I recently did a TED Ed talk on machine learning where I interviewed some of the top innovators in the field Including some of the creators of AlphaGo by Google's DeepMind and Members Of IBM's Watson team. I had a blast doing this talk and hope you enjoy listening to it also!
This document summarizes the history of special education in the United States through several important court cases and legislation. It describes how students with disabilities were initially excluded from public schools or segregated into separate classrooms. Key court cases like PARC v. Pennsylvania and Mills v. Board of Education established rights to education for students with disabilities. Federal laws such as the IDEA now require schools to provide individualized education programs and educate students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment possible alongside their non-disabled peers.
Sandip Korat has over 11 years of experience in quality assurance for pharmaceutical companies. He has a B.Pharm degree and diploma in Drug Regulatory Affairs. Currently he is Assistant Manager at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals where he looks after validation remediation and performs internal audits. Previously he has worked at Intas Pharmaceuticals, IPCA Laboratories, USV, and Sun Pharmaceuticals in roles of increasing responsibility where he was involved in process and cleaning validations, audits, documentation review and regulatory submissions.
This document provides information about St. Luke's Church located in Federal Way, WA. It includes details about their worship services, pastors, mission, ministries for children, youth, families, and more. Visitors are welcomed to join the congregation for worship or get to know the pastors over coffee. The church strives to serve its community and spread the gospel through various outreach and volunteer opportunities.
This document contains a list of photo credits attributed to various photographers and organizations. While there is no other accompanying text or context provided, the document aims to acknowledge the creators of works that may be featured elsewhere through this compilation of photo credits. It provides attributions for over a dozen photographs without any additional information on the subject or content of the photos themselves.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share's platform.
This document provides tips for making work more interesting:
1) Challenge yourself by beating your own time limits, spending extra time on projects, and trying something new daily.
2) Ask for help from supervisors and coworkers when you don't understand something instead of waiting until the last minute. Asking for help can advance your career.
3) Take breaks, prioritize personal relationships and fitness, and put limits on work hours to maintain a work-life balance.
I recently did a TED Ed talk on machine learning where I interviewed some of the top innovators in the field Including some of the creators of AlphaGo by Google's DeepMind and Members Of IBM's Watson team. I had a blast doing this talk and hope you enjoy listening to it also!
This document summarizes the history of special education in the United States through several important court cases and legislation. It describes how students with disabilities were initially excluded from public schools or segregated into separate classrooms. Key court cases like PARC v. Pennsylvania and Mills v. Board of Education established rights to education for students with disabilities. Federal laws such as the IDEA now require schools to provide individualized education programs and educate students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment possible alongside their non-disabled peers.
Sandip Korat has over 11 years of experience in quality assurance for pharmaceutical companies. He has a B.Pharm degree and diploma in Drug Regulatory Affairs. Currently he is Assistant Manager at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals where he looks after validation remediation and performs internal audits. Previously he has worked at Intas Pharmaceuticals, IPCA Laboratories, USV, and Sun Pharmaceuticals in roles of increasing responsibility where he was involved in process and cleaning validations, audits, documentation review and regulatory submissions.
This document provides information about St. Luke's Church located in Federal Way, WA. It includes details about their worship services, pastors, mission, ministries for children, youth, families, and more. Visitors are welcomed to join the congregation for worship or get to know the pastors over coffee. The church strives to serve its community and spread the gospel through various outreach and volunteer opportunities.
This document contains a list of photo credits attributed to various photographers and organizations. While there is no other accompanying text or context provided, the document aims to acknowledge the creators of works that may be featured elsewhere through this compilation of photo credits. It provides attributions for over a dozen photographs without any additional information on the subject or content of the photos themselves.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on 際際滷Share's platform.
This document provides tips for making work more interesting:
1) Challenge yourself by beating your own time limits, spending extra time on projects, and trying something new daily.
2) Ask for help from supervisors and coworkers when you don't understand something instead of waiting until the last minute. Asking for help can advance your career.
3) Take breaks, prioritize personal relationships and fitness, and put limits on work hours to maintain a work-life balance.
The document discusses the various flags of New Zealand, including the current national flag featuring the Union Jack and Southern Cross constellation. It notes that the need for a New Zealand flag first arose in 1830 when a trading ship was seized for lacking nationality identification. Several other flags are also summarized, such as the New Zealand White Ensign for the navy, the Red Ensign for merchant vessels, the National Mori Flag, and flags representing the Governor General and Queen of New Zealand.
