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Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Achillea aegyptiaca Taygetea FLDP SD LD
Achillea clypeolata x Taygetea,
Anthea, Moonshine
Achillea filipendulina Cloth of
Achillea filipendulina x Gold
Achillea filipendulina x clypeolata
Coronation Gold
Achillea millefolium x Summer
Achillea millefolium x Taygetea,
Appleblossum, Fireland,
Galaxy, Hope, Paprika, Terra
Cotta, Red Velvet
Achillea ptarmica The Pearl FLDP SD LD
Achillea tomentosa King Edward
Ajuga Bronze Beauty, Chocolate
Chip Golden Beauty and others
Alcea rosea FLDP SD LD
Alchemilla mollis DNP NR NR
Allium ampeloprasum FLDP SD LD
Allium cepa FSDP/DNP SD NR
Allium sphaerocephalon FLDP SD LD
Alstroemeria hybrids FLDP SD LD
Ammi majus OLDP SD LD
Anagallis arvensis OLDP SD LD
Anagallis tenella OLDP SD LD
Anemone coronaria DNP-OLDP NR LD
Anemone hupehensis OLDP SD LD
Aquilegia flaballata Mini Star DNP NR NR
Aquilegia flabellata Cameo,
Mini Star
Aquilegia species DNP/FLDP NR LD
Aquilegia x hybrid Origami Blue DNP NR NR
Aquilegia x hybrida Crimson Star DNP NR NR
Aquilegia x hybrida Musik series DNP NR NR
Aquilegia x hybrida Songbird
Armeria latifolia DNP NR NR
Armeria maritime Cottontail DNP NR NR
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Armeria x hybrida Dwarf
Ornament Mix
Asclepias tuberosa
OLDP (>15 hr
Asperula arvensis Blue Mist OLDP SD LD
Aster alpinus Goliath DNP NR NR
Aster dumosus DNP NR NR
Aster dumosus Purple Dome SDP LD SD
Aster ericoides FLDP - FSDP LD SD
Aster novi-belgii FLDP - FSDP LD SD
Aster pilosus OSDP LD SD
Astilbe chinensis Superba DNP NR NR
Astilbe chinensis pumila FLDP NR LD
Astilbe x arendsii DNP to FLDP NR LD
Astilbe x hybrid  many cvs DNP NR NR
Baptisia australis DNP NR NR
Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost OLDP SD LD
Calamintha officinalis FLDP SD LD
Campanula Birch Hybrid FLDP SD LD
Campanula Cherry Bells FLDP SD LD
Campanula Kent Belle DNP NR NR
Campanula alliariaefolia FLDP SD LD
Campanula carpatica Blue Chips.
White Clips
OLDP (>16 hr) SD LD
Campanula fragilis
OLDP (>12-14 hr;
rec. NI)
Campanula garganica FLDP SD LD
Campanula grandiflorus
Sentimental Blue
Campanula isophylla
(>14 hr)
Campanula leucophylla OLDP SD LD
Campanula medium
OLDP (after 8-9
leaves; 8-12 hr
Campanula medium OSDP - OLDP SD LD
Campanula medium
SD (during
followed by LD
Campanula medium Champion OLDP SD LD
Campanula persicaefolia FLDP SD LD
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Campanula persicaefolia Takion
Blue and Takion White
Campanula persicifolia Chettle
Campanula poscharskyana
(>14 hr)
Campanula primulaefolia FLDP SD LD
Campanula pyrmidalis OLDP (>14-15 hr) SD LD
Carpanthea pomeridiana Golden
Carthamus tinctorius Lasting
Caryopteris incana FSDP LD SD
Catananche caerula Blue OLDP SD LD
Centaurea Americana OLDP SD LD
Centaurea cyanus FLDP SD LD
Centaurea cyanus Blue Boy OLDP SD LD
Centaurea Montana OLDP SD LD
Centranthus macrosiphon DNP NR NR
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
IDP (intermediate
day plant; 14
Ceropegia FSDP LD SD
Cheiranthus cheiri FLDP SD LD
Chelone glabra LD-SD LD SD
Chrysanthemum coccineum
