Inferred Lighting1. Inferred Lighting:Fast Dynamic lighting and shadows for opaque and translucent objectsoriginal paper by Scott Kircher, Alan Lawrance蠏 ( 5. Deferred Shading襷 殊危(dynamic lighting) 焔ルれ 讌(material) 企れ る語 殊危螻 蠏碁殊 MSAA 讌 覦讌 覈詩* 11. Main Idea伎/螻伎(mixed) 覯朱ゼ Geometry PassG-Buffer襯 Back Buffer覲企 伎襦 襷Light PassG-Buffer襯 伎 殊危 蟆郁骸襯 L-Buffer 襷Material PassScene Forward Rendering覃伎 L-Buffer 蟆郁骸 Material . (Up Sampling)DSF(Discontinuity Sensitive Filtering)襯 伎 伎->螻伎襦 up-sampling
18. Using DSF BufferAlbedo, etcDepth ID襯 觜蟲.bias bilinear filtering weightsmaterial 覲伎 蟆壱DepthDSF IDPixel ShaderFetchFetch 21. Inferred Lighting vs. Forward Rendering101 objects, 81 lights. (xbox360)Inferred Lighting: 29.4ms (34fps)Forward Rendering: 167ms (6fps)