The document outlines terms and conditions for influencers using the Connex platform, including:
- Influencers agree to work exclusively through Connex for any new business opportunities and comply with content boundaries.
- Content boundaries prohibit adult, crude, violent, illegal, spam, malware or personally identifying content.
- Influencers must provide contact information and metrics like social media followers for their profile.
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Influencer terms & value prop
1. Connex Score Defined
Radian 6 Authority Score
Rate Card
Influencer Value Proposition
Exposure to a larger market
- More companies
- Global reach
Pre-set fees according to your Connex Score
Influencer Terms & Conditions
New Business defined: Influencer has had no previous business relationship with
the client.
For all new business received through Connex, Influencer agrees to work
exclusively through Connex going forward.
Influencer agrees to comply with the content boundaries as outlined below.
Influencer agrees to be rated by marketers and Connex, and will not hold Connex
responsible for any perceived loss of business that results from these published
Influencers are free to express themselves
Failure to comply may result in revocation from Connex
Influencer Opt-In Fields
Mailing Address
Phone Numbers (work, mobile, home)
Email address
Subject matter expertise (drop-down)
Industries covered (drop-down)
List of opportunities you have to be heard (Twitter, Blog, User Forums, LinkedIn,
Facebook, newsletters, media, journalist, editorial opinion)
Radian6 Authority Score
Twitter number of followers
Klout Score
2. Kred Score
Clients & brands you have done business with in the past
Content Boundaries
Our content policies play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for you, the
influencer. Please respect these guidelines. From time to time, we may change our content
policies so please check here. Also, please note that when applying the policies below, we may
make exceptions based on artistic, educational, documentary or scientific considerations or
where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.
Adult Content: We do not allow adult content on Connex, including images or videos that
contain nudity or sexual activity.
Child safety: We have a zero tolerance policy towards content that exploits children.
Hate Speech: We want you to use Connex to express your opinions, even very controversial
ones. But, don't cross the line by publishing hate speech. By this, we mean content that promotes
hate or violence towards groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran
status or sexual orientation/gender identity.
Crude Content: Don't post content just to be shocking or graphic.
Violence: Don't threaten other people. For example, don't post death threats against another
person or group of people and don't post content encouraging your readers to take violent action
against another person or group of people.
Copyright: It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. More
information about our copyright procedures can be found here. Also, please don't provide links to
sites where your readers can obtain unauthorised downloads of other people's content.
Personal and confidential information: It's not ok to publish another person's personal and
confidential information. For example, don't post someone else's credit card numbers, Social
Security numbers, unlisted phone numbers and driver's licence numbers. Also, please bear in
mind that in most cases, information that is already available elsewhere on the Internet or in
public records is not considered to be private or confidential under our policies.
Impersonating others: Please don't mislead or confuse readers by pretending to be someone
else or pretending to represent an organisation when you don't. We're not saying that you can't
publish parody or satire - just avoid content that is likely to mislead readers about your true
3. Illegal activities: Don't use Connex to engage in illegal activities or to promote dangerous and
illegal activities. For example, don't author a blog encouraging people to drink and drive.
Otherwise, we may delete your content. Also, in serious cases such as those involving the abuse
of children, we may report you to the appropriate authorities.
Spam: Spam takes several forms in Connex, all of which can result in deletion of your account or
blog. Some examples include creating blogs designed to drive traffic to your site or to move it up
in search listings, posting comments on other people's blogs just to promote your site or product
and scraping existing content from other sources for the primary purpose of generating revenue
or other personal gains.
Malware and viruses: Do not create blogs that transmit viruses, cause pop-ups, attempt to
install software without the reader's consent or otherwise impact readers with malicious code.
This is strictly forbidden on Connex.