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H U M A N               C A P I T A L                M A N        A G          E   M    E    N T


Bene鍖ts Administration

Time & Attendance

Talent Management

                                                                                                 Human Resources
Human Resources

                                   Bene鍖ts Administration
                                                                                        Talent Management

                                                            Time & Attendance

                           In鍖nisource is the leading provider of fully-integrated, SaaS-based,
                           cloud-resident Human Capital Management (HCM). In鍖nisources HCM
                           solution, In鍖nisolved, offers everything an employer needs (Payroll, HR,
                           Bene鍖ts Administration, Time & Attendance, Talent Management and
                           Compliance), accessible from one login, anywhere and anytime.

                           Everything you need to manage and grow your human capital,
                           accessible from a single login. Schedule an upcoming shift, view
                           overtime levels, run a customized report, preview your payroll (real time),
                           write a performance report for a peer, elect your bene鍖ts  in鍖nite
                           solutions, one source. In鍖nisolved HCM.

                           Unlike many solutions in the marketplace, In鍖nisolved is not only fully
                           integrated, but also completely scalable. You cant outgrow the
                           product - as your company expands, In鍖nisolved will 鍖t your needs  no
                           need to change platforms.


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Infinisolved HCM

  • 1. H U M A N C A P I T A L M A N A G E M E N T Payroll Bene鍖ts Administration Compliance Time & Attendance Talent Management Payroll Human Resources Human Resources Compliance Bene鍖ts Administration Talent Management Time & Attendance In鍖nisource is the leading provider of fully-integrated, SaaS-based, cloud-resident Human Capital Management (HCM). In鍖nisources HCM solution, In鍖nisolved, offers everything an employer needs (Payroll, HR, Bene鍖ts Administration, Time & Attendance, Talent Management and Compliance), accessible from one login, anywhere and anytime. Everything you need to manage and grow your human capital, accessible from a single login. Schedule an upcoming shift, view overtime levels, run a customized report, preview your payroll (real time), write a performance report for a peer, elect your bene鍖ts in鍖nite solutions, one source. In鍖nisolved HCM. Unlike many solutions in the marketplace, In鍖nisolved is not only fully integrated, but also completely scalable. You cant outgrow the product - as your company expands, In鍖nisolved will 鍖t your needs no need to change platforms. www.in鍖nisource.com