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My name is NnabuifeEmeka. I am 30. One history class short of my bachelors in business marketing.
Have done a lot of promos in the music industry from t pain to g unit to cash money. Very respectable
and a hard worker. Also have booked shows and make music also. Currently working on ShadyvilleDj
(whoo Kid 50 cent eminem company www.shadyvilledjs.net ) cd.

Old ShadyvilleDJS mixtapes



Promos G unit



Marketing/Promotions G Unit RecordsMay 2010  July 2010 (3 months) New York, New York

Marketing Assistant SODMG/ShadyvilleDjsJanuary 2009  April 2009 (4 months)

MARKETING Shadyville DJSApril 2005  May 2007 (2 years 2 months)

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  • 1. My name is NnabuifeEmeka. I am 30. One history class short of my bachelors in business marketing. Have done a lot of promos in the music industry from t pain to g unit to cash money. Very respectable and a hard worker. Also have booked shows and make music also. Currently working on ShadyvilleDj (whoo Kid 50 cent eminem company www.shadyvilledjs.net ) cd. Old ShadyvilleDJS mixtapes http://www.datpiff.com/Dj-Woogie-Streets-On-Beats-31-mixtape.43151.html http://www.datpiff.com/pop-mixtape-player.php?id=mf69bc67&tid=1 Promos G unit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc0id0bA-4M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmQPQku6A1E&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLEE8B10 D698851EC8 Marketing/Promotions G Unit RecordsMay 2010 July 2010 (3 months) New York, New York Marketing Assistant SODMG/ShadyvilleDjsJanuary 2009 April 2009 (4 months) MARKETING Shadyville DJSApril 2005 May 2007 (2 years 2 months)