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An Intro
to iNaturalist
cassi saari Illinois Native Plant Society
@bouteloua on iNaturalist & @boucur on Twitter
Patrick McCrea DeKalb County Forest Preserve District
@mccrea on iNaturalist
 Ecological restoration
practitioner - design
and monitor habitat
restoration projects in
Chicagoland region
 Volunteer curator on
iNaturalist, president
of NE Chapter Illinois
Native Plant Society
 Plant-obsessed! Love
to hike and botanize
hi! Im cassi saari (@bouteloua)
Wildlife Ecologist for
DeKalb County Forest
Preserve District
Restores and creates wildlife
Patrick McCrea (@mccrea)
Monitors wildlife
species within the
preserves and
throughout the
Started in 2008 (masters project) Ken-ichi Ueda
Scott Loarie
iNat is completely free
and open source:
iNaturalist is an online
social network of people
sharing biodiversity
information to help each
other learn about nature
iNaturalist is a
crowdsourced species
identification system and
an organism occurrence
recording tool
iNaturalist is an
app and website
for nature nerds
Why do I use iNaturalist?
 Get help with identification
 Nature journal
 Learn more about species
 Help others identify
 Awesome while traveling
 Look for fun places to
 Use data for my work
 Contribute to global
database / community
Why does DeKalb County use
 General species inventory
 Locating rare species
 Locating remnant species
 Collecting seed
 Species distribution
 Areas of interest (nesting sites,
ephemeral pools)
 Tracking invasive species
 Get people involved and
identifying species
 Connect with nature and build a
community that cares
Do you or your organization use
iNat is growing fast
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)
Plant Literacy
purple prairie clover
false sunflower
golden Alexanders
pale purple coneflower
grey-headed coneflower
stiff goldenrod
We cant protect and manage
what we dont know
Andy Stahr
Ways to Learn
Learning on iNaturalist
 Community of expert amateurs and professionals
 Automated species identification / computer vision
 Record your notes on ID
 Nature journal  time/place/with who/associate species
 Database of verified images to compare
 At different stages of life not just picturebook ready
Blake Bringhurst
An observation records an encounter with an
individual organism at a particular time
and location.
 Anyone can add an identification to an observation
 Refining process  dont have to know which species
 Community ID system  can opt out if needed
 Casual Grade, Needs ID, Research Grade (community verified)
Botanist at the Museum of Natural
History of the Mediterranean of
Livorno, Italy
Scientist with the Roman
Society of Natural Sciences
Dashboard (News Feed)
My Life List
My Observations
My Identifications for Other People
Preserved specimens since 1822 (GBIF) :
Up to ~40/year
Observations on iNaturalist:
>9,000 in 2019
Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
In conjunction with specimens
Heberline & Isaac 2018 "iNaturalist as a tool to expand the research value
of museum specimens"
Range expansions
Ralph Foster, Ichthyology Section, South Australian Museum
Range expansions
Marianne Nyegaard, PhD student studying mola in
New invasive species
New species
Research projects
 Physcomitrium mosses
 Rafael Medina at Augustana College
 Find, report, and send samples
 Studying genome duplication in plant evolution
Mountain goats and climate change
Land management
Tracking invasive birdsfoot trefoil at Poplar Creek in Cook County, IL
Monitoring rare populations
Observation Fields
Upload your own place boundaries
Flora of the Cal Slag
Tool for other data collection
Observation Fields:
Download data
Taxon page
Range Maps
Ken Slade
Danaus plexippus (monarch)
Taxonomy & Names
Ken Slade
Danaus plexippus (monarch)
Similar species
Ken Slade
Danaus plexippus (monarch)
Photo source (check copyright)
No video yet
No media at all
Evidence of organisms
Automated species identification
Taking identifiable photos
Use your hands
Try different angles/features
Scale figure
Use macro mode
Identifying Sedges
Habit & Habitat
Clumping or creeping?
Wet or dry?
Reproductive Parts
Plants that are still in flower are often not
identifiable to species.
Vegetative Parts
Are any parts of it hairy?
How broad are the leaves?
What color is the base of the stem?
What does the sheath (where the leaf meets
the stem) look like?
Photograph the individual
fruits (perigynia), preferably
with something for scale

Are the male and female parts
on separate spikes or
Carex sartwellii has a
blackened stem base
Carex woodii has dark red stems
Carex stricta has fibrous
leaf sheaths
Take a lot of photos
Create an Observation from App
Create an Observation from Computer
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)
App vs. Website
I use the app to
 Make observations
 View observations near me while traveling
I use the website to
do everything else
 Upload observations from camera
 Add/refine identifications
 Add IDs, comment, fave other users observations
 Create and manage projects
 Write journal and project posts
 View taxon pages
 View stats
 Find local or taxonomic experts
 Export data
Explore Page Filters
Help identify
Suggestions / Compare tool
 Location privacy
 Manual option - personal geoprivacy
 Automatic - taxon/species geoprivacy: taxa that may be threatened by
collection/harvesting or otherwise disturbed due to the public's knowledge of its
Open Obscured Private
Random point within a
0.2 x 0.2 degree rectangle
(~150 square miles)
taxa that may be threatened by collection
or harvesting or otherwise disturbed due
to the public's knowledge of its location
Species Geoprivacy
such as...