The document summarizes a project by Anglian Water to develop a new customer service solution called 1Customer. 1Customer simplified agents' screens to make customer data instantly accessible, improving call quality and reducing call times by an average of 78 seconds. It was developed collaboratively between Anglian Water and Capgemini to optimize the existing SAP system and drive additional value. Initial results showed reductions in training time and improvements to customer satisfaction.
This document provides a summary of a technical review and analysis of the website https://pavel-samuta.livejournal.com. The review covers several areas including SEO, speed, social sharing, traffic and technology. Key findings include that the site has room for improvement in SEO elements like meta descriptions and image alt text. Page speed is average and could be improved by reducing requests and file sizes. Social sharing is enabled on Facebook and Twitter but no data was found for Google+. Traffic estimates rank the site over 300,000 globally with most visitors from Belarus. The site is hosted on Nginx and Varnish servers located in the US.
Pavel Samuta - Graphic and industrial 3D designer / mechanical engineer Belar...Pavel Samuta
8 years final product design from concept to production. Passion, devotion and faith - it is the core of my success.
I believe that to changing that's norm life. The philosophy of my thinking: "Always look for opportunities to achieve results, to help people"
My advantage:
- omplex knowledge-oriented analytical and practical activities, flexible adaptation to changes in the content of professional activity.
Tools: Kompas 3D (3D modelling, 3D printing and engineering drawings, diagrams, plans, sketches, tables, calculations, specifications), Inkscape (vector graphics for mobile and web interfaces, websites, icons, logotypes, flash banners and documentation design), Microsoft Office (presentations, documents).
Hobbi tools: Adobe Photoshop (retouch), SolidWorks (3D modelling), Autodesk Inventor (3D modelling).
- Strong sketching skills
- Proficiency in 3D modeling
- Excellent 2D and 3D rendering skills
- Keen sense of style and details
- Excellent communication, problem solving, and collaboration skills
- Strong detailed design skills and a passion for accuracy
- Eagerness to share new technology proposals with your clients and team
- Decent sketching skills to clearly communicate ideas
- Proficiency in other technical design skills: research, low-fi and representative model making, dimensioned drawings, BOM, report writing
- Experience with rapid prototyping through managing relationships with third party suppliers
- Strong projects - new products, interesting challenges with unique solutions
Feel free to visit my portfolio https://www.pavelsamuta.com.
Cinema Technologies Group - 亞仗仗舒 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亶, 仂仆仂于舒仆仆舒 于 1991 亞. 仄 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳仄 亳 仗亠亟仍舒亞舒亠仄 从 舒亠仆亟亠 仗亠亳舒仍仆仂亠 仂仗亠舒仂从仂亠 仂弍仂亟仂于舒仆亳亠 亟仍 亠仍亠于亳亰亳仂仆仆 亳 从亳仆仂 亠仄仂从.
舒仗仂仍舒亞舒亠 舒仄仄 弍仂仍亳仄 仗舒从仂仄 仂弍仂亟仂于舒仆亳 仆舒 亠亳仂亳亳 弌 亳 弍仍亳亢仆亠亞仂 亰舒弍亠亢:
丐亠仍亠从仂仗亳亠从亳亠 仂仗亠舒仂从亳亠 从舒仆 亟仂 15仄
弌亠从亳仂仆仆亠 仂仗亠舒仂从亳亠 从舒仆 亟仂 27仄
亳舒仆亳仂仆仆仂 仗舒于仍磳仄亠 仗仍舒仂仄 亞亳仂舒弍亳仍亳亰舒亳亠亶 亟仍 亠仍亠/从亳仆仂 从舒仄亠
亳舒仆亳仂仆仆仂 仗舒于仍磳仄亠 亳 从仍舒亳亠从亳亠 仂仗亠舒仂从亳亠 亠仍亠亢从亳, 亠仍
弌亳亠仄舒 仄亠舒仆亳亠从仂亶 舒弍亳仍亳亰舒亳亳 于/从亳仆仂 从舒仄亠
弍仂亟仂于舒仆亳亠 亟仍 亠仄仂从 舒于仂仄仂弍亳仍 亳 于亠仂仍亠舒
仗亳亠从亳亠 舒从亠舒 亳 仄仆仂亞仂亠 亟亞仂亠
Cinema Technologies Group - Group of Companies, founded in 1991, we produce and offer to lease a special operator equipment for television and movie filming.
We have the largest fleet of equipment on the CIS territory:
Telescopic camera cranes up to 15m length
Sectional camera cranes up to 27m length
Remotely controlled gyroscopic stabilization platform for TV / film cameras
Remotely controlled and classic Dollies and dolly tracks
System of mechanical stabilization for TV / Movie Camera
Equipment for shooting from the car and helicopter
Optical accessories and more