James Kelway
Chrysanthemum frutescens OLDP SD LD
Chrysanthemum indicum OSDP LD SD
Chrysogonium virginianum
Cimicifuga racemosa FLDP SD LD
Cirsium japonicum DNP NR NR
Clarkia amoena FLDP (63-72oF) NR LD
Clematis x jackmanii
OLDP (after
Consolida ambigua OLDP SD LD
Convolvulus tricolor  Blue
Cordylis Blackberry Wine FLDP SD LD
Cordylis lutea FLDP SD LD
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Coreopsis auriculata DNP NR NR
Coreopsis grandiflora FLDP SD LD
Coreopsis rosea FLDP SD LD
Coreopsis verticillata OLDP SD LD
Coreposis Limerock Series OLDP SD LD
Delasperma cooperi DNP NR NR
Delphinium cultorum
LDP at cool temp
DNP at warm
Delphinium grandiflorum
Summer Blues and
Delphinium x belladonna
Delphinium x cultorum
(grandiflorum) Blue Mirror and
Belladonna and others
LDP at cool temp
DNP at warm
Dianthis arenarius OLDP SD LD
Dianthus barbatus DNP/FLDP NR LD
Dianthus carthusianorum FLDP (>14 hr) SD LD
Dianthus caryophyllus FLDP SD LD
Dianthus chinensis Ideal Cherry
Dianthus coesius OLDP SD LD
Dianthus deltoids Zing Rose DNP NR NR
Dianthus gallicus OLDP SD LD
Dianthus graniticus OLDP SD LD
Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Baths Pink
Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Dianthus prolifer FLDP SD LD
Dianthus superbus OLDP SD LD
Dicentra Luxuriant DNP NR NR
Digitalis grandiflora Carillon DNP NR NR
Digitalis obscura DNP NR NR
Digitalis purpurea FLDP SD LD
Digitalis thapsi Spanish Peaks FLDP SD LD
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca
Mixed Colors
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca
Salmon Queen
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Echinacea purpurea
OLDP Best growth
is grown under SD
for 6 weeks and
then LD.
Echinops bannaticus FLDP SD LD
Erigeron FLDP SD LD
Eryngium variifolium DNP NR NR
Erysimum Apricot Twist FLDP SD LD
Erysimum spp. DNP NR NR
Eschscholzia californica Sundew FLDP SD LD
Eupatorium rugosum Chocolate FSDP LD SD
Euphorbia Jade Dragon
OLDP for flower
Euphorbia amygdaloides
Euphorbia lathyrus DNP NR NR
Euphorbia marginata OSDP LD SD
Euphorbia pulcherrima OSDP LD SD
Gaillardia x grandiflora OLDP SD LD
Gaura lindheimeri Whirling
Butterflies, Siskyou Pink,
Ballerina Rose and others
Geranium Rozanne DNP NR NR
Geranium dalmaticum FLDP SD LD
Geranium sanguineum New
Hampshire Purple and others
Geum Mrs. Bradshaw DNP NR NR
Geum bulgaricum DNP NR NR
Geum canadense DNP NR NR
Geum intermedium DNP NR NR
Geum macrophyllum DNP NR NR
Geum urbanum DNP NR NR
Gynura aurantiaca FLDP SD LD
Gypsophila elegans
plants, DNP on
vernalized plants
Gypsophila paniculata Double
Helianthus annuus Sundance Kid DNP NR NR
Helinathus First Light,  Low
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Helinathus debilis Vanilla Ice FLDP SD LD
Helipterum roseum OLDP SD LD
Heuchera sanguinea
Bressingham hybrids
Heucherella cvs. DNP NR NR
Hibiscus moscheutos Disco Belle
and others
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis DNP NR NR
Hibiscus syriacus OLDP SD LD
Hosta Francee, Golden Tiara,
and Golden Sceptor
Hosta Golden Tiara, Golden
Hosta Tokudama FLDP SD LD
Hosta fortuneis FLDP SD LD
Hosta kikutiis FSDP LD SD