many orchids and other rare, showy plants
many species of reptiles and amphibians
wild leeks in the Chicago area
Showy lady slippers by Bill SpiersOrnate box turtle by Bryan Box
Species Geoprivacy
Thimbleweed (Anemone virginiana)
open taxon geoprivacy
Wild leeks (Allium tricoccum)
obscured taxon geoprivacy
.trade-offsSpecies Geoprivacy
Accessing Hidden Coordinates
1. User-to-user trust system
 Your Relationships page: inaturalist.org/relationships
 User selects trust with hidden coordinates
2. Traditional Project
 To set up, requires account to have 50 observations
 Requires manually adding observations to project
 Users must grant access to coordinates for the project
Download any important data regularly
 Easy to interpolate true coordinates based on your other nearby
observations that day
 Obscure entire day
 Upload observations out of order
 Not everything is set to auto-obscure that should be
 Please flag the species for curation
 Be careful who/which projects you trust with accessing coordinates
 Consider whether you should post it online at all
 Staff are exploring improvements to geoprivacy
Geoprivacy Caution & Tips
Kids and iNaturalist: Best Practices
 Younger children: consider using the Seek app instead
Kids and iNaturalist: Best Practices
 Younger children: consider using the Seek app instead
 Use iNaturalist yourself first
 Focus on wild organisms
 Dont set large observation/ID requirements or require research
 Watch out for copyrighted images/gaming the system
 Curate their observations yourself
iNaturalist Teachers Guide
Should I create a project?
Managing Projects Guide
Probably not, unless:
 Create a sub-community
 Need access to private coordinates
 Require certain observation fields
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)
Adding Place Boundaries
 All states and county boundaries already in database
 Search existing places before adding new ones
 To add a new place to iNat, your account needs a
minimum of 50 observations
 Places arent currently transferable - make the place
from an organizational account, not a personal one
DeKalb County
Forest Preserve District
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)
Getting more help
 FAQ page: inaturalist.org/pages/help
 Ask on the forum: forum.inaturalist.org
 General support email is help@inaturalist.org
 @bouteloua is happy to help!
 File a bug report on the forum
Main iNat Tips
 Dont just use the app  more features on the website
 Take multiple, identifiable photos
 Dont be afraid to ask for help
...or to make mistakes
cassi saari
Patrick McCrea
@mccrea & @dekalbcountyfpd

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iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)

  • 1. An Intro to iNaturalist cassi saari Illinois Native Plant Society @bouteloua on iNaturalist & @boucur on Twitter Patrick McCrea DeKalb County Forest Preserve District @mccrea on iNaturalist
  • 2. Ecological restoration practitioner - design and monitor habitat restoration projects in Chicagoland region Volunteer curator on iNaturalist, president of NE Chapter Illinois Native Plant Society Plant-obsessed! Love to hike and botanize hi! Im cassi saari (@bouteloua)
  • 3. Wildlife Ecologist for DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Restores and creates wildlife habitat Patrick McCrea (@mccrea) Monitors wildlife species within the preserves and throughout the county
  • 4. iNaturalist Started in 2008 (masters project) Ken-ichi Ueda @kueda Scott Loarie @loarie iNat is completely free and open source: github.com/inaturalist api.inaturalist.org
  • 5. iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature iNaturalist is a crowdsourced species identification system and an organism occurrence recording tool
  • 6. iNaturalist is an app and website for nature nerds
  • 7. Why do I use iNaturalist? Get help with identification Nature journal Learn more about species Help others identify Volunteer Awesome while traveling Look for fun places to explore Use data for my work Contribute to global database / community science
  • 8. Why does DeKalb County use iNaturalist? dsfsdd General species inventory Locating rare species Locating remnant species Collecting seed Species distribution Areas of interest (nesting sites, ephemeral pools) Tracking invasive species Get people involved and identifying species Connect with nature and build a community that cares
  • 9. Do you or your organization use iNaturalist?
  • 13. beebalm purple prairie clover false sunflower golden Alexanders pale purple coneflower grey-headed coneflower stiff goldenrod We cant protect and manage what we dont know Andy Stahr
  • 15. Learning on iNaturalist Community of expert amateurs and professionals Automated species identification / computer vision Record your notes on ID Nature journal time/place/with who/associate species Database of verified images to compare At different stages of life not just picturebook ready Blake Bringhurst
  • 16. An observation records an encounter with an individual organism at a particular time and location.
