deer Park in Myrtle Point, Oregon from February 20th to 23rd, 2018. The retreat center is located at the junction of four branches of the Coquille River, fifty miles from the Pacific Ocean. During the retreat, there was very rare heavy snowfall that left snow on the clear cut areas and coastal mountain range for three days after the snowstorm.
This document discusses the author's interactions with three individuals involved in biophysics research. It mentions meeting Hudson Hoagland in 1958 at the first Biophysics Society Meeting, receiving a paper from Henry Ballin the same year after requesting a copy, and meeting Werner Koella around 1980 after he had retired from Ciba.
The document discusses tilings of the Euclidean plane using regular polygons. It explains that the only regular polygons that can tile the plane are triangles, squares, and hexagons. For a tiling to be valid, the interior angles of the polygons must sum to 360 degrees at each vertex. Only triangles, squares, and hexagons satisfy this requirement. Therefore, these three shapes are the only regular polygons that can be used to tessellate or tile the entire plane without gaps or overlaps.
This document provides information about a retreat to be held at Deer Park on the summer solstice of 2017. The retreat is ecumenical in nature and centered around Saint Francis of Assisi.
The document discusses the career and research interests of Ralph L. Sherman. It mentions that he visited Koella, who was emeritus at Ciba, and also discusses Sherman's office from 1957. It then discusses the work of Lester Ingber and how Sherman introduced him to Robert Simmons Sr. and Sorin Comorosan in 1980 to discuss research on memory and calcium kinetics. Comorosan and Sherman had visited a penicillin plant and Ibiza in the past. The document also discusses a measurement problem in biology paper by Comorosan from 1974 and Sherman's situation regarding EEG and Transition State Theory.
Unbound Learning is a startup that aims to help teachers find relevant content on the web more easily by providing smart search and social sharing tools. Their solution connects teachers to the best online content through targeted search and recommendations based on what other teachers have found useful. They plan to launch initial products like district planning tools and a lesson planning tool by summer 2013 and generate revenue through freemium subscriptions and sales to school districts.
Sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation. Electroencephalography (EEG) can provide insights into this process as brain activity changes during sleep. Memory consolidation may involve the brain replaying memories during sleep to strengthen connections and integrate new information.
Si puo, may i dear guests beseech your empathyRalph Sherman
The author acknowledges that their previous solution to finding the cube root of -16 was incorrect. They apologize to the 128 viewers who saw the incorrect solution over the past two months and ask for help correcting their errors in representing the problem as a vector. The author explains how the problem originated from a casual discussion with their son and friend and that they now seek to depict the solution as a glimpse of life rather than just numbers and formulas.
A picture shows a dinghy that appears strange in some way. Vladimir helped with something related to the dinghy but referred to a line as a rope. The document raises questions about what appears strange in the picture and Vladimir's incorrect reference to a line.
This document discusses Gibbs molar action, an equation derived from transition state theory relating the rate constant k of an enzymatic reaction to Gibbs free energy G. It cites the work of Arthur Iberall and F. Eugene Yates on homeokinetics and homeodynamics. The document also thanks Bradley Droessler for review and provides a link to the author Ralph Sherman's LinkedIn profile.
This document discusses the development and benefits of MRI scans. It begins by explaining the need for technology to see inside the body without surgery. It then discusses early technologies like X-rays and CT scans. MRI scans were invented in the 1970s and use powerful magnets and radio waves to produce detailed 3D images of soft tissues without radiation. MRIs have advantages over X-rays like detecting subtle differences in soft tissues and producing multiple plane images without moving the patient. The document concludes that MRI scans are extremely effective diagnostic tools that help discover health issues and guide treatment.
This document discusses modeling coupled oscillator behavior as the coupling constant increases using MathCAD. It found that increasing the coupling constant changed the oscillator behavior. It had intended to find a harmonic ratio of 2 to 1 but missed that result.
