Facebook is discontinuing its "Places" check-in feature and replacing it with a new location-based product called "Nearby" that will emphasize what people are doing at locations rather than just checking in. Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple after a medical leave of absence, with Tim Cook taking his place. Facebook reached one trillion page views, making it the first online service to reach that milestone, far surpassing YouTube's 100 billion page views.
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1. Social Digest: Week of August 22
Facebook Kills Off Places
Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO
Facebooks 1 Trillion
One year after the launch of Places, Steve Jobs, co-founder and two- Facebook has reached one
Facebook has decided to kill off the time CEO of Apple, resigned on trillion page views, the 鍖rst
check-in feature and focus on a Wednesday. The resignation online service to ever reach that
new location-based product to be comes after a lengthy medical mark. The second closest,
named Nearby. While check-ins leave of absence that ultimately YouTube, is far behind with 100
will remain a part of the product, led the innovator to the decision billion page views.
they will not be emphasized; rather that he would not be able to meet
people will focus more on what they his duties and expectations as Facebook has 870 million
are doing at each locution with Apples CEO. Tim Cook, unique visitors and reaches 46.9
thoughts, photos, etc. There has formerly the COO of the percent of all internet users.
been no remarks on how this company, will take Jobs place as
change will affect Facebook Deals.
the head of the company.
Reference: http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/23/facebook- Reference: http://mashable.com/2011/08/24/ Reference:http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/