Infant psychiatry is a crucial domain of psychiatry which yet not discussed as much as other sub specialties of psychiatry(Child, adult or geriatric). As a mental health professional, educator or health worker, one should have brief orientation of infant mental health (IMH) or infant psychiatry. This presentation will provide a brief idea about assessment of infancy and early childhood.
6. Axis-DC:0-3R
1. Clinical disorders
2. Relationship classification
3. Medical and developmental disorders
4. Psycho social stressors
5. Emotional and social functioning
7. Axis-DC:0-5
1. Clinical disorders
2. Relational context
3. Physical health conditions and considerations
4. Psycho social stressors
5. Developmental Competence
8. DC: 0-5 Disorders
1. Neuro developmental disorders
2. Sensory processing disorders
3. Anxiety disorders
4. Mood disorders
5. Obsessive Compulsive and Related disorders
6. Sleep, Eating and Crying Disorders
7. Trauma, Stress and Deprivation disorders
8. Relationship Disorders
18. Principals of assessment
Assessment of risk
Parent want the best
Biopsychosoical framework
Developmental context
Relational approach
Vulnerabilities and strengths
Transactional model
19. Target of Assessment
Accurate diagnosis and formulation
Maximize child's developmental potential
Intervention and management planning
23. Reflective or mentalising capacity
Holding mind in mind
PDI(Parent Development Interview)
Play assessment
Modified Crowell Procedure
1. Neonatal Behavior assessment scale (NBAS)
2. Bayley Scales of Infant Development(BSID)
3. Wechler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
4. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale
24. Assessing Risks
Within or context
Risk and protective factors
Cumulative risks
Observation, Interview, Examination and
25. Types: Immediate, Developmental, Indirect,
Greatest developmental risk: Neglect, Instability,
Parental mental health and Hostility
27. Parenting and Parenting capacity
Needs & Protection
Recognize the needs
Meet developmentally appropriate way
Accept responsibility