This slideshow presentation discusses using parametric quantification methods to study the sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+-ATPase) in excitatory-inhibitory compensation. Specifically, it presents a least-action approach to model the pump's behavior and minimum energy requirements under varying neuronal activity levels in order to maintain ionic homeostasis.
Math formulas show that A equals B times C, and that the Planck Law and Eyring Equation are power functions that relate energy times time to watt/B units. These equations demonstrate relationships between action, energy over time, and power.
Deercroft is located in the Coquille River Valley in Myrtle Point, Oregon near the Oregon Coastal Range and Sugarloaf Mountain. The landscape features the Coquille River Valley and is near the Oregon Coastal Range mountains and Sugarloaf Mountain.
The document summarizes information from Ralph Sherman's slideshare posts. It describes the J.M. Richards laboratory which was established in 1958 in Grosse Point Park, Michigan and closed in 1973. It also mentions several of Sherman's projects involving biofeedback, transition state theory, hyperbaric oxygenation research, and linking concepts from physics and chemistry to biology and the brain.
A retreat was held at Deer Park in Myrtle Point, Oregon from February 20th to 23rd, 2018. The retreat center is located at the junction of four branches of the Coquille River, fifty miles from the Pacific Ocean. During the retreat, there was very rare heavy snowfall that left snow on the clear cut areas and coastal mountain range for three days after the snowstorm.
This document discusses the author's interactions with three individuals involved in biophysics research. It mentions meeting Hudson Hoagland in 1958 at the first Biophysics Society Meeting, receiving a paper from Henry Ballin the same year after requesting a copy, and meeting Werner Koella around 1980 after he had retired from Ciba.
The document discusses tilings of the Euclidean plane using regular polygons. It explains that the only regular polygons that can tile the plane are triangles, squares, and hexagons. For a tiling to be valid, the interior angles of the polygons must sum to 360 degrees at each vertex. Only triangles, squares, and hexagons satisfy this requirement. Therefore, these three shapes are the only regular polygons that can be used to tessellate or tile the entire plane without gaps or overlaps.
This document provides information about a retreat to be held at Deer Park on the summer solstice of 2017. The retreat is ecumenical in nature and centered around Saint Francis of Assisi.
This document discusses an article on gamma and beta bursts during working memory read-out and their suggested role in its volitional control. It also references a 1947 electronics textbook that discusses treating EEG data as coupled electronic circuits, with details on calculating the coupling coefficient k for electromagnetically coupled simple harmonic oscillators represented by impedances.
This document provides biographical information about Ralph Sherman and David Bhakti Ananda Goswami, the founders of the Saint Francis of Assisi Private Ecumenical Retreat in Myrtle Point, Oregon. It discusses their backgrounds, careers, and over 100 combined years of research experience. It also mentions Ralph's great-granddaughter Hannah Williams, who has helped maintain the retreat property, and reflects on their fruitful year connecting with followers online and looking forward to further service in 2017.
The document discusses the Eyring equation, which describes the rate of a chemical reaction as a function of temperature and Gibbs free energy. Specifically, it notes that the Eyring equation has the form of rate (A) equals a constant (B) divided by an exponential function (C) of Gibbs free energy and temperature. It further explains that the exponential function (C) is always greater than or equal to one, and that as it approaches one, the rate (A) approaches the constant (B).
Ralph Sherman served in the U.S. Army 238th Chemical Depot Company from 1945-1946, first stationed on San Jose Island in the Bay of Panama. He was discharged from the army in February 1946. As a chemical laboratory assistant, his duties included making quantitative tests of war gas concentrations, operating sampling machines, and working on computations from field tests. He maintained and repaired sampling instruments.
A diagram showed a right isosceles triangle with the sides labeled aa+bb=cc, expressing the Pythagorean theorem that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides equals the square of the longest side. The diagram used the primary colors to represent the principal of the Pythagorean theorem in a visual way.
A document discusses a cubic Venn diagram and its dual representation, noting that including a virtual external node helps show the symmetry between the two diagrams. The document is dated December 15, 2014.
