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Increased Protection for Animals inIncreased Protection for Animals in
Danger in MassachusettsDanger in Massachusetts
Recently, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court made a monumental
decision in the case of Commonwealth v. Heather M. Duncan. The ruling
allows law enforcement to enter private property without a warrant when they
have reason to believe an animals life is at risk. This new precedent parallels
a similar protection for human life, the emergency aid exception.
Commonwealth v. Heather M. Duncan dates back to 2011. After receiving a
call from her neighbor, police entered the property of Ms. Duncan without a
warrant to remove three dogs left outside in inclement weather. Officers found
two dogs already dead and a third extremely emaciated. The courts charged
Ms. Duncan with three counts of animal cruelty, which she challenged by
claiming that the police had entered illegally because they lacked a warrant.
The ASPCA filed an amicus curiae to urge the court to allow police to enter
homes without a warrant in the case of suspected animal abuse. Importantly,
this ruling encourages other states to take similar measures.

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Increased Protection for Animals in Danger in Massachusetts

  • 1. Increased Protection for Animals inIncreased Protection for Animals in Danger in MassachusettsDanger in Massachusetts
  • 2. Recently, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court made a monumental decision in the case of Commonwealth v. Heather M. Duncan. The ruling allows law enforcement to enter private property without a warrant when they have reason to believe an animals life is at risk. This new precedent parallels a similar protection for human life, the emergency aid exception.
  • 3. Commonwealth v. Heather M. Duncan dates back to 2011. After receiving a call from her neighbor, police entered the property of Ms. Duncan without a warrant to remove three dogs left outside in inclement weather. Officers found two dogs already dead and a third extremely emaciated. The courts charged Ms. Duncan with three counts of animal cruelty, which she challenged by claiming that the police had entered illegally because they lacked a warrant.
  • 4. The ASPCA filed an amicus curiae to urge the court to allow police to enter homes without a warrant in the case of suspected animal abuse. Importantly, this ruling encourages other states to take similar measures.