Hosta longpipes FSDP LD SD
Hosta Montana OLDP SD LD
Hosta plantaginea Royal
Hosta sieboldianas FLDP SD LD
Hyocyamus niger OLDP SD LD
Hypericum species FLDP SD LD
Hyptis brevipes OSDP LD SD
Iberis durandii FSDP or OV LD SD
Iberis intermedia OLDP SD LD
Iberis sempervirens Snowflake DNP NR NR
Iris germanica FLDP SD LD
Lamium Album, Anne
Greenaway, Orchid Frost, Pink
Pewter, White Nancy and
Lamium maculatum DNP NR NR
Laurentia axillaris FLDP SD LD
Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote
Blue or Munstead
Lavatera trimestris Silver Cup OLDP SD LD
Leucanthemum cobennense FLDP SD LD
Leucanthemum x superbum
Leucanthemum x superbum
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Leucanthemum x superbum Ice
OLDP (not
vernalized) FLDP
Leucanthemum x superbum
Silver Princess
Leucanthemum x superbum
Leucanthemum x superbum
Leucanthemum x superbum
Summer Snowball
Leucanthemum x superbum
White Knight
Liatrus spicata FLDP SD LD
Limonium sinuatum Fortress
Deep Rose, Heavenly Blue
Linaria marcoccana DNP to FLDP NR LD
Linum perenne DNP to OLDP NR LD
Linum perenne Sapphire DNP NR NR
Lobelia x speciosa Compliment
OLDP  no cooling
FLDP  with
Lunaria annus DNP NR NR
Lunaria biennis DNP NR NR
Lupinus angustifolius FLDP SD LD
Lupinus hartwegii Bright Gems FLDP SD LD
Lychnis coronaria FLDP SD LD
Lysimachia ciliate Firecracker FLDP SD LD
Lysimachia clethroides OLDP SD LD
Lysimachia nemorum OLDP SD LD
Lysimachia punctata Alexander FLDP SD LD
Malva verticillata FSDP LD SD
Mentha piperita OLDP SD LD
Mina lobata OSDP LD SD
Mondara didyma Cambridge
Scarlet and others
Nemophila maculate Pennie
Nemophila menziesii DNP NR NR
Nepeta subsessile FLDP SD LD
Nepeta x faassenii Blue Wonder
and Walkers Low
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Nepeta x faassenii Snowflake DNP NR NR
Nigella arvensis FLDP SD LD
Nigella damascena FLDP SD LD
Oenothera biennis OLDP SD LD
Oenothera fruticosa Youngii-
Oenothera lamarkiana OLDP SD LD
Oenothera longiflora OLDP SD LD
Oenothera missouriensis OLDP SD LD
Oenothera pallida Wedding
Oenothera parviflora OLDP SD LD
Oenothera rosea FLDP SD LD
Oenothera speciosa Siskiyou FLDP SD LD
Oenothera stricta OLDP SD LD
Oenothera strigosa FSDP LD SD
Oenothera suaveolens OLDP SD LD
Orchidaceae (most species) DNP NR NR
Oxalis crassipes Rosea OLDP SD LD
Papaver rhoeas DNP NR NR
Papaver somniferum OLDP SD LD
Pennisetum setaceum Rubrum FLDP SD LD
Pennstemon Violet Dusk FLDP SD LD
Pennstemon barbatus Elfin Pink OLDP SD LD
Pennstemon campanulatus, and
P. campanulatus Garnet Red
Pennstemon digitalis Husker
Pennstemon mexicale Pikes
Perilla ocymoides OSDP LD SD
Perovskia atriplicifolia Filigran,
Little Spire and others
Phacelia campanularia DNP NR NR
Phacelia tanacetifolia FLDP SD LD
Phlox divaricata Laphammi,
Lond on Grove
Phlox paniculata Eva Cullum and
Phlox subulata DNP NR NR
Physostegia virginiana FLDP SD LD
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Platycodon grandiflorus
Sentimental Blue
Platystemon californicus OLDP SD LD
Polemonium species including cv
Brise D Anjou
Polemonium viscosum OLDP SD LD
Polianthes tuberose DNP NR NR
Potentilla atrosanguinea Mrs.
