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Infor Enwisen Talent Management

Infor Enwisen Talent Management is an end-to-end            Process automation that offers configurable
talent management solution that changes the way you           workflows to support particular business processes
work, helping increase profitability by offering the          and bring the right work to the right people at the
                                                              right time.
flexibility, intelligence, and ease-of-use you require to
select, hire, and retain the best employees and take         Analytics for insight into your talent through
them beyond their potential in support of                     graphical views and point-in-time (as-of date)
business strategy.                                            reporting via graphs, charts, and/or export to
Infor Enwisen Talent Management offers an integrated
                                                             A user-defined organizational structure that
system, with each application strong on its own, but
                                                              supports highly-complex domestic and
more powerful when used together to support your              multi-national organizations. The system offers
business strategy and help you wage the war for talent.       multiple views of the organizational and makes
                                                              organizational changes a much simpler task.
Infor Enwisen HR Foundations                                 An authoritative system of record, including support
                                                              for a global infrastructure and multiple work
Infor Enwisen HR Foundations is the centerpiece of
                                                              assignments and concurrent employment (an
Infor Enwisen Talent Management. Its infrastructure           employee in two or more roles).
simplifies key HR processes, supports highly complex
organizations and helps you address your need to:            A competency framