Students from SBS Abdal village visited homes to raise awareness about environmental issues like wasting water, cutting trees, and improper garbage disposal. They created posters and held rallies to educate the community. The students addressed the community and the village chairman praised their work. Residents were informed about properly disposing garbage and conserving water and trees. The community was very supportive and took a pledge to protect the environment.
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IND-2012-139 SBS Abdal -Save Environment
First of all we feel people of this village do
wastage of water,cutting of tree,collect the
garbage outside their houses.For the
execution of the change we in consultation
with the village sarpanch,community
members decided to eradicate this
problem by various campaigns and
awarness rallies
WE went on a drive at abdal .the main motive of
the visit was to create awarness about our
environment,reduce garbage ,stop wastage of
8. DO
Students of SBS ABDAL visited residents
and informed them about the negative
impact of garbage, cutting the
tree,wastage of water.
Students prepared posters and banners
related to eradication of garbage tree
cutting ,save water
11. Role play by students on
plantation,wastage of water
12. Addresed to community
Students addresed to
community about our
Teacher give
knowledge about
cleanness our
cutting,stop wastage
of water
13. Views of community member;s
Chairman of abdal
give knowledge about
save our environment
to students,he was
praised our work
Speech by community
14. To create awarness about our ENV
in community
We were visit door to
door and aware to
people about
We sensitized people
about the proper
disposal of garbage