Pulmonaria cvs. DNP NR NR
Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium DNP NR NR
Reseda alba FLDP SD LD
Rodgersia aesculifolia FLDP SD LD
Rudbeckia fulgida OLDP SD LD
Rudbeckia hirta OLDP SD LD
Saccharum officinarum FSDP LD SD
Salvia leucantha OSDP LD SD
Salvia sylvestris Pink Friesland
and Sensation Rose
Salvia x superba Blue Queen FLDP SD LD
Sanvitallia procumbens FSDP LD SD
Saxifraga hynoides OLDP SD LD
Saxifraga rotundifolia DNP NR NR
Saxifraga x arendsii Triumph FLDP SD LD
Scabiosa atropurpurea FLDP SD LD
Scabiosa canescens FLDP SD LD
Scabiosa caucasica Butterfly
Scabiosa sanescens FLDP SD LD
Scabiosa succisa FLDP SD LD
Scabiosa ukranica OLDP SD LD
Scrophularia alata DNP NR NR
Scrophularia arguta FLDP/DNP SD LD
Scrophularia peregrina DNP NR NR
Scrophularia vernalis DNP NR NR
Sedum aizoon var. Aurantiacum OLDP SD LD
Sedum cauticola Autumn Joy
and Ruby Glow
Sedum floriferum
Weihenstephaner Gold
Sedum maximum Honey Song
and Morchen
Latin Name
Response Group
Bulking Flowering
Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not
required) for plant buling and flower development.
Sedum spectabile OLDP SD LD
Sedum spectabile Brilliant and
Sedum telephium L. subsp.
Maximum Indian Chief
Sedum telephium x spectabile
Autumn Joy
Senecio vulgaris DNP NR NR
Sidalcea Party Girls DNP NR NR
Silene armeria OLDP SD LD
Sinapsis alba FLDP SD LD
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Sisyrinchium bellum FLDP SD LD
Solanum nigrum FLDP SD LD
Solanum pseudocapsicum DNP NR NR
Solatium aviculare FLDP SD LD
Solatium capsiciforme DNP NR NR
Solatium simile DNP NR NR
Solidago Fireworks FSDP LD SD
Solidago canadensis OSDP LD SD
Solidago graminifolia OSDP LD SD
Solidago nemoralis OSDP LD SD
Solidago rugosa OLDP SD LD
Sonchus oleraceus FLDP SD LD
Stokesia laevis FLDP LD LD
Tanacetum niveum Jackpot FLDP SD LD
Teucrium scorodonia FLDP SD LD
Thalictrum kusianum DNP NR NR
Tiarella wherryi DNP NR NR
Trachelium caeruleum FLDP SD LD
Tweedia caerulea Blue Sar DNP NR NR
Verbascum phoeniceum DNP NR NR
Veronica longifolia Sunny Border
Blue, Icicle, Red Fox
Veronica spicata DNP NR NR

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In the Break Room: Perennial Plant Photoperiod Bulking & Initiation Response

  • 1. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Achillea aegyptiaca Taygetea FLDP SD LD Achillea clypeolata x Taygetea, Anthea, Moonshine FLDP SD LD Achillea filipendulina Cloth of Gold OLDP SD LD Achillea filipendulina x Gold Plate FLDP SD LD Achillea filipendulina x clypeolata Coronation Gold FLDP SD LD Achillea millefolium x Summer Pastels OLDP SD LD Achillea millefolium x Taygetea, Appleblossum, Fireland, Galaxy, Hope, Paprika, Terra Cotta, Red Velvet FLDP/OLDP SD LD Achillea ptarmica The Pearl FLDP SD LD Achillea tomentosa King Edward VIII DNP NR NR Ajuga Bronze Beauty, Chocolate Chip Golden Beauty and others DNP NR NR Alcea rosea FLDP SD LD Alchemilla mollis DNP NR NR Allium ampeloprasum FLDP SD LD Allium cepa FSDP/DNP SD NR Allium sphaerocephalon FLDP SD LD Alstroemeria hybrids FLDP SD LD Ammi majus OLDP SD LD Anagallis arvensis OLDP SD LD Anagallis tenella OLDP SD LD Anemone coronaria DNP-OLDP NR LD Anemone hupehensis OLDP SD LD Aquilegia flaballata Mini Star DNP NR NR Aquilegia flabellata Cameo, Mini Star DNP NR NR Aquilegia species DNP/FLDP NR LD Aquilegia x hybrid Origami Blue DNP NR NR Aquilegia x hybrida Crimson Star DNP NR NR Aquilegia x hybrida Musik series DNP NR NR Aquilegia x hybrida Songbird series DNP NR NR Armeria latifolia DNP NR NR Armeria maritime Cottontail DNP NR NR Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development.
  • 2. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Armeria x hybrida Dwarf Ornament Mix DNP NR NR Asclepias tuberosa OLDP (>15 hr photoperiod) SD LD Asperula arvensis Blue Mist OLDP SD LD Aster alpinus Goliath DNP NR NR Aster dumosus DNP NR NR Aster dumosus Purple Dome SDP LD SD Aster ericoides FLDP - FSDP LD SD Aster novi-belgii FLDP - FSDP LD SD Aster pilosus OSDP LD SD Astilbe chinensis Superba DNP NR NR Astilbe chinensis pumila FLDP NR LD Astilbe x arendsii DNP to FLDP NR LD Astilbe x hybrid many cvs DNP NR NR Baptisia australis DNP NR NR Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost OLDP SD LD Calamintha officinalis FLDP SD LD Campanula Birch Hybrid FLDP SD LD Campanula Cherry Bells FLDP SD LD Campanula Kent Belle DNP NR NR Campanula alliariaefolia FLDP SD LD Campanula carpatica Blue Chips. White Clips OLDP (>16 hr) SD LD Campanula fragilis OLDP (>12-14 hr; rec. NI) SD LD Campanula garganica FLDP SD LD Campanula grandiflorus Sentimental Blue FLDP SD LD Campanula isophylla OLDP to FLDP (>14 hr) SD LD Campanula leucophylla OLDP SD LD Campanula medium OLDP (after 8-9 leaves; 8-12 hr critical photoperiod) SD LD Campanula medium OSDP - OLDP SD LD Campanula medium SD (during vernalization) followed by LD SD LD Campanula medium Champion OLDP SD LD Campanula persicaefolia FLDP SD LD
  • 3. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Campanula persicaefolia Takion Blue and Takion White DNP NR NR Campanula persicifolia Chettle Charm DNP NR NR Campanula poscharskyana OLDP to FLDP (>14 hr) SD LD Campanula primulaefolia FLDP SD LD Campanula pyrmidalis OLDP (>14-15 hr) SD LD Carpanthea pomeridiana Golden Carpet DNP NR NR Carthamus tinctorius Lasting Yellow FLDP SD LD Caryopteris incana FSDP LD SD Catananche caerula Blue OLDP SD LD Centaurea Americana OLDP SD LD Centaurea cyanus FLDP SD LD Centaurea cyanus Blue Boy OLDP SD LD Centaurea Montana OLDP SD LD Centranthus macrosiphon DNP NR NR Ceratostigma plumbaginoides IDP (intermediate day plant; 14 hours recommended) NR LD Ceropegia FSDP LD SD Cheiranthus cheiri FLDP SD LD Chelone glabra LD-SD LD SD Chrysanthemum coccineum James Kelway OLDP SD LD Chrysanthemum frutescens OLDP SD LD Chrysanthemum indicum OSDP LD SD Chrysogonium virginianum Pierre DNP NR NR Cimicifuga racemosa FLDP SD LD Cirsium japonicum DNP NR NR Clarkia amoena FLDP (63-72oF) NR LD Clematis x jackmanii OLDP (after cooling) SD LD Consolida ambigua OLDP SD LD Convolvulus tricolor Blue Enchantment DNP NR NR Cordylis Blackberry Wine FLDP SD LD Cordylis lutea FLDP SD LD
