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Individual History Report (old rules)
Name: Vickers, Ethan Home Phone: (915) 833-8450
Patrol: COBRA
Current Rank: Life Rank Date: 11/17/15 Date of Birth: 11/04/98 Age: 17
Pos'n of Respons: Patrol Leader Pos Date: 09/01/10 Date Joined Unit: 03/03/10
Scout 8a. Swimming Precautions 11/14/10
1. Age Requirement 11/05/09 8b. Demo Swim Ability 11/14/10
2. Find a Troop 03/03/10 8c. Demo Water Rescue 11/14/10
3. Application Forms 03/03/10 9a. Drug/Alcohol Program 04/12/11
4. Pledge of Allegiance 04/24/10 9b. Personal Safety/Protection 04/18/11
5. Demo Scout Sign, etc 04/24/10 10. Earn and Save Money 04/09/11
6. Demo Square Knot 04/24/10 11. Scout Spirit/Scout Law 04/26/11
7. Scout Oath, Law, etc 04/24/10 12. Scoutmaster Conference 04/26/11
8. Describe Scout Badge 04/24/10 13. Board of Review 04/26/11
9. Pamphlet Exercises 04/24/10
10. Scoutmaster Conference 04/24/10 1st Class
1. Find Way w/o Compass 09/20/11
Tenderfoot 2. Orienteering Course 07/24/10
1. Prepare to Camp 08/08/10 3. Activity Requirement 11/27/10
2. Camp and Pitch Tent 08/08/10 4a. Plan Patrol Menu 10/11/11
3. Prepare/Cook Meal 08/08/10 4b. Make Food List 10/11/11
4a. Demo Whip/Fuse Rope 08/08/10 4c. Cooking Utensils/Gear 10/11/11
4b. Demo Hitch Knots 08/08/10 4d. Safe Food Handling 10/11/11
4c. Square Knot using EDGE Method 08/08/10 4e. Serve As Patrol Cook 10/11/11
5. Explain Hiking Rules 08/08/10 5. Visit Civic Leader 04/26/11
6. Demo Flag Care 08/08/10 6. Identify Native Plants 05/31/10
7. Scouting Principles 08/08/10 7a. Demonstrate Lashings 10/16/11
8. Patrol Knowledge 08/08/10 7b. Make Camp Gadget 10/16/11
9. Explain Buddy System 08/08/10 8a. Demo Rescue Knot 10/16/11
10a. Physical Fitness Test 08/08/10 8b. Demo Bandages 11/29/10
10b. Show Improvement 08/08/10 8c. Moving The Injured 11/29/10
11. Identify Poison Plants 08/08/10 8d. Heart Attacks/CPR 11/29/10
12a. Procedures for choking 08/08/10 9a. Safe Trip Afloat 11/14/10
12b. Show First Aid 08/08/10 9b. BSA Swimmer Test 11/14/10
13. Scout Spirit/Scout Law 08/08/10 9c. Show Line Rescue 11/14/10
14. Scoutmaster Conference 08/08/10 10. Invite Friend to Join 10/11/11
15. Board of Review 08/08/10 11. Use of Internet/Cyberbully 10/04/11
12. Scout Spirit/Scout Law 10/18/11
2nd Class 13. Scoutmaster Conference 10/18/11
1a. Map and Compass Use 08/04/10 14. Board Of Review 10/18/11
1b. Map and Compass Hike 08/04/10
2. Discuss 'Leave No Trace' 11/16/10 Star
3a. Activity Requirement 12/07/10 - Participation 02/18/12
3b. Select Camp Site 12/07/10 - Scout Spirit 03/21/13
3c. Use of Knife/Saw/Axe 08/06/10 - Scholarship MB 10/02/10
3d. Prepare Cook Fire 12/07/10 - Swimming* MB 12/07/10
3e. Cooking Fire 04/12/11 - Pathfinding# MB 12/19/10
3f. Lightweight or Propane Stove 04/18/11 - Lifesaving* MB 01/12/11
3g. Plan and Cook Meal 03/29/11 - First Aid* MB 02/08/11
4. Flag Ceremony/Respect Flag 02/12/10 - Family Life* MB 10/11/11
5. Service Project 12/04/10 - Service Project 01/21/13
6. Identify Wild Animals 05/18/10 - Pos'n of Responsibility 02/18/12
7a. Handle 'Hurry' Cases 11/29/10 - Scoutmaster Conference 03/21/13
7b. Make First Aid Kit 11/29/10 - Board of Review 04/02/13
7c. Show First Aid 11/29/10
03/15/16 (Page 2)
Individual History Report (old rules)
Vickers, Ethan (cont)
Life - Canoeing MB 11/13/13
