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peaks L adak
                    li S             hi
                                                                             HEALTH Inc.




                 - 他 -hG - - +h                   -G bP -尊
A book of simple signs for Ladakhis   他-hG--+h-hw尊-dG--造担-村誰尊-w尊-hq誰-V-展G
Ali speaks
                           The Lets Learn! series of books was created for the children of Ladakh.
                           While your children are laughing at the improbable situations our imaginary
                           Ladakhi friends get in, and out of, they are learning the love of reading
                           and important health information.
                           And all of our books support curricular topics.

This book introduces a new language called Sign Language to Ladakh. It is the system of gestures and facial expressions that deaf and
hearing impaired people use to speak to each other. This sign language was developed by the children, hostel parents and teachers at
Chushot and hearing impaired youth and adults in Leh. The book has a companion guide and movie, which detail over 200 important
Ladakhi words in sign language.

Using the story, talk to your students, clients or hearing impaired children about communication. Spend time exploring the dictionary
in movie and book formats, and then talk to each other in sign language! We would be pleased to hear from you with suggestions,
changes and new words for the 2009 signing dictionary and movie.

The Lets Learn! Team: Rev. Konchok Phandey, Tsering Stanba, Dorjay Raftan, Jigmat Dadul, Tashi Stanzin,
Rinchen Namgyal and Cynthia Hunt. Special thanks to the young people and hostel parents at the Chushot
Hostel, to Shariff and his family, and to Kate, Eileen and Melanie and their BC Children's Hospital Team.

他誰--他尊m-m-S誰-m端 hG誰-h;担m-造V担G-wm-zh誰端 V誰-村P-zem-z端 l担-X誰-村z-zdm端 尊WG-造誰h-尊I-
尊h他端 z=--zem-z族m端 村m-V誰m-m造M他端 誰m-f尊-m端
This book is distributed free of cost to all government schools, health clinics and learning groups in Ladakh.
It is also available for printing-costs-only to individuals and private schools. We dont copyright: please copy,
with credit, and give to any learner anywhere in the world.
Lets Learn! is generously supported by the Mary A. Tidlund Foundation, the Meran Foundation and
Give2Asia. To find out how you can support these organisations' innovative programmes, go to the web or
contact:                      HEALTH Inc.                    Give2Asia                       Mary A. Tidlund Foundation
                              P.O. Box 33                       465 California Street             P.O. Box 8125
                              Leh, Ladakh 194 101               San Francisco, CA                 Canmore, AB T1W 2T8
                              J&K       India                   94104-1832 USA                    Canada
                              www.health-inc.org                www.give2asia.org                 www.tidlundfoundation.com
Padma and Amina like playing with Ali.

   qj即-hP--造-m端 -他-hP-造Z造-q担-G損P-q-z俗誰--他-尊fh-尊hG
Ali can't hear and he doesn't talk the way that Padma and Amina do.
But Ali does talk with his hands.

         -他尊-賊担村-村-造-m担G D担-qj即-hP--造-m-速担G-他-hq誰-村-GbP-P-造-m担G
And Padma and Amina like learning a new language,
like how to talk with their hands.

hq誰村-m端 D担-村P-;m-m-他G-q-hP-造Z造-q担-hq誰-村-GbP-賊他-;m-損m-m担G



存誰村-端      speak
Padma, Amina and Ali go outside to play.

qj即-存誰村-尊hG D-GbP-尊hG
-造-m-存誰村-尊hG P-尊EG--村G
-他-存誰村-尊hG P-hP-尊i誰h-q-V誰m- G損P-q-損担P--損m端
It's snowing! says Padma.
I'm cold! says Amina.
We can go sledding and it's fun, says Ali.
G損P-q-俗誰-端                                 D-zz-端



They go to the school where Teacher Tsering
                                is having winter tuition.

D担P-担z-I尊-担P-端 h誰-村-hG誰-Lm-賊誰-村P-P-hGm-h--担z-蔵担P-GbP-尊hG
qj即-存誰村-尊hG 損担P-P-hP-P-他-損m端
-造-m-存誰村-尊hG 損担P-P-hP-P-村-造担-尊-損m端
-他-存誰村-尊hG P-hP-P-DP-q-展G-担-損m端 h誰-z担-G損P-q-損担P--損m端
Let's read! says Padma
Let's draw! says Amina.
We can build a house and it's fun, says Ali.



They go to Api Dolma's house where she is making tea.

