This short quiz was conducted at the Induction Ceremony of LitSoc, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology on 4th September, 2018.
Consists of 16 easy questions which the Fresher's can guess and attempt.
April Quiz Festival by BQC team
Date: 09/04/2023
Venue: Hazra, Kolkata
Researched and Hosted : Rudra Chakraborty ( B.Tech, MBA)
Quiz master: 8240419581
Literary Affairs Committee (LAC), SVNIT Surat presents India Quiz 2022 on the occasion of Republic Day 2022. This was the final round for the final 8 teams, out of 400 teams, all across India.
The document describes the rules and rounds of a general quiz being conducted by IIT Kharagpur Quiz Club. It consists of 4 rounds - two written rounds with questions on etymology of culinary items and movie plots, and two oral rounds with questions asked clockwise and anti-clockwise. The rounds test the participants' knowledge of history, science, literature, current affairs and pop culture.
General quiz conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 8th April 2022, as a part of a trilogy of quizzes for the college fest Spring Spree 2022. The set has both the Prelims and Finals which include various questions on wide range of topics and quite derivable answers.
This is the question and answer set of the finals of Grey Cells 2024 - Inter School Quiz conducted by Pragya - UEMK Official Quiz Club in collaboration with Ecstasia, the annual cultural fest of UEM Kolkata. The genre of the quiz was general.
Science Quiz conducted for BVB Science Quiz 2024 selection at school by Shraavan and Me. Note: Source of last 2 questions: BISQ quiz by Q-Collective (Some other questions as well). 'Dominus illuminatio mea' means 'The LORD is my light' (taken from Psalm 27).
ANSWERS-B1. Boolean
B2- X-Univeristy of Oxford, Y-University of Cambridge
11.Jurassic Park, Dinosaurs
14.Mole day
15.Viswanathan Anand
16.Indian Institute of Science
17.Time Dilation
19.Agent Orange
20. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone
This quiz was hosted on 15th May 2022 as a part of Phoenix, the technology festival of the Future Institute of Engineering and Management (FIEM). It was an open-to-all general quiz with alphabetical prelims. The top 10 teams qualified to the finals. The highest score in this prelims was 16 and the cutoff was 6.
The document provides clues for a multi-part connect-the-dots style quiz question. The clues reference an Indian actress known for her role in Zanjeer and other films from the 1970s-1990s. Later clues mention her daughters and son-in-law, hinting that the answer is Jaya Bachchan.
The India Quiz - IIM Ahmedabad and Ahmedabad Quiz ClubQuiz Cetera
This document provides information about an India Quiz being organized by Quiz Cetera, including contact information for the organizers, Aniruddha Mitra, Dhanraj B., Minakhi Misra, and Tauseef Warsi. It also contains 20 sample preliminary quiz questions on topics related to India covering history, pop culture, geography and current events.
This Quiz Club IIT Patna Quiz was hosted by Ankur and Abhimanyu on 15th January 2022. This was the 2nd episode of our new season of quizzing with freshers, and one of them was a Quizmaster himself! The quiz covered a lot of fun and interesting topics.
The Bangalore quiz that I did today for the KQA (with answers). It was a written only quiz, so no separate prelims and finals.
The winning team made 33.5 out of 50
Quiz-O-Sthan: The India Quiz (Finals) at the NSUT Cultural Fest 2023, conducted by the NSUT Quiz Club.
Quizmaster: Ishan Chourasia and Yash Sethia
Ishan Chourasia-
XQuizzite- The Knowledge and Quizzing Committee of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar successfully conducted CommuniQuiz'21, a media themed quiz, in collaboration with Illuminatix- The Media and PR Cell of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, on 29 Sept and 1st Oct, 2021.
The document describes the rules and questions for 3 rounds of a general quiz. Round 1 includes direct questions about people, places, and things for which participants can answer directly or bounce the question to another player. Round 2 includes identifying people or products from audio/video clues. Round 3 includes direct, bounced, or pounced (where answering incorrectly results in a penalty) questions about topics like upcoming Olympic sports, SpaceX vehicles, Estonian e-residency, flags, and the origin of the name of the fast food chain Subway. The quizmaster's decisions are final.
Finals - Open General Quiz - Pentagram 2023, GNLULuckoo Kaul
This document outlines the structure and rules for "The Open General Quiz Pentagram 2023 Finals". It consists of 4 rounds - two written rounds with 4 questions each, and two buzzer rounds ("Dries") with 12 questions each. The written rounds involve themes like alliterations and have multiple choice or short answer questions. The buzzer rounds follow a clockwork order and involve verbal clues, with points awarded for correct answers.
Barabas, a Los Angeles shirt maker, saw one of their shirt designs called "The Fantasy Shirt" become hugely popular last week due to effective marketing labeling it as "The Most Wanted Shirt", causing the shirts to sell out rapidly. This marketing push is what led the shirts to sell so quickly.
The Business and Technology Quiz at the Kolkata International Quiz Festival 2023, held at Calcutta Rowing Club on 14th January
Quizmasters- Debasish Mukherjee and Titash Banerjea
In-house crime, conspiracy, and paranormal filler quiz set by Subham Priya, Velpula Srilaxmi, Aarushi Khanna, and Anaamika S. HighQ Day-2 (17.02.2023).
The Pennywise Quiz presents you with mind-boggling trivia from multiple angles of Economics, Business, and Finance that stipulates participants to exhibit knowledge most expeditiously. Learn all about Finances and Economics in the following quiz and see what you can earn and learn! To all the Business buffs out there, brush up on your business knowledge and rival, and prove your disposition.
This quiz can also be viewed and downloaded at:
Conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 20th March 2023. Themed on fun facts and amazing fundas on general topics. The set above consists of questions from qualifiers round conducted for each branch in NITW.
This India Quiz was held on 11th March,2022 and hosted by Ambika and Rajat for Chakravyuh, 2022, the annual quizzing fest of Quintessence.
Quintessence is the Quizzing Society of Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi.
This round of the game consisted of 8 open questions that teams had to answer within 15 seconds to receive points. The scoring was based on how many other teams answered correctly, with more points awarded if fewer teams got it right. The questions covered identifying companies and people based on clues about their brands, logos, and histories.
Location: ITC Sheraton Park, TTK Road, Chennai
Date: 08-11-2012
Quiz Masters: Andrew Scolt and Derek O'Brien.
Will try to upload a revised archive ASAP.
The document appears to be a quiz with questions about various topics including movies, logos, animals, geography, and history. It includes 10 visual questions to identify along with written questions in multiple rounds. The written questions cover topics like economics, Indian institutions and cities, famous figures, and events. The quiz is structured in a way to test general knowledge through visual and written questions with points awarded for correct answers.
Science Quiz conducted for BVB Science Quiz 2024 selection at school by Shraavan and Me. Note: Source of last 2 questions: BISQ quiz by Q-Collective (Some other questions as well). 'Dominus illuminatio mea' means 'The LORD is my light' (taken from Psalm 27).
ANSWERS-B1. Boolean
B2- X-Univeristy of Oxford, Y-University of Cambridge
11.Jurassic Park, Dinosaurs
14.Mole day
15.Viswanathan Anand
16.Indian Institute of Science
17.Time Dilation
19.Agent Orange
20. Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone
This quiz was hosted on 15th May 2022 as a part of Phoenix, the technology festival of the Future Institute of Engineering and Management (FIEM). It was an open-to-all general quiz with alphabetical prelims. The top 10 teams qualified to the finals. The highest score in this prelims was 16 and the cutoff was 6.
The document provides clues for a multi-part connect-the-dots style quiz question. The clues reference an Indian actress known for her role in Zanjeer and other films from the 1970s-1990s. Later clues mention her daughters and son-in-law, hinting that the answer is Jaya Bachchan.
The India Quiz - IIM Ahmedabad and Ahmedabad Quiz ClubQuiz Cetera
This document provides information about an India Quiz being organized by Quiz Cetera, including contact information for the organizers, Aniruddha Mitra, Dhanraj B., Minakhi Misra, and Tauseef Warsi. It also contains 20 sample preliminary quiz questions on topics related to India covering history, pop culture, geography and current events.
This Quiz Club IIT Patna Quiz was hosted by Ankur and Abhimanyu on 15th January 2022. This was the 2nd episode of our new season of quizzing with freshers, and one of them was a Quizmaster himself! The quiz covered a lot of fun and interesting topics.
The Bangalore quiz that I did today for the KQA (with answers). It was a written only quiz, so no separate prelims and finals.
The winning team made 33.5 out of 50
Quiz-O-Sthan: The India Quiz (Finals) at the NSUT Cultural Fest 2023, conducted by the NSUT Quiz Club.