- Participation 10/02/13 - Personal Fitness* MB 11/11/14
- Scout Spirit 11/10/15 - Cit In World* MB 01/19/15
- Carpentry# MB 12/31/10 - Cooking* MB 07/28/15
- Wilderness Survival MB 09/11/11 - Camping* MB 08/05/15
- Communication* MB 10/16/11 - Pos'n of Responsibility 03/12/16
- Cycling* MB 10/18/11 - Eagle Project __/__/__
- Personal Management* MB 03/02/13 - Scoutmaster Conference __/__/__
- Service Project 02/16/14 - Board of Review __/__/__
- Pos'n of Responsibility 02/13/12
- Teach using EDGE Method 04/15/14 Bronze Palm
- Scoutmaster Conference 11/10/15 - Participation __/__/__
- Board of Review 11/17/15 - Scout Spirit __/__/__
- Auto Maintenance MB 04/24/14
Eagle - Backpacking MB 07/28/15
- Participation __/__/__ - Hiking* MB 07/28/15
- Scout Spirit __/__/__ - Rifle Shooting MB 11/29/15
- Music MB 01/10/12 - ____________ MB __/__/__
- Cit In Community* MB 05/14/13 - Demo Leadership __/__/__
- Cit In Nation* MB 05/14/13 - Scoutmaster Conference __/__/__
- Orienteering MB 09/08/13 - Board of Review __/__/__
- Environmental Sci* MB 10/08/13
Activity Summary/Order of Arrow
Total Nights Camping: 59 OA Election: __/__/__ Call Out: __/__/__
Total Miles Hiking: 130 Ordeal: __/__/__ Brotherhood: __/__/__
Total Service Hours: 83 Vigil: __/__/__ Vigil Name:
Special Awards
50 Miler Hawaii Haleakala 07/07/15 50-Miler/Hike, Gila 08/08/10
50 Miler/Canoe Rio Grande 06/27/14 Arrow of Light 03/10/10
50-Miler/Canoe, Ely 07/07/12 Mile Swim Patch 10/19/13
50-Miler/Canoe, RG 03/17/11 NOA - Aquatics Award 11/13/13
50-Miler/Canoe, Colorado River/Austin
Den Chief Training 03/24/12
Leadership History
Patrol Leader 09/01/10 - 03/26/13
Scout-In-Charge 03/04/16-03/12/16

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  • 1. 03/15/16 Individual History Report (old rules) Name: Vickers, Ethan Home Phone: (915) 833-8450 Patrol: COBRA Current Rank: Life Rank Date: 11/17/15 Date of Birth: 11/04/98 Age: 17 Pos'n of Respons: Patrol Leader Pos Date: 09/01/10 Date Joined Unit: 03/03/10 Scout 8a. Swimming Precautions 11/14/10 1. Age Requirement 11/05/09 8b. Demo Swim Ability 11/14/10 2. Find a Troop 03/03/10 8c. Demo Water Rescue 11/14/10 3. Application Forms 03/03/10 9a. Drug/Alcohol Program 04/12/11 4. Pledge of Allegiance 04/24/10 9b. Personal Safety/Protection 04/18/11 5. Demo Scout Sign, etc 04/24/10 10. Earn and Save Money 04/09/11 6. Demo Square Knot 04/24/10 11. Scout Spirit/Scout Law 04/26/11 7. Scout Oath, Law, etc 04/24/10 12. Scoutmaster Conference 04/26/11 8. Describe Scout Badge 04/24/10 13. Board of Review 04/26/11 9. Pamphlet Exercises 04/24/10 10. Scoutmaster Conference 04/24/10 1st Class 1. Find Way w/o Compass 09/20/11 Tenderfoot 2. Orienteering Course 07/24/10 1. Prepare to Camp 08/08/10 3. Activity Requirement 11/27/10 2. Camp and Pitch Tent 08/08/10 4a. Plan Patrol Menu 10/11/11 3. Prepare/Cook Meal 08/08/10 4b. Make Food List 10/11/11 4a. Demo Whip/Fuse Rope 08/08/10 4c. Cooking Utensils/Gear 10/11/11 4b. Demo Hitch Knots 08/08/10 4d. Safe Food Handling 10/11/11 4c. Square Knot using EDGE Method 08/08/10 4e. Serve As Patrol Cook 10/11/11 5. Explain Hiking Rules 08/08/10 5. Visit Civic Leader 04/26/11 6. Demo Flag Care 08/08/10 6. Identify Native Plants 05/31/10 7. Scouting Principles 08/08/10 7a. Demonstrate Lashings 10/16/11 8. Patrol Knowledge 08/08/10 7b. Make Camp Gadget 10/16/11 9. Explain Buddy System 