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By :
Afelia Intan Permatasari
Moch. Rizal Lutfianto
Siti Khusnul Jamilah
Ayu Anisa
One of human goal life is getting happiness. To achieve that life goal,
people must make great effort and keep struggle to reach it.
In Bound novel Sasana pressed by their parents starting academic until
his goal life is set by his parents. When sasana far from his parents and
he meets with Cak Jek as a street musician, he becomes lost control. He
always wants to dance and to sing when heard dangdut music and
performed wearing clothes like a woman.
Based on explanation above, the writer discussed the problem
statement the study is How is the main characters struggle for
achieving happiness reflected in Okky Madasari Bound (2013) novel?
Literature Review
1. Notion of Individual Psychology
Individual psychological is a science that attempts to understand the
human personality as an organized entity (Adler in Ryckman, 1985, p.
2. Basic Concept of Individual Psychology
Individual psychology can be categorized into six basic concepts: (1)
fictional finalism (2) inferiority feeling (3) striving for superiority (4)
style of life (5) social interest (6) creative self.
a. Fictional Finalism
Fictional finalism deals with individual goal of life, which is unreal in
nature or fiction. Adlers concept of fictional finalism is the idea that
human behavior is directed toward a future goal of its own making.
b. Inferiority Feeling
Inferiority feeling is one important factors in forming and developing
an individuals personality toward his behavior in life (Adler in Hall
and Lindzey 1981, p. 147). The feeling inferiority or a sense of
incompleteness is great driving force mankind.
c. Striving for Superiority
Each individual is forced by drivers to be superior, powerful and
regarded. This is a response to the feeling of inferiority.
d. Style of Life
Hjelle (1981, p. 81) stated style of life refers to the unique pattern of
trait, behavior, and habit which when taken together, define the
particular route we have charted for ourselves in order to reach our life
e. Social Interest
According Adler as quoted by Feist (1985, p. 71) social interest can be
defined as an attitude of relatedness with humanity in general, as well
as empathy fun each member of human race.
f. Creative Self
The creative self is the process of being based on the facts of the world
and transforms these facts into a personality that as subjective,
dynamic, unified, personal and uniquely stylized.
Finding and Discussion
a. Fictional finalism
In Bound, the fiction finalism of Sasana can be seen from the problem
described in the the story that is Sasana would like to become a singer.
Here the following data which refers to fiction finalism.
We have to be optimistic. We can be stars! Maybe not stars like on the TV, but
whats important is that we have to be professional, Cak Jek said. (Madasari.
2013, p. 45)
From the data above can be seen his desire to be professional dangdut
singer, he really wanted it. His fictional goal to be professional dangdut
singer can be achieved if he has a big optimistic feeling and confident to
b. Striving for Superiority
The striving for superiority in Bound appears when Cak Jek helped
Sasana to being professional. There are two following data which refers
to striving for superiority.
I took the bra from Cak Jek and put it back on. The cups stuck out the little but
they were still empty. I put on a sleeveless red top, then wriggled into a black
miniskirt. Half my thights were exposed. My arms and legs looked far too big
for the clothes, which was kind of embarrasing. (Madasari, 2013, p. 48)
Based on the data above appears that he already being professional by
put womans things on. He wants to be superior and perfect as a
professional dangdut singer. He must to be different and special than
the other. Sasana shows his effort to cover his weakness by put womans
things on.
The second data which refers to striving for superiority appears in the
Sweet... perfect... Now this is Sasa the Star! Cak Jek said. (Madasari, 2013,
p. 49)
From the statement above, Cak Jek was more pressing Sasanas new
identity as a Malang dangdut star. His effort to be superior is not just
when Sasana changes his dressed style and Sasana also has his new
identity as a star.
c. Inferiority Feeling
Inferiority feeling originates from ones imperfections like physical defeat, lack
of social life, in ability to overcome the life problems. In Bound the enferiority
feeling of Sasana is when he feel down after he got sexual violence by soldiers.
Here is the following data which refers to enferiority feeling of Sasana.
I chose to stay trapped. Caged behind bars of compassion, shackled with the chains of
memory. It was for the best. It was a safe confinement, one that would keep me away
from all trouble and pain. Here I could bury myself from life, drown myself from desire
and joy. (Madasari, 2013, p. 86)
From the data above, Sasana feel that he failed by the world. Sasana shows his
disability to solve his problems and pain. He surrenders himself, his desire and
joy to the world which had strip off his freedom.
d. Social Interest
Human is social creature, everyone must be involved in the relationship with
the others. In Bound, Sasana as a university student in Malang sometimes visits
Cak Man coffe stall to spend his time. Here the following data which refers to
social interest.
It seemed I destined to meet Cak Jek. We got acquainted at a coffe stall near my boarding
room. We began chatting away.... it belonged to Cak Man, the stall owner, who let
customers play it if they wanted. (Madasari, 2013, p. 42)
From the data above the social interest appears when Sasana, Cak Jek, and Cak
man gain their relationship based on their desire to entertain people especially
the customers of Cak Man stall. From that purpose they can build their
e. Style of Life
The style of life generally called life plan or guiding image is the unique ways
in which people pursue their goal (Ryckman, 1985, p. 98).