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, well explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Acute & Chronic Inflammation, Chemical mediators in Inflammation and Wound he...Ganapathi Vankudoth
A complete information of Inflammation, it includes types of Inflammation, purpose of Inflammation, pathogenesis of acute inflammation, chemical mediators in inflammation, types of chronic inflammation, wound healing and Inflammation in skin repair, phases of wound healing, factors influencing wound healing and types of wound healing.
Optimization in Pharmaceutical Formulations: Concepts, Methods & ApplicationsKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of optimization in pharmaceutical formulations. It explains the concept of optimization, different types of optimization problems (constrained and unconstrained), and the mathematical principles behind formulation development. Key topics include:
Methods for optimization (Sequential Simplex Method, Classical Mathematical Methods)
Statistical analysis in optimization (Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, Hypothesis Testing)
Factorial Design & Quality by Design (QbD) for process improvement
Applications of optimization in drug formulation
This resource is beneficial for pharmaceutical scientists, R&D professionals, regulatory experts, and students looking to understand pharmaceutical process optimization and quality by design approaches.
Title: Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption A Comprehensive Overview
This lecture provides a detailed and structured explanation of the mechanisms regulating tubular reabsorption in the kidneys. It explores how different physiological and hormonal factors influence glomerular filtration and reabsorption rates, ensuring fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
Who Should Read This?
This presentation is designed for:
鏝 Medical Students (MBBS, BDS, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences) preparing for physiology exams.
鏝 Medical Educators & Professors looking for structured teaching material.
鏝 Healthcare Professionals (doctors, nephrologists, and physiologists) seeking a refresher on renal physiology.
鏝 Postgraduate Students & Researchers in the field of medical sciences and physiology.
What Youll Learn:
Local Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Glomerulo-Tubular Balance its mechanism and clinical significance
鏝 Net reabsorptive forces affecting peritubular capillaries
鏝 Role of peritubular hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures
Hormonal Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption
鏝 Effects of Aldosterone, Angiotensin II, ADH, and Natriuretic Peptides
鏝 Clinical conditions like Addisons disease & Conn Syndrome
鏝 Mechanisms of pressure natriuresis and diuresis
Nervous System Regulation
鏝 Sympathetic Nervous System activation and its effects on sodium reabsorption
Clinical Correlations & Case Discussions
鏝 How renal regulation is altered in hypertension, hypotension, and proteinuria
鏝 Comparison of Glomerulo-Tubular Balance vs. Tubulo-Glomerular Feedback
This presentation provides detailed diagrams, flowcharts, and calculations to enhance understanding and retention. Whether you are studying, teaching, or practicing medicine, this lecture will serve as a valuable resource for mastering renal physiology.
Keywords for Easy Search:
#Physiology #RenalPhysiology #TubularReabsorption #GlomeruloTubularBalance #HormonalRegulation #MedicalEducation #Nephrology
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
Dr. Vincenzo Giordano began his medical career 2011 at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Here, he performed complex adult cardiothoracic surgical procedures, significantly enhancing his proficiency in patient critical care, as evidenced by his FCCS certification.
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAire
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
Key Topics Covered:
鏝 Viable air & surface sampling best practices
鏝 USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
鏝 How to analyze & trend viable sample data
鏝 Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
・ Watch Now:
Stay informedfollow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
Unit 1: Introduction to Histological and Cytological techniques
Differentiate histology and cytology
Overview on tissue types
Function and components of the compound light microscope
Overview on common Histological Techniques:
o Fixation
o Grossing
o Tissue processing
o Microtomy
o Staining
o Mounting
Application of histology and cytology
Presentaci坦 que va acompanyar la demostraci坦 prctica de metge d'Innovaci坦 Jos辿 Ferrer sobre el projecte Benestar de BSA, nom d'IDIAP Pere Gol, el 5 de mar巽 de 2025 a l'estand de XarSMART al Mobible Word Congress.
Dr. Anik Roy Chowdhury
MBBS, BCS(Health), DA, MD (Resident)
Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain Medicine
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH)