This document discusses induction of labour, including definitions, indications, contraindications, dangers, and methods. It provides details on assessing cervical readiness using the Bishop score and different techniques for ripening an unfavourable cervix or inducing labour in a favourable cervix. These include prostaglandins administered various ways, Foley catheters, amniotomy with or without oxytocin infusion, and the dosing and administration of oxytocin. It compares the merits and demerits of oxytocin versus prostaglandins for medical induction.
2. Definition deliberate termination of pregnancy
beyond 28 weeks by any means which aims at
initiation of labour and vaginal delivery
Previous unexplained IUFD
Diabetes mellitus
RH isoimmunisation
Unstable lie
Chronic placental insufficiency
3. Maternal
Chronic hydromnios with maternal distress
Congenital malformations
Combined (both mother and baby at risk)
PE and eclampsia
Lesser degree of placenta praevia
Placenta abruptio
Chronic hypertension
Chronic renal disease
4. Contraindications
Contracted pelvis and CPD
Persitent malpresentation
Previuos C/S
High risk pregnancy with compromised foetus
Pelvic tumour
Elderly prigravida with complications
5. Dangers
Tendency for abnormal uterine action
Increased operative delivery
Increased morbidity
Psychlogical morbidity so when there is failure for which C/S
is contemplated
Iatrogenic prematurity
Hypoxia due to disordered uterine action and operative
6. Success of induction depends on:
Period of gestation uterus more sensitive near
Favourable Bishop`s 7 and above
More easily successful in parous women than
elderly primigravida and IUFD
7. Bishop`s pre-induction cervical scoring system
Factors score
0 1 2 3
Dilat(cm) closed 1-2 3-4 5+
Efface(%) 0-30 40-50 60-70 80+
consist firm medium soft -
position posterio midline anterior -
station -3 -2 -1,0 +1,+2
Total score =13 favourable=6-13 unfavourable 0-5
8. Methods of induction
Unfavourable cervix
Ripen with prostaglandins-given
orally,intravaginal,intracervical or iv
Have adv over oxytocin of decreased need for analgesia
in labour ,fewer cases undelivered within 12 and 24
hours,decreased operative delivery
Intravaginal PGE(either gel or tablets)-3 doses
Misoprostol-cheaper and easily stored than other PG
Not licenced for this use
Used in dose 50-100 micrograms
9. Ripening with foleys catheter
Inflate with maximal fluid up to 60cc water ,wait for
catheter to drop
Mechanism of action
Mechanical distension of cervix
Local release of prostaglandins
Stimulation of pituitary release of oxytocin (Ferguson`s
10. Favourable cervix
No evidence to support any particular method of
PG cf oxytocin has shown better patient
satisfaction, decreased analgesia use, decreased
maternal blood loss and reduced neonatal
jaundice with PG use
Amniotomy and oxytocin infusion at same time is
associated with :
11. 11
Shorter induction delivery interval, hence reduce risk of
Reduced operative delivery rates
Reduction in PPH
Conversely up to 88% of women with favourable cervix will
labour within 24 hours after amniotomy alone
Cord prolapse
Accidental injury to placenta,vasa praevia,uterus
Amnionitic fluid embolism
12. Oxytocin dosage may be given by pump or
Start at dose of 1-4 milliunits/min and increase (
titrated against contractions) up to a maximum of
32 mU/Min.Dose of oxytocin required to produce
effective uterine contraction is 4-16 Mu/min
No benefit in using interval less than 3o minutes
Need for judicious use of fluid to avoid overload
13. Other methods of ripening the cervix /induction-
shown in trials
Membrane sweeppin/stripping-increases chance of delivery
within a week
Antiprogestogen eg mifepristone
Nipple stimulation
Hygroscopic dilators eg laminaria
Use of bougies
No evidence that intercourse improves cervical ripeness
14. Merits and demerits of Oxytocin and
PG use in medical induction
oxytocin prostaglandins
cheaper costly
Widely available Selected centers
Iv admnistration Intravaginal,orally,iv
Uterine hyper activity stops
when infusion stop
Continues for variable time
after stoppage
Antidiuretic effect at high
No such effect
Less effective in-low
bishop`s score,IUFD,low GA
More effective in those