Sasana as the major character in this novel. He is a university student who
interests with dangdut. on that time, he was asked by Cak Jek to be professional
singer. Cak Jek helps Sasan to changes her dressed style because it is the first
step to being professional. The first style of life appears in the following data.
Here... heres our first step to being professional, he said as he pushed the bags toward
me. (Madasari, 2013, p. 46)
After Sasana changes her dress then Cak Jek made Sasana an entertainer name
called Sasa. Cak Jek believe with these changes they will be a famous
songstreet as a Cak Jek wish or plan.
The second style of life appears in the following data.
Hey dont get it wrong. It does matter. Youll be famous. Everyone will call you Sasa,
Sasa the Songstress, Sasa the Dangdut star... (Madasari, 2013, p. 49).
They make life plan based on what they want or goal is become a professional
musician. They know their capability to entertain people so they need a plan to
gain their career more and more.
f. Creative Self
The creative self gives meaning to life; it creates the goal as well as the means to
the goal. The creative self is the active principle of human life (Hall and
Lindzey, 1981, p. 166). The creative self appears in the following data.
That very afternoon the sign was up in front of our house Cak Jek had found a plywood
and on it, in paint, he had written:
AFFORDABLE RATES. (Madasari, 2013, p. 62)
From the data above, Cak Jek struggle to achieve their happines with this effort.
They want to spread their wings and find opportunities. They want to prove
their capabilities as an professional entertainer.
In Bound, the fictional finalism of the character can be seen
from the problem described in the novel that is Sasana would like to
become a singer. The striving for superiority in Bound appears; firstly
when Cak Jek helped Sasana to being professional singer, second
Sasana already being professional by put womans things ona and the
third when he changes his name become Sasa the dangdut star.
Inferiority feeling appears of Sasana is when he feel down after he got
sexual violence by soldiers. He felt his dream was buried with his past
The style of life appears in the Sasanas dressed change then
Cak Jek made Sasana an entertainer name called Sasa. Cak Jek make
life plan based on what they want or goal is become a professional
musician. The social interest appears when Sasana, Cak Jek, and Cak
man gain their relationship based on their desire to entertain people
especially the customers of Cak Man stall. In Bound, Sasana has some
struggle to reach his fictional goal. He bacame a dangdut singer after he
met Cak Jek. After entering dangdut world, they want more become
professional. Cak Jek put up a sign outside the house.

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  • 2. Introduction One of human goal life is getting happiness. To achieve that life goal, people must make great effort and keep struggle to reach it. In Bound novel Sasana pressed by their parents starting academic until his goal life is set by his parents. When sasana far from his parents and he meets with Cak Jek as a street musician, he becomes lost control. He always wants to dance and to sing when heard dangdut music and performed wearing clothes like a woman. Based on explanation above, the writer discussed the problem statement the study is How is the main characters struggle for achieving happiness reflected in Okky Madasari Bound (2013) novel?
  • 3. Literature Review 1. Notion of Individual Psychology Individual psychological is a science that attempts to understand the human personality as an organized entity (Adler in Ryckman, 1985, p. 95). 2. Basic Concept of Individual Psychology Individual psychology can be categorized into six basic concepts: (1) fictional finalism (2) inferiority feeling (3) striving for superiority (4) style of life (5) social interest (6) creative self.
  • 4. a. Fictional Finalism Fictional finalism deals with individual goal of life, which is unreal in nature or fiction. Adlers concept of fictional finalism is the idea that human behavior is directed toward a future goal of its own making. b. Inferiority Feeling Inferiority feeling is one important factors in forming and developing an individuals personality toward his behavior in life (Adler in Hall and Lindzey 1981, p. 147). The feeling inferiority or a sense of incompleteness is great driving force mankind. c. Striving for Superiority Each individual is forced by drivers to be superior, powerful and regarded. This is a response to the feeling of inferiority.
  • 5. d. Style of Life Hjelle (1981, p. 81) stated style of life refers to the unique pattern of trait, behavior, and habit which when taken together, define the particular route we have charted for ourselves in order to reach our life goal. e. Social Interest According Adler as quoted by Feist (1985, p. 71) social interest can be defined as an attitude of relatedness with humanity in general, as well as empathy fun each member of human race. f. Creative Self The creative self is the process of being based on the facts of the world and transforms these facts into a personality that as subjective, dynamic, unified, personal and uniquely stylized.
  • 6. Finding and Discussion a. Fictional finalism In Bound, the fiction finalism of Sasana can be seen from the problem described in the the story that is Sasana would like to become a singer. Here the following data which refers to fiction finalism. We have to be optimistic. We can be stars! Maybe not stars like on the TV, but whats important is that we have to be professional, Cak Jek said. (Madasari. 2013, p. 45) From the data above can be seen his desire to be professional dangdut singer, he really wanted it. His fictional goal to be professional dangdut singer can be achieved if he has a big optimistic feeling and confident to success.
