- The company's overall annual increment policy will remain the same with some minor changes effective January 2009.
- Increments will be based on individual employee grades, company financial performance, order book position, and industry trends, taking into account recession and inflation.
- Increment percentages will remain tied to performance grades, with the highest increments going to employees rated A+ and the lowest or no increments for grades C and below.
- Actual increments can be 120% of eligible amounts if company exceeds targets, 100% if targets are met, or 80% if targets are not achieved, as determined by the company board.
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Increment Policy 2008-09 PPT.ppt
1. Introduction
The overall policy will remain the same, with only
some minor changes
Better increments based on company overall
progress to encourage people to perform better
All performance grade of employees and the eligible
ratings & their increment slabs will remain the same
The changed policy will be applicable with effect from
Jan09 annual Increments
The assessment of all employees will remain the
same with no changes
2. Increment Policy 2008-09
Revised Policy with effect from January09
Increment Policy
Undertaken by
3. Standard Increment based on:
Company achieving targeted turn over and
profit margin
Higher increments for exceeding
turnover/profits targets on decided by the
Correction for under performance of the
organization on the whole
4. Annual Increment is based on the
following parameters:
Based on Individual Grades
Company financial performance during the
financial year
Order Book Position during financial year
Last years Industry annual increment trends
Recession of Economy
5. Increment slabs remain the same
grade of
Up to INR
25000 per
INR 25001
to 50000
per month
Above INR
50000 per
Grade A+ 50% 35% 25%
Grade A 40% 25% 20%
Grade B+ 25% 17.5% 12.5%
Grade B 20% 12.5% 5%
Grade C+ 5% 5% Nil
Grade C Nil Nil Nil
6. Actual Meaning of the Grades
Grade A+ 95 - 100 pts (Outstanding) Performance far exceeds expectation resulting in cost and time
saving instances, also in having significantly contributed in new
products or execution of projects and creation of patentable IPs /
marketable products that are quantifiable and demonstrable in
the presence of a Committee
Grade A 90 94 pts (Excellent) Performance is above expectation resulting in cost and time
saving instances and also in having significantly contributed in
new products or execution of projects that are quantifiable and
demonstrable in the presence of a committee
Grade B+ 85 - 89 pts (Good) Performance in line with expectation and demonstrable in the
presence of a committee, if called for
Grade B 80 84 pts (Satisfactory) Performance is satisfactory but needs improvement
Grade C+ 75 - 79 pts (Average) Performance below expectation, must improve
Grade C 70 74 pts (Below
Performance below expectation, needs lot of improvement
Grade D < 70 points (Poor) Not suitable for the current task
7. Increment Process
120% of Eligible
100% Increment as per the
Actual Grade Ratings
80% of Eligible
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8. Increment process with Eg.
Eg:1. Company exceeding turnover/profit margin
targets, Board decides on 20% additional increments.
i.e. Increments = 120% on eligible increment
Eg:2. Company achieves expected targets,
No additional Increment declared by Board.
i.e. Increments = 100% on eligible increment
Eg:3. Company fails to achieve expected targets,
Board recommends 20% reduction Increment
i.e. Increments = 80% on eligible increment
9. Thank You
For any queries & suggestions please feel free
to contact at e-mail: