Infinisource provides a fully-integrated, cloud-based human capital management solution called Infinisolved that offers payroll, HR, benefits administration, time and attendance, talent management, and compliance functions all accessible through a single login. Infinisolved allows employers to manage all human capital needs like scheduling shifts, reviewing overtime, running reports, previewing payroll, and electing benefits from one source. Unlike other solutions, Infinisolved is fully integrated and scalable so it can adapt as a company grows without needing to change platforms.
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Infinisolved HCM
1. H U M A N C A P I T A L M A N A G E M E N T
Bene鍖ts Administration
Time & Attendance
Talent Management
Human Resources
Human Resources
Bene鍖ts Administration
Talent Management
Time & Attendance
In鍖nisource is the leading provider of fully-integrated, SaaS-based,
cloud-resident Human Capital Management (HCM). In鍖nisources HCM
solution, In鍖nisolved, offers everything an employer needs (Payroll, HR,
Bene鍖ts Administration, Time & Attendance, Talent Management and
Compliance), accessible from one login, anywhere and anytime.
Everything you need to manage and grow your human capital,
accessible from a single login. Schedule an upcoming shift, view
overtime levels, run a customized report, preview your payroll (real time),
write a performance report for a peer, elect your bene鍖ts in鍖nite
solutions, one source. In鍖nisolved HCM.
Unlike many solutions in the marketplace, In鍖nisolved is not only fully
integrated, but also completely scalable. You cant outgrow the
product - as your company expands, In鍖nisolved will 鍖t your needs no
need to change platforms.