  • 7. b. Striving for Superiority The striving for superiority in Bound appears when Cak Jek helped Sasana to being professional. There are two following data which refers to striving for superiority. I took the bra from Cak Jek and put it back on. The cups stuck out the little but they were still empty. I put on a sleeveless red top, then wriggled into a black miniskirt. Half my thights were exposed. My arms and legs looked far too big for the clothes, which was kind of embarrasing. (Madasari, 2013, p. 48) Based on the data above appears that he already being professional by put womans things on. He wants to be superior and perfect as a professional dangdut singer. He must to be different and special than the other. Sasana shows his effort to cover his weakness by put womans things on.
  • 8. The second data which refers to striving for superiority appears in the following. Sweet... perfect... Now this is Sasa the Star! Cak Jek said. (Madasari, 2013, p. 49) From the statement above, Cak Jek was more pressing Sasanas new identity as a Malang dangdut star. His effort to be superior is not just when Sasana changes his dressed style and Sasana also has his new identity as a star.
  • 9. c. Inferiority Feeling Inferiority feeling originates from ones imperfections like physical defeat, lack of social life, in ability to overcome the life problems. In Bound the enferiority feeling of Sasana is when he feel down after he got sexual violence by soldiers. Here is the following data which refers to enferiority feeling of Sasana. I chose to stay trapped. Caged behind bars of compassion, shackled with the chains of memory. It was for the best. It was a safe confinement, one that would keep me away from all trouble and pain. Here I could bury myself from life, drown myself from desire and joy. (Madasari, 2013, p. 86) From the data above, Sasana feel that he failed by the world. Sasana shows his disability to solve his problems and pain. He surrenders himself, his desire and joy to the world which had strip off his freedom.
  • 10. d. Social Interest Human is social creature, everyone must be involved in the relationship with the others. In Bound, Sasana as a university student in Malang sometimes visits Cak Man coffe stall to spend his time. Here the following data which refers to social interest. It seemed I destined to meet Cak Jek. We got acquainted at a coffe stall near my boarding room. We began chatting away.... it belonged to Cak Man, the stall owner, who let customers play it if they wanted. (Madasari, 2013, p. 42) From the data above the social interest appears when Sasana, Cak Jek, and Cak man gain their relationship based on their desire to entertain people especially the customers of Cak Man stall. From that purpose they can build their reputation.
  • 11. e. Style of Life The style of life generally called life plan or guiding image is the unique ways in which people pursue their goal (Ryckman, 1985, p. 98). Sasana as the major character in this novel. He is a university student who interests with dangdut. on that time, he was asked by Cak Jek to be professional singer. Cak Jek helps Sasan to changes her dressed style because it is the first step to being professional. The first style of life appears in the following data. Here... heres our first step to being professional, he said as he pushed the bags toward me. (Madasari, 2013, p. 46) After Sasana changes her dress then Cak Jek made Sasana an entertainer name called Sasa. Cak Jek believe with these changes they will be a famous songstreet as a Cak Jek wish or plan.
  • 12. The second style of life appears in the following data. Hey dont get it wrong. It does matter. Youll be famous. Everyone will call you Sasa, Sasa the Songstress, Sasa the Dangdut star... (Madasari, 2013, p. 49). They make life plan based on what they want or goal is become a professional musician. They know their capability to entertain people so they need a plan to gain their career more and more.
  • 13. f. Creative Self The creative self gives meaning to life; it creates the goal as well as the means to the goal. The creative self is the active principle of human life (Hall and Lindzey, 1981, p. 166). The creative self appears in the following data. That very afternoon the sign was up in front of our house Cak Jek had found a plywood and on it, in paint, he had written: OM. SASA ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL OCCASSIONS AFFORDABLE RATES. (Madasari, 2013, p. 62) From the data above, Cak Jek struggle to achieve their happines with this effort. They want to spread their wings and find opportunities. They want to prove their capabilities as an professional entertainer.
  • 14. Conclusion In Bound, the fictional finalism of the character can be seen from the problem described in the novel that is Sasana would like to become a singer. The striving for superiority in Bound appears; firstly when Cak Jek helped Sasana to being professional singer, second Sasana already being professional by put womans things ona and the third when he changes his name become Sasa the dangdut star. Inferiority feeling appears of Sasana is when he feel down after he got sexual violence by soldiers. He felt his dream was buried with his past experience. The style of life appears in the Sasanas dressed change then Cak Jek made Sasana an entertainer name called Sasa. Cak Jek make life plan based on what they want or goal is become a professional musician. The social interest appears when Sasana, Cak Jek, and Cak man gain their relationship based on their desire to entertain people especially the customers of Cak Man stall. In Bound, Sasana has some struggle to reach his fictional goal. He bacame a dangdut singer after he met Cak Jek. After entering dangdut world, they want more become professional. Cak Jek put up a sign outside the house.