  • 4. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Coreopsis auriculata DNP NR NR Coreopsis grandiflora FLDP SD LD Coreopsis rosea FLDP SD LD Coreopsis verticillata OLDP SD LD Coreposis Limerock Series OLDP SD LD Delasperma cooperi DNP NR NR Delphinium cultorum LDP at cool temp DNP at warm temp NR LD Delphinium grandiflorum Summer Blues and Volkerfrieden FLDP/DNP NR LD Delphinium x belladonna Volkerfrieden DNP NR NR Delphinium x cultorum (grandiflorum) Blue Mirror and Belladonna and others LDP at cool temp DNP at warm temp NR LD Dianthis arenarius OLDP SD LD Dianthus barbatus DNP/FLDP NR LD Dianthus carthusianorum FLDP (>14 hr) SD LD Dianthus caryophyllus FLDP SD LD Dianthus chinensis Ideal Cherry Picotee FLDP SD LD Dianthus coesius OLDP SD LD Dianthus deltoids Zing Rose DNP NR NR Dianthus gallicus OLDP SD LD Dianthus graniticus OLDP SD LD Dianthus gratianopolitanus Baths Pink DNP NR NR Dianthus gratianopolitanus Firewitch DNP NR NR Dianthus prolifer FLDP SD LD Dianthus superbus OLDP SD LD Dicentra Luxuriant DNP NR NR Digitalis grandiflora Carillon DNP NR NR Digitalis obscura DNP NR NR Digitalis purpurea FLDP SD LD Digitalis thapsi Spanish Peaks FLDP SD LD Dimorphotheca aurantiaca Mixed Colors DNP NR NR Dimorphotheca aurantiaca Salmon Queen OLDP SD LD
  • 5. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Echinacea purpurea OLDP Best growth is grown under SD for 6 weeks and then LD. SD LD Echinops bannaticus FLDP SD LD Erigeron FLDP SD LD Eryngium variifolium DNP NR NR Erysimum Apricot Twist FLDP SD LD Erysimum spp. DNP NR NR Eschscholzia californica Sundew FLDP SD LD Eupatorium rugosum Chocolate FSDP LD SD Euphorbia Jade Dragon OLDP for flower opening SD LD Euphorbia amygdaloides Purpurea DNP NR NR Euphorbia lathyrus DNP NR NR Euphorbia marginata OSDP LD SD Euphorbia pulcherrima OSDP LD SD Gaillardia x grandiflora OLDP SD LD Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies, Siskyou Pink, Ballerina Rose and others FLDP SD LD Geranium Rozanne DNP NR NR Geranium dalmaticum FLDP SD LD Geranium sanguineum New Hampshire Purple and others DNP NR NR Geum Mrs. Bradshaw DNP NR NR Geum bulgaricum DNP NR NR Geum canadense DNP NR NR Geum intermedium DNP NR NR Geum macrophyllum DNP NR NR Geum urbanum DNP NR NR Gynura aurantiaca FLDP SD LD Gypsophila elegans OLDP on Unvernalized plants, DNP on vernalized plants SD LD Gypsophila paniculata Double Snowflake OLDP SD LD Helianthus annuus Sundance Kid DNP NR NR Helinathus First Light, Low Down FSDP LD SD
  • 6. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Helinathus debilis Vanilla Ice FLDP SD LD Helipterum roseum OLDP SD LD Heuchera sanguinea Bressingham hybrids DNP NR NR Heucherella cvs. DNP NR NR Hibiscus moscheutos Disco Belle and others OLDP SD LD Hibiscus rosa-sinensis DNP NR NR Hibiscus syriacus OLDP SD LD Hosta Francee, Golden Tiara, and Golden Sceptor FLDP SD LD Hosta Golden Tiara, Golden Sceptor FLDP SD LD Hosta Tokudama FLDP SD LD Hosta fortuneis FLDP SD LD Hosta kikutiis FSDP LD SD Hosta longpipes FSDP LD SD Hosta Montana OLDP SD LD Hosta plantaginea Royal Standard FLDP SD LD Hosta sieboldianas FLDP SD LD Hyocyamus niger OLDP SD LD Hypericum species FLDP SD LD Hyptis brevipes OSDP LD SD