Quizmaster: Ishan Chourasia and Yash Sethia
Ishan Chourasia-
XQuizzite- The Knowledge and Quizzing Committee of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar successfully conducted CommuniQuiz'21, a media themed quiz, in collaboration with Illuminatix- The Media and PR Cell of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, on 29 Sept and 1st Oct, 2021.
The document describes the rules and questions for 3 rounds of a general quiz. Round 1 includes direct questions about people, places, and things for which participants can answer directly or bounce the question to another player. Round 2 includes identifying people or products from audio/video clues. Round 3 includes direct, bounced, or pounced (where answering incorrectly results in a penalty) questions about topics like upcoming Olympic sports, SpaceX vehicles, Estonian e-residency, flags, and the origin of the name of the fast food chain Subway. The quizmaster's decisions are final.
Finals - Open General Quiz - Pentagram 2023, GNLULuckoo Kaul
This document outlines the structure and rules for "The Open General Quiz Pentagram 2023 Finals". It consists of 4 rounds - two written rounds with 4 questions each, and two buzzer rounds ("Dries") with 12 questions each. The written rounds involve themes like alliterations and have multiple choice or short answer questions. The buzzer rounds follow a clockwork order and involve verbal clues, with points awarded for correct answers.
Barabas, a Los Angeles shirt maker, saw one of their shirt designs called "The Fantasy Shirt" become hugely popular last week due to effective marketing labeling it as "The Most Wanted Shirt", causing the shirts to sell out rapidly. This marketing push is what led the shirts to sell so quickly.
The Business and Technology Quiz at the Kolkata International Quiz Festival 2023, held at Calcutta Rowing Club on 14th January
Quizmasters- Debasish Mukherjee and Titash Banerjea
In-house crime, conspiracy, and paranormal filler quiz set by Subham Priya, Velpula Srilaxmi, Aarushi Khanna, and Anaamika S. HighQ Day-2 (17.02.2023).
The Pennywise Quiz presents you with mind-boggling trivia from multiple angles of Economics, Business, and Finance that stipulates participants to exhibit knowledge most expeditiously. Learn all about Finances and Economics in the following quiz and see what you can earn and learn! To all the Business buffs out there, brush up on your business knowledge and rival, and prove your disposition.
This quiz can also be viewed and downloaded at:
Conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 20th March 2023. Themed on fun facts and amazing fundas on general topics. The set above consists of questions from qualifiers round conducted for each branch in NITW.
This India Quiz was held on 11th March,2022 and hosted by Ambika and Rajat for Chakravyuh, 2022, the annual quizzing fest of Quintessence.
Quintessence is the Quizzing Society of Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi.
This round of the game consisted of 8 open questions that teams had to answer within 15 seconds to receive points. The scoring was based on how many other teams answered correctly, with more points awarded if fewer teams got it right. The questions covered identifying companies and people based on clues about their brands, logos, and histories.
Location: ITC Sheraton Park, TTK Road, Chennai
Date: 08-11-2012
Quiz Masters: Andrew Scolt and Derek O'Brien.
Will try to upload a revised archive ASAP.
The document appears to be a quiz with questions about various topics including movies, logos, animals, geography, and history. It includes 10 visual questions to identify along with written questions in multiple rounds. The written questions cover topics like economics, Indian institutions and cities, famous figures, and events. The quiz is structured in a way to test general knowledge through visual and written questions with points awarded for correct answers.
- The document outlines the rules for a 20 question trivia game to be played by teams.
- Each question will be displayed for 30 seconds and teams must write their answers on an answer sheet within the 10 minute time limit.
- Teams cannot confer or answer questions together, and must submit their answer sheets after the round is completed.
This document summarizes the rules and questions for an inter-house quiz competition between class 10 students. It states that the quizmaster's decisions are final and no interruptions are allowed. The quiz contains multiple choice and buzzer round questions testing the students' knowledge of people, brands, history and current events. Scoring is based on the number of teams that answer correctly, with individual or sole correct answers earning the most points.
The document describes the rules and format of "The Tarka Round", which is a quiz competition with 16 questions divided into two questions for each team in rotation. It provides details on scoring, hints, and includes sample questions and answers about topics ranging from Indian history to cinema to brands.
Made by Yal Govani and Sagar Modi, we present to you the ultimate last minute hail mary attempt to hold a good General Quiz. Special thanks to all those who made this possible.
This document contains a 20 question quiz with topics spanning business, politics, history, and pop culture. It also includes 5 bonus questions that could be used as tie-breakers. The questions require identifying people, companies, logos, events, and inventions from brief descriptions or images. The quiz tests a wide range of knowledge while rewarding concise answers.
This document contains 14 questions from the Tata Crucible quiz competition in Jamshedpur in 2009. The questions cover a range of topics including media companies, business leaders, sports brands, banking logos, product launches, famous companies, Bollywood actors, retailers, TV shows, CEOs and manufacturers.
This document contains the questions and answers for a 5-round beginner's quiz covering various topics. The rounds include a comic book round, an IT round, a sports round, and a mixed bag round. The final round involves minimalistic posters but no questions or answers are provided for that round. The quiz contains a total of 25 multiple choice questions to test the reader's knowledge across different domains.
This document contains the questions and answers for a 5-round beginner's quiz covering various topics. The rounds include a comic book round, an IT round, a sports round, and a mixed bag round. The final round has no accompanying questions, just placeholders. The quiz contains a total of 25 multiple choice questions to test general knowledge across different domains.
Jogo Bonito - InterCollege General Quiz 2019 - TrivandrumGeorge Zacharia
Pre-Quarters of Jogo Bonito Inter College Quiz Tournament by at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram .
Hosted by George Zacharia
Jogo Bonito - InterCollege General Quiz 2019 - Trivandrum George Zacharia
Pre-Quarters of Jogo Bonito Inter College Quiz Tournament by at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram .
Hosted by George Zacharia
This document contains a quiz with 10 multiple choice questions about people, places, and events related to India. Each question is followed by the answer. The questions cover topics like Indian politicians, Bollywood actors, famous scientists, historical events, and types of trains in India. The quiz encourages learning about different aspects of Indian history, culture, and current affairs.
The document describes the rules for a quiz competition involving multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, and puzzles to unscramble letters into words. Players can earn points for correct answers and lose points for incorrect answers. A variety of topics are covered in the questions, including history, literature, sports, and science.
The document appears to be a set of questions and answers from a regional preliminary round. It includes 20 questions on various topics like companies, brands, CEOs, and organizations. The questions are followed by short 1 sentence answers identifying logos, people, companies or concepts.
The theme quiz for Acumen 2018 - Inter Hostel Literary Fest of Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology organized by Literary Society held on 27th April 2018.
The theme was Holmes vs Bond vs Dr Who. Most of the questions are based on this theme with some general thrown in.
India Quiz conducted by me for Thapar Quizzing Club, TIET on 2nd April, 2019.
This set has 41 questions with 5 written questions. These questions are video based and YouTube links are provided. One can view them without any hesitation.
Download the fonts Gabriola and Samakaran before downloading this quiz.
This is a set of 9 Specialized Subjects conducted on the lines of Mastermind by Abhinav Choudhary, Bharat Kashyap and Soham Banerjee for the inter year literary fest of Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology - Elixir.
Elixir was held from 29th October, 2018 to 1st November, 2018 by LitSoc.
Each SS has 20 questions and each contender had 2 minutes to answer as many questions as possible.
A Biz Tech Quiz conducted by me and Aabhas Kedia for Thapar Quizzing Club, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology on 8th February, 2018.
The quiz is divided in 3 parts. One is the quiz conducted by me (26 Q), the second is the one conducted by Aabhas (11 Q) and the third is the relatively short and easier prelims (7 Q).
The quiz is mostly easy with no or less binary type questions.
The Fresher's Quiz 2017 conducted by Thapar Quizzing Club on 5th September, 2017.
Contributed by - Abhinav Choudhary, Mokshlakshmi Bhan, Omisha Sharma, Rajenki Das and Soham Banerjee.
Total 48 questions with some extra 3 questions for tie breakers.
This is the very basic quiz conducted by tQc for the induction ceremony of The Literary Society of Thapar University, Patiala on 31st August, 2017.
The idea behind this was to introduce freshers to the quizzing culture and hence touched very lightly on various topics, keeping the questions light and short.
This document contains 24 quiz questions and their answers related to India. Some of the topics covered include the origins of coffee in India, cyclones named by Pakistan, the Auroville Charter, early logos of the State Bank of India, the origins of kati rolls in Kolkata, and the coinage of the term "Seven Sisters" to refer to states in Northeast India. Each question is followed by the corresponding answer. The questions test knowledge about history, culture and current events in India.
This is quiz conducted by Rajenki Das and Me on 20th October, 2016 at the Thapar Quizzing Club (TQC), Literary Society. The theme is general and it has 42 questions.
A small quiz made for the Safety Day of DAV Public School, Bistupur on 22nd November 2014.
Contains only 3 rounds and relatively simple trivia based question.
Derek's Yippee Challenge School Prelims - AnswersSoham Banerjee
This document contains Derek's answers to a yippee challenge quiz. It lists 20 multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions followed by the corresponding answers. The answers cover topics ranging from geography, movies, actors, programming languages, math problems, and more.
Preliminary round - Yippee Challenge School RoundSoham Banerjee
Prelims for Derek's Yippee Challenge for students of Std. 5 - 7. Intra school selection round.
Answers are given in a PDF format in the Documents section
The document outlines the rules and questions for the preliminary round of a quiz competition. It states that there will be 20 multiple choice questions, with the top 4 students from each class (8th to 9th standard) qualifying for the next round. Students will get 1 mark for each correct answer, and the quizmaster's decision is final. It then lists 20 sample questions covering topics like history, pop culture, science, and literature.
The document provides answers to 20 trivia questions, including:
1) The name Antarctica comes from it being opposite the Arctic.
2) Eminem was the answer to one question.
3) Various other answers included Thailand, India, zorbing, helium, CISCO, tennis players Novak Djokovic and Petra Kvitova, and film composer Shantanu Moitra.
This document appears to be from a green quiz competition that took place in 2012. It provides the general rules for the preliminary round, which includes 20 multiple choice questions with no negative marking. Only the top 6 teams will qualify for the finals. The questions cover various topics related to the environment like important dates, organizations, policies, terms, and people. The document tests the participants' knowledge of green issues and aims to increase environmental awareness.
This document consists of a science quiz with 20 multiple choice questions related to scientists, scientific discoveries, and scientific organizations. The questions cover topics like the Royal Society, the Doppler effect, DNA, the periodic table, and more. The questions require identifying scientists, discoveries, theories, and logos of scientific organizations from images or brief descriptions.
Software Engineering and Traditional Software development modelsNitinShelake4
Introduction to Software, Product vs. Process, Nature of Software and Process, Software Engineering Practice, SDLC.
Process Models: Waterfall Model, V-Model, Incremental Model, Evolutionary Models, RAD models.
CapTechTalks Webinar March 2025 Sharon Burton.pptxCapitolTechU
際際滷s from a Capitol Technology University webinar presented by Dr. Sharon L. Burton called "The Interconnectedness of Cybersecurity Leadership, Change Management, and Business Process Improvement." Presented March 20, 2025
Fuel Injection in Compression Ignition EngineNileshKumbhar21
Requirements of injection system, Types of injection systems Individual pump, Common rail and Distributor systems, Unit injector, Types of fuel nozzles- single hole, multi hole, pintle, and pintaux, Electronic diesel injection system.
Kothari Commission Recommendations And Their Implementation.pptxDr. JN Gorai, PhD
Mind Map
Introduction to Kothari Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Recommendations on Higher Education
Vocational Education and Training
Educational Structure and System
Radiobutton in AWT Controls ( Java Applet)harlearncs
A RadioButton is a graphical user interface (GUI) component in Java that allows users to select one option from a group of mutually exclusive options. It is a type of Button that can be selected or deselected. When a RadioButton is selected, it is highlighted with a dot or a checkmark, indicating that it is the currently selected option.
*History of RadioButtons*
The concept of RadioButtons originated from the physical buttons used in old radios, where only one station could be selected at a time. This idea was later adopted in computer programming, and the first RadioButtons were implemented in graphical user interfaces.
*How RadioButtons Work*
A RadioButton is essentially a toggle button that can be either selected or deselected. When a RadioButton is selected, it is highlighted with a visual indicator, such as a dot or a checkmark. This indicates that the corresponding option has been chosen.
*Key Features of RadioButtons*
1. *Mutual Exclusivity*: RadioButtons are designed to allow only one option to be selected at a time. This ensures that users can make a single, definitive choice.
2. *Visual Feedback*: RadioButtons provide immediate visual feedback when selected or deselected, helping users understand the current state of their selection.
3. *Easy to Use*: RadioButtons are intuitive and easy to use, making them accessible to users of all skill levels.
*Types of RadioButtons*
1. *Standard RadioButtons*: These are the most common type of RadioButton, characterized by a circular or oval shape with a dot or checkmark indicator.
2. *Toggle RadioButtons*: These RadioButtons have a slightly different design, with a toggle-like appearance that indicates the selected state.
3. *Custom RadioButtons*: Developers can create custom RadioButtons with unique designs, shapes, and behaviors to suit specific application requirements.
