Inbound or content marketing isn't a theory or a fad. It's not something just a few companies should do. It's exactly how every organization should market its products and services. You figure out what questions your prospective customers are asking and then you answer them by producing quality content - eboks, white papers, webinars, etc. It works. We've proven it works at BizLibrary.
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Inbound Marketing Presentation at St. Louis American Marketing Association Meeting
#2: As Alvin Toffler so eloquently stated, a foundational skill for the 21st Century is the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn. Stripped down to the barest essentials, this will be the core function and core competency required of employee learning functions and professionals the ability to help employees learn, unlearn and relearn. We have no idea what skills or even what job will be important in the next three to five years, and this level of uncertainty will require greater degrees of agility than ever before learning agility, strategic agility and organizational agility. Are our employees ready?If we start with the proposition that as learning professionals, our core mission is to prepare our organizations employees for success, we have to understand exactly what is required for success in the current economic and market conditions. In this VUCA world, its becoming more and more apparent that organizations that can function effectively in unfamiliar situations will be the organizations that enjoy sustainable, long-term success. These organizations will need both leaders and key employees who can perform well under these conditions, so were going to have to look at ways to develop and educate these leaders and employees. Learning agility is a skill weve never really had to make a primary focus, but its going to be more and more important.The good news is learning agility can be acquired. But traditional corporate training departments are not very well-suited to perform well in this market, nor are traditional corporate training departments well-suited to function well in this VUCA world.