Iberis durandii FSDP or OV LD SD Iberis intermedia OLDP SD LD Iberis sempervirens Snowflake DNP NR NR Iris germanica FLDP SD LD Lamium Album, Anne Greenaway, Orchid Frost, Pink Pewter, White Nancy and others DNP NR NR Lamium maculatum DNP NR NR Laurentia axillaris FLDP SD LD Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote Blue or Munstead FLDP SD LD Lavatera trimestris Silver Cup OLDP SD LD Leucanthemum cobennense FLDP SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum Alaska FLDP SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum Becky OLDP SD LD
  • 7. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Leucanthemum x superbum Ice Star OLDP (not vernalized) FLDP (vernalized) SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum Silver Princess FLDP SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum Snowcap OLDP SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum Snowlady FLDP SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum Summer Snowball FLDP SD LD Leucanthemum x superbum White Knight FLDP SD LD Liatrus spicata FLDP SD LD Limonium sinuatum Fortress Deep Rose, Heavenly Blue FLDP SD LD Linaria marcoccana DNP to FLDP NR LD Linum perenne DNP to OLDP NR LD Linum perenne Sapphire DNP NR NR Lobelia x speciosa Compliment Scarlet OLDP no cooling FLDP with cooling SD LD Lunaria annus DNP NR NR Lunaria biennis DNP NR NR Lupinus angustifolius FLDP SD LD Lupinus hartwegii Bright Gems FLDP SD LD Lychnis coronaria FLDP SD LD Lysimachia ciliate Firecracker FLDP SD LD Lysimachia clethroides OLDP SD LD Lysimachia nemorum OLDP SD LD Lysimachia punctata Alexander FLDP SD LD Malva verticillata FSDP LD SD Mentha piperita OLDP SD LD Mina lobata OSDP LD SD Mondara didyma Cambridge Scarlet and others OLDP SD LD Nemophila maculate Pennie Black DNP NR NR Nemophila menziesii DNP NR NR Nepeta subsessile FLDP SD LD Nepeta x faassenii Blue Wonder and Walkers Low OLDP SD LD
  • 8. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Nepeta x faassenii Snowflake DNP NR NR Nigella arvensis FLDP SD LD Nigella damascena FLDP SD LD Oenothera biennis OLDP SD LD Oenothera fruticosa Youngii- Lapsley OLDP SD LD Oenothera lamarkiana OLDP SD LD Oenothera longiflora OLDP SD LD Oenothera missouriensis OLDP SD LD Oenothera pallida Wedding Bells DNP NR NR Oenothera parviflora OLDP SD LD Oenothera rosea FLDP SD LD Oenothera speciosa Siskiyou FLDP SD LD Oenothera stricta OLDP SD LD Oenothera strigosa FSDP LD SD Oenothera suaveolens OLDP SD LD Orchidaceae (most species) DNP NR NR Oxalis crassipes Rosea OLDP SD LD Papaver rhoeas DNP NR NR Papaver somniferum OLDP SD LD Pennisetum setaceum Rubrum FLDP SD LD Pennstemon Violet Dusk FLDP SD LD Pennstemon barbatus Elfin Pink OLDP SD LD Pennstemon campanulatus, and P. campanulatus Garnet Red FLDP SD LD Pennstemon digitalis Husker Red FLDP SD LD Pennstemon mexicale Pikes Peak FLDP SD LD Perilla ocymoides OSDP LD SD Perovskia atriplicifolia Filigran, Little Spire and others DNP NR NR Phacelia campanularia DNP NR NR Phacelia tanacetifolia FLDP SD LD Phlox divaricata Laphammi, Lond on Grove DNP NR NR Phlox paniculata Eva Cullum and Tenor OLDP SD LD Phlox subulata DNP NR NR Physostegia virginiana FLDP SD LD