08/08/10 8a. Demo Rescue Knot 10/16/11 10a. Physical Fitness Test 08/08/10 8b. Demo Bandages 11/29/10 10b. Show Improvement 08/08/10 8c. Moving The Injured 11/29/10 11. Identify Poison Plants 08/08/10 8d. Heart Attacks/CPR 11/29/10 12a. Procedures for choking 08/08/10 9a. Safe Trip Afloat 11/14/10 12b. Show First Aid 08/08/10 9b. BSA Swimmer Test 11/14/10 13. Scout Spirit/Scout Law 08/08/10 9c. Show Line Rescue 11/14/10 14. Scoutmaster Conference 08/08/10 10. Invite Friend to Join 10/11/11 15. Board of Review 08/08/10 11. Use of Internet/Cyberbully 10/04/11 12. Scout Spirit/Scout Law 10/18/11 2nd Class 13. Scoutmaster Conference 10/18/11 1a. Map and Compass Use 08/04/10 14. Board Of Review 10/18/11 1b. Map and Compass Hike 08/04/10 2. Discuss 'Leave No Trace' 11/16/10 Star 3a. Activity Requirement 12/07/10 - Participation 02/18/12 3b. Select Camp Site 12/07/10 - Scout Spirit 03/21/13 3c. Use of Knife/Saw/Axe 08/06/10 - Scholarship MB 10/02/10 3d. Prepare Cook Fire 12/07/10 - Swimming* MB 12/07/10 3e. Cooking Fire 04/12/11 - Pathfinding# MB 12/19/10 3f. Lightweight or Propane Stove 04/18/11 - Lifesaving* MB 01/12/11 3g. Plan and Cook Meal 03/29/11 - First Aid* MB 02/08/11 4. Flag Ceremony/Respect Flag 02/12/10 - Family Life* MB 10/11/11 5. Service Project 12/04/10 - Service Project 01/21/13 6. Identify Wild Animals 05/18/10 - Pos'n of Responsibility 02/18/12 7a. Handle 'Hurry' Cases 11/29/10 - Scoutmaster Conference 03/21/13 7b. Make First Aid Kit 11/29/10 - Board of Review 04/02/13 7c. Show First Aid 11/29/10
  • 2. 03/15/16 (Page 2) Individual History Report (old rules) Vickers, Ethan (cont) Life - Canoeing MB 11/13/13 - Participation 10/02/13 - Personal Fitness* MB 11/11/14 - Scout Spirit 11/10/15 - Cit In World* MB 01/19/15 - Carpentry# MB 12/31/10 - Cooking* MB 07/28/15 - Wilderness Survival MB 09/11/11 - Camping* MB 08/05/15 - Communication* MB 10/16/11 - Pos'n of Responsibility 03/12/16 - Cycling* MB 10/18/11 - Eagle Project __/__/__ - Personal Management* MB 03/02/13 - Scoutmaster Conference __/__/__ - Service Project 02/16/14 - Board of Review __/__/__ - Pos'n of Responsibility 02/13/12 - Teach using EDGE Method 04/15/14 Bronze Palm - Scoutmaster Conference 11/10/15 - Participation __/__/__ - Board of Review 11/17/15 - Scout Spirit __/__/__ - Auto Maintenance MB 04/24/14 Eagle - Backpacking MB 07/28/15 - Participation __/__/__ - Hiking* MB 07/28/15 - Scout Spirit __/__/__ - Rifle Shooting MB 11/29/15 - Music MB 01/10/12 - ____________ MB __/__/__ - Cit In Community* MB 05/14/13 - Demo Leadership __/__/__ - Cit In Nation* MB 05/14/13 - Scoutmaster Conference __/__/__ - Orienteering MB 09/08/13 - Board of Review __/__/__ - Environmental Sci* MB 10/08/13 Activity Summary/Order of Arrow Total Nights Camping: 59 OA Election: __/__/__ Call Out: __/__/__ Total Miles Hiking: 130 Ordeal: __/__/__ Brotherhood: __/__/__ Total Service Hours: 83 Vigil: __/__/__ Vigil Name: Special Awards 50 Miler Hawaii Haleakala 07/07/15 50-Miler/Hike, Gila 08/08/10 50 Miler/Canoe Rio Grande 06/27/14 Arrow of Light 03/10/10 50-Miler/Canoe, Ely 07/07/12 Mile Swim Patch 10/19/13 50-Miler/Canoe, RG 03/17/11 NOA - Aquatics Award 11/13/13 50-Miler/Canoe, Colorado River/Austin 02/12/16 Training Den Chief Training 03/24/12 Leadership History Patrol Leader 09/01/10 - 03/26/13 Scout-In-Charge 03/04/16-03/12/16