D担P--z-O担他-造尊-DP-q尊-担P- h誰-村--z-W-z+担他-尊hG
-z-O担他-造-存誰村-尊hG W-尊fP-G
造誰-造誰-z=--存誰村-尊hG z-;-存担-G
-他-存誰村-尊hG P-hP-fz-q尊-造hm-他-尊hG-Gm- h誰-;-i担h-造担-尊hG
Drink tea! says Api Dolma
Eat biscuits! says Meme Tashi.
We can sit by the stove where it's warm, says Ali.


                         sit   尊hG


D担P-賊P-造- 造誰-造誰-z=--z-他P-hP-村-造尊-尊担-造-z速村-

They go to the cow shed to help Meme Tashi
milk the cow and goats.
India Community-Based Rehabilitation Program
qj即-存誰村-尊hG P-村-造尊-尊担-造-z速村-Zm--村G
-造-m-存誰村-尊hG P-z-他P-P-V-GbP-Zm--村G
-他-存誰村-尊hG P-俗-尊E担P-Zm--村G h誰-z担-G損P-q-Tm-尊hG

                  I can milk the goats, says Padma.
                  I can give water to the cow, says Amina.
                  I can bring the grasses, says Ali. It's fun.

milk cow

           feed animals


                                                    give water
禽担永-賊永-造-援逮即尊嬪-禽永-援尊-閣-村赫           They go to Padma's house.
                                     They eat skiu. It's delicious.
D担P-P-B奪-存-村G 尊-z担-展造-q担-尊hG
They wash the dishes. It's nice to help.

      D担P-P-f-他-;m-尊F但-村G 損-h担-担-誰-q担-M他-z-損m-m担G
They fall asleep. It's been a fun day.

     D担P-GZh-他-担P-端 尊-z担-Bh-q担尊-展G-TG-損m-q尊m端




I want to learn
to talk like Ali

                               Health learning made fun from HEALTH Inc.

                    My First Book in Sign and the Signing Movie
                   help you learn sign language in a fun, new way!
                   Books available through your school, health clinic or HEALTH Inc.
in a new an
                       i. But             dd
                    akh                     iff
               L ad                             er


Ali s

J oin


        m                                                      l


                 Am                                   ne
                      in a
                           a nd A l i an d l e a rn a
   -他-他-hG--+h-GbP-尊hG 損m-m尊P- 担-担-展G-G-存誰村-尊hG
    qj即-hP--造-m-hP- -他-賊P-;尊-尊y担尊-担P-e誰-+h-担-造-展G-蔵P-Pm端

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India Community-Based Rehabilitation Program