  • 9. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Platycodon grandiflorus Sentimental Blue OLDP SD LD Platystemon californicus OLDP SD LD Polemonium species including cv Brise D Anjou FLDP SD LD Polemonium viscosum OLDP SD LD Polianthes tuberose DNP NR NR Potentilla atrosanguinea Mrs. Willmot DNP NR NR Pulmonaria cvs. DNP NR NR Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium DNP NR NR Reseda alba FLDP SD LD Rodgersia aesculifolia FLDP SD LD Rudbeckia fulgida OLDP SD LD Rudbeckia hirta OLDP SD LD Saccharum officinarum FSDP LD SD Salvia leucantha OSDP LD SD Salvia sylvestris Pink Friesland and Sensation Rose FLDP SD LD Salvia x superba Blue Queen FLDP SD LD Sanvitallia procumbens FSDP LD SD Saxifraga hynoides OLDP SD LD Saxifraga rotundifolia DNP NR NR Saxifraga x arendsii Triumph FLDP SD LD Scabiosa atropurpurea FLDP SD LD Scabiosa canescens FLDP SD LD Scabiosa caucasica Butterfly Blue DNP NR NR Scabiosa sanescens FLDP SD LD Scabiosa succisa FLDP SD LD Scabiosa ukranica OLDP SD LD Scrophularia alata DNP NR NR Scrophularia arguta FLDP/DNP SD LD Scrophularia peregrina DNP NR NR Scrophularia vernalis DNP NR NR Sedum aizoon var. Aurantiacum OLDP SD LD Sedum cauticola Autumn Joy and Ruby Glow OLDP SD LD Sedum floriferum Weihenstephaner Gold OLDP SD LD Sedum maximum Honey Song and Morchen OLDP SD LD
  • 10. Latin Name Photoperiodic Response Group Bulking Flowering Perennial Flower Requirements (LD=long day, SD=short day, NR=not required) for plant buling and flower development. Sedum spectabile OLDP SD LD Sedum spectabile Brilliant and Variegatum OLDP SD LD Sedum telephium L. subsp. Maximum Indian Chief OLDP SD LD Sedum telephium x spectabile Autumn Joy OLDP SD LD Senecio vulgaris DNP NR NR Sidalcea Party Girls DNP NR NR Silene armeria OLDP SD LD Sinapsis alba FLDP SD LD Sisyrinchium angustifolium Lucerne FLDP SD LD Sisyrinchium bellum FLDP SD LD Solanum nigrum FLDP SD LD Solanum pseudocapsicum DNP NR NR Solatium aviculare FLDP SD LD Solatium capsiciforme DNP NR NR Solatium simile DNP NR NR Solidago Fireworks FSDP LD SD Solidago canadensis OSDP LD SD Solidago graminifolia OSDP LD SD Solidago nemoralis OSDP LD SD Solidago rugosa OLDP SD LD Sonchus oleraceus FLDP SD LD Stokesia laevis FLDP LD LD Tanacetum niveum Jackpot FLDP SD LD Teucrium scorodonia FLDP SD LD Thalictrum kusianum DNP NR NR Tiarella wherryi DNP NR NR Trachelium caeruleum FLDP SD LD Tweedia caerulea Blue Sar DNP NR NR Verbascum phoeniceum DNP NR NR Veronica longifolia Sunny Border Blue, Icicle, Red Fox DNP NR NR Veronica spicata DNP NR NR