  • 19. Share
  • 20. Identify Anyone can add an identification to an observation Refining process dont have to know which species Community ID system can opt out if needed Casual Grade, Needs ID, Research Grade (community verified)
  • 22. Identify Botanist at the Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean of Livorno, Italy Scientist with the Roman Society of Natural Sciences
  • 28. Preserved specimens since 1822 (GBIF) : Up to ~40/year Observations on iNaturalist: >9,000 in 2019 Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
  • 29. In conjunction with specimens Heberline & Isaac 2018 "iNaturalist as a tool to expand the research value of museum specimens"
  • 30. Range expansions Ralph Foster, Ichthyology Section, South Australian Museum
  • 31. Range expansions Marianne Nyegaard, PhD student studying mola in Australia
  • 34. Research projects Physcomitrium mosses Rafael Medina at Augustana College Find, report, and send samples Studying genome duplication in plant evolution
  • 35. Research Mountain goats and climate change
  • 36. Land management Tracking invasive birdsfoot trefoil at Poplar Creek in Cook County, IL
  • 38. Upload your own place boundaries Flora of the Cal Slag
  • 39. Tool for other data collection Observation Fields:
  • 42. Range Maps Ken Slade Danaus plexippus (monarch)
  • 43. Taxonomy & Names Ken Slade Danaus plexippus (monarch)
  • 44. Similar species Ken Slade Danaus plexippus (monarch)
  • 45. Photo source (check copyright)
  • 49. GIFs
  • 50. No media at all
  • 53. Taking identifiable photos Use your hands Try different angles/features Scale figure Use macro mode Crop
  • 54. Identifying Sedges Habit & Habitat Clumping or creeping? Wet or dry? Reproductive Parts Plants that are still in flower are often not identifiable to species. Vegetative Parts Are any parts of it hairy? How broad are the leaves? What color is the base of the stem? What does the sheath (where the leaf meets the stem) look like? Photograph the individual fruits (perigynia), preferably with something for scale Are the male and female parts on separate spikes or together? together separate Carex sartwellii has a blackened stem base Carex woodii has dark red stems Carex stricta has fibrous leaf sheaths
  • 55. Take a lot of photos
  • 57. Create an Observation from Computer
  • 59. App vs. Website I use the app to Make observations View observations near me while traveling I use the website to do everything else Upload observations from camera Add/refine identifications Add IDs, comment, fave other users observations Create and manage projects Write journal and project posts View taxon pages View stats Find local or taxonomic experts Export data
  • 63. Geoprivacy Location privacy Manual option - personal geoprivacy Automatic - taxon/species geoprivacy: taxa that may be threatened by collection/harvesting or otherwise disturbed due to the public's knowledge of its location Open Obscured Private Random point within a 0.2 x 0.2 degree rectangle (~150 square miles)
  • 64. taxa that may be threatened by collection or harvesting or otherwise disturbed due to the public's knowledge of its location Species Geoprivacy
  • 65. such as... many orchids and other rare, showy plants many species of reptiles and amphibians wild leeks in the Chicago area Showy lady slippers by Bill SpiersOrnate box turtle by Bryan Box Species Geoprivacy
  • 66. Thimbleweed (Anemone virginiana) open taxon geoprivacy Wild leeks (Allium tricoccum) obscured taxon geoprivacy .trade-offsSpecies Geoprivacy
  • 67. Accessing Hidden Coordinates 1. User-to-user trust system Your Relationships page: inaturalist.org/relationships User selects trust with hidden coordinates 2. Traditional Project To set up, requires account to have 50 observations Requires manually adding observations to project Users must grant access to coordinates for the project Download any important data regularly
  • 68. Easy to interpolate true coordinates based on your other nearby observations that day Obscure entire day Upload observations out of order Not everything is set to auto-obscure that should be Please flag the species for curation Be careful who/which projects you trust with accessing coordinates Consider whether you should post it online at all Staff are exploring improvements to geoprivacy Geoprivacy Caution & Tips
  • 69. Kids and iNaturalist: Best Practices Younger children: consider using the Seek app instead
  • 70. Kids and iNaturalist: Best Practices Younger children: consider using the Seek app instead Use iNaturalist yourself first Focus on wild organisms Teachers: Dont set large observation/ID requirements or require research grade Watch out for copyrighted images/gaming the system Curate their observations yourself iNaturalist Teachers Guide
  • 71. Should I create a project? Managing Projects Guide Probably not, unless: Bioblitz/event Create a sub-community Need access to private coordinates Require certain observation fields
  • 73. Adding Place Boundaries All states and county boundaries already in database Search existing places before adding new ones To add a new place to iNat, your account needs a minimum of 50 observations Places arent currently transferable - make the place from an organizational account, not a personal one
  • 74. DeKalb County Forest Preserve District inaturalist.org/projects/dekalb-county-forest-preserve-district
  • 78. Getting more help FAQ page: inaturalist.org/pages/help Ask on the forum: forum.inaturalist.org General support email is help@inaturalist.org @bouteloua is happy to help! Bugs! File a bug report on the forum
  • 79. Main iNat Tips Dont just use the app more features on the website Take multiple, identifiable photos Dont be afraid to ask for help ...or to make mistakes
  • 80. cassi saari @bouteloua cassisaari@gmail.com Patrick McCrea @mccrea & @dekalbcountyfpd pmccrea@dekalbcounty.org Thanks! Questions?