*RadioButton Best Practices*
1. *Use Clear and Concise Labels*: Ensure that the text labels accompanying RadioButtons are clear, concise, and easy to understand.
2. *Group Related Options*: Organize RadioButtons into logical groups to help users quickly identify related options.
3. *Provide Visual Feedback*: Ensure that RadioButtons provide clear visual feedback when selected or deselected.
*Common RadioButton Use Cases*
1. *Forms and Surveys*: RadioButtons are commonly used in forms and surveys to collect user input and preferences.
2. *Settings and Configuration*: RadioButtons are used in application settings and configuration screens to allow users to customize their experience.
3. *Dashboards and Analytics*: RadioButtons can be used in dashboards and analytics tools to enable users to select specific data visualization options.
*RadioButton Accessibility*
1. *Keyboard Navigation*: Ensure that RadioButtons can be navigated using the keyboard, allowing users with mobility or dexterity impairments to access the component.
2. *Screen Reader Support*: Ensure that RadioButtons are properly labeled and announced by scr
Collect information and produce statistics on the trade in goods using Intras...Celine George
The Intrastat system collects information on goods traded between EU member states, tracking internal commerce. This mandatory and confidential data collection is crucial for statistical research, used by researchers, decision-makers, and planners in both the public and private sectors.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand the PRISMA Guidelines Explain the purpose and key components of the PRISMA checklist and flow diagram in systematic review reporting.
Identify Common Pitfalls Recognize frequent errors and challenges in reporting systematic reviews and how they impact transparency and reproducibility.
Apply Best Practices Implement strategies to enhance the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of systematic review reporting.
Use PRISMA Effectively Utilize PRISMA tools and resources to improve the structure and presentation of systematic reviews.
Assess PRISMA Compliance Critically evaluate published systematic reviews for adherence to PRISMA guidelines.
(ischemic heart disease) Angina by Jewel.pptxJewel
Ppt is on angina pectoris.
Here is the short description..
Angina Pectoris is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart, often due to coronary artery disease. It may feel like pressure or tightness in the chest and can spread to the arms, neck, or jaw. It can be stable (triggered by exertion) or unstable (occurs unpredictably). Treatment includes lifestyle changes, medications, and medical procedures to improve blood flow and prevent complications.
How to Simplify Reconciliation Process using Reconciliation Models using odoo...Celine George
In a firm, daily transactions are invoiced, but the accounting department may not enter all details immediately. Weekly, account statements are reviewed for reconciliation, ensuring accuracy and transparency by comparing cash transactions with bank records.
How to Configure Authorized Signatory on Invoice in Odoo 18Celine George
Odoo 18 Sign allows you to send, sign, and approve documents online, using electronic signatures. An electronic signature shows a persons agreement to the content of a document. Just like a handwritten signature, the electronic one represents a legal binding by the terms of the signed document.
9. 9
Question 4
The Jawab Mosque in the Taj Mahal complex is
technically useless, since it faces the east and cannot
be used for prayer assemblies. Why was it built in the
first place?
Hint: It was built inside the Taj Mahal complex
10. To maintain the Tajs symmetry.
There was already a mosque to the left of
the Taj Mahal, and there needed to be one
on the right. Hence, the mosque was called
And the Answer 庄壊
17. 17
Question 8
The 2003 invasion of Iraq, led by U.S. Army, began
under the codename Operation Iraqi Liberation.
It was later renamed to Operation Iraqi Freedom.
18. Operation Iraqi Liberation OIL
Fuelling all the conspiracy theories about
the reasons US waged the war.
And the Answer 庄壊
19. 19
Question 9
If Radcliffe Line divides India and Pakistan, McMahon
Line divides India and China , Palk Strait divides India
and Sri Lanka then Vinculum Line divides which two
21. 21
Question 10
This is a two word phrase which means I await a
protector. The second word of the phrase in archaic
Latin also means Father.
Which phrase from the world of fantasy?
25. 25
Question 12
Pitcairn Islands are group of 4 islands in the Pacific
Ocean which form the British Overseas Territory in
South Pacific.
If Britain were to lose this island, then what will
happen for the first time?
26. The Sun will set on the British Empire
for the first time.
And the Answer 庄壊
27. 27
Question 13
When Nintendo released Donkey Kong, following the
adventures of an ape like character where he faced
against Jumpman.
Jumpman later became Nintendos iconic character.
31. 31
Question 15
The Empire is a British film magazine which in June
2005 published an edition which till now is its highest
selling issue.
Who graced the cover?