  • 1. peaks L adak li S hi HEALTH Inc. A 他 hG - - 他 -hG - - +h -G bP -尊 A book of simple signs for Ladakhis 他-hG--+h-hw尊-dG--造担-村誰尊-w尊-hq誰-V-展G
  • 2. Ali speaks Ladakhi -他-他-hG--+h-GbP-尊hG The Lets Learn! series of books was created for the children of Ladakh. While your children are laughing at the improbable situations our imaginary Ladakhi friends get in, and out of, they are learning the love of reading and important health information. And all of our books support curricular topics. This book introduces a new language called Sign Language to Ladakh. It is the system of gestures and facial expressions that deaf and hearing impaired people use to speak to each other. This sign language was developed by the children, hostel parents and teachers at Chushot and hearing impaired youth and adults in Leh. The book has a companion guide and movie, which detail over 200 important Ladakhi words in sign language. Using the story, talk to your students, clients or hearing impaired children about communication. Spend time exploring the dictionary in movie and book formats, and then talk to each other in sign language! We would be pleased to hear from you with suggestions, changes and new words for the 2009 signing dictionary and movie. The Lets Learn! Team: Rev. Konchok Phandey, Tsering Stanba, Dorjay Raftan, Jigmat Dadul, Tashi Stanzin, Rinchen Namgyal and Cynthia Hunt. Special thanks to the young people and hostel parents at the Chushot Hostel, to Shariff and his family, and to Kate, Eileen and Melanie and their BC Children's Hospital Team. 他誰--他尊m-m-S誰-m端 hG誰-h;担m-造V担G-wm-zh誰端 V誰-村P-zem-z端 l担-X誰-村z-zdm端 尊WG-造誰h-尊I- 尊h他端 z=--zem-z族m端 村m-V誰m-m造M他端 誰m-f尊-m端 This book is distributed free of cost to all government schools, health clinics and learning groups in Ladakh. It is also available for printing-costs-only to individuals and private schools. We dont copyright: please copy, with credit, and give to any learner anywhere in the world. Lets Learn! is generously supported by the Mary A. Tidlund Foundation, the Meran Foundation and Give2Asia. To find out how you can support these organisations' innovative programmes, go to the web or contact: HEALTH Inc. Give2Asia Mary A. Tidlund Foundation P.O. Box 33 465 California Street P.O. Box 8125 Leh, Ladakh 194 101 San Francisco, CA Canmore, AB T1W 2T8 J&K India 94104-1832 USA Canada www.health-inc.org www.give2asia.org www.tidlundfoundation.com
  • 3. Padma and Amina like playing with Ali. qj即-hP--造-m端 -他-hP-造Z造-q担-G損P-q-z俗誰--他-尊fh-尊hG
  • 4. Ali can't hear and he doesn't talk the way that Padma and Amina do. But Ali does talk with his hands. -他尊-賊担村-村-造-m担G D担-qj即-hP--造-m-速担G-他-hq誰-村-GbP-P-造-m担G 損m-m尊P--他-他G-q-hP-造Z造-q担-hq誰-村-GbP-P-m担G
  • 5. And Padma and Amina like learning a new language, like how to talk with their hands. qj即-hP--造-m-+h-担-造-蔵P--他-尊fh-h-m担G hq誰村-m端 D担-村P-;m-m-他G-q-hP-造Z造-q担-hq誰-村-GbP-賊他-;m-損m-m担G
  • 6. signing dG端 賊担村-端 hear friend 存誰村-端 speak 造族尊-z担端
  • 7. Padma, Amina and Ali go outside to play. qj即--造-m-hP--他-;m-w-他担G-G-G損P-q-z俗誰尊-V-村G
  • 9. It's snowing! says Padma. I'm cold! says Amina. We can go sledding and it's fun, says Ali.
  • 10. snowing G損P-q-俗誰-端 D-zz-端 play cold IP-造担端 尊i誰h-端 sledding
  • 11. They go to the school where Teacher Tsering is having winter tuition. D担P-担z-I尊-担P-端 h誰-村-hG誰-Lm-賊誰-村P-P-hGm-h--担z-蔵担P-GbP-尊hG
  • 13. Let's read! says Padma Let's draw! says Amina. We can build a house and it's fun, says Ali.
  • 14. 嬪他端 read 村-造担-GbP-端 draw z俗G-端 build hG誰-Lm端 teacher
  • 15. They go to Api Dolma's house where she is making tea. D担P--z-O担他-造尊-DP-q尊-担P- h誰-村--z-W-z+担他-尊hG
  • 17. Drink tea! says Api Dolma Eat biscuits! says Meme Tashi. We can sit by the stove where it's warm, says Ali.
  • 18. 尊韓永-端 drink 尊I但他端 go sit 尊hG eat 存担端
  • 21. qj即-存誰村-尊hG P-村-造尊-尊担-造-z速村-Zm--村G -造-m-存誰村-尊hG P-z-他P-P-V-GbP-Zm--村G -他-存誰村-尊hG P-俗-尊E担P-Zm--村G h誰-z担-G損P-q-Tm-尊hG I can milk the goats, says Padma. I can give water to the cow, says Amina. I can bring the grasses, says Ali. It's fun.
  • 22. z-他P-P-尊担-造-z速村端 milk cow 村-造端 goat feed animals hh-尊I担尊-俗-Gb担P-端 V-Gb担P-端 give water
  • 23. 禽担永-賊永-造-援逮即尊嬪-禽永-援尊-閣-村赫 They go to Padma's house. They eat skiu. It's delicious. D担P-P-B奪-存-村G 尊-z担-展造-q担-尊hG
  • 24. They wash the dishes. It's nice to help. D担P-P-f-他-;m-尊F但-村G 損-h担-担-誰-q担-M他-z-損m-m担G
  • 25. They fall asleep. It's been a fun day. D担P-GZh-他-担P-端 尊-z担-Bh-q担尊-展G-TG-損m-q尊m端
  • 26. wash F但端 delicious 展造-q担端 fun help G損P-q端 損-h担-担端
  • 27. 他-hG--dG--mP-P-P尊-hq誰-V-hP-q担端 I want to learn to talk like Ali talks! Health learning made fun from HEALTH Inc. My First Book in Sign and the Signing Movie help you learn sign language in a fun, new way! Books available through your school, health clinic or HEALTH Inc.
  • 28. in a new an i. But dd akh iff L ad er ks en a pe tw Ali s ay. age. J oin gu Pa m l an a, d w Am ne in a a nd A l i an d l e a rn a -他-他-hG--+h-GbP-尊hG 損m-m尊P- 担-担-展G-G-存誰村-尊hG qj即-hP--造-m-hP- -他-賊P-;尊-尊y担尊-担P-e誰-+h-担-造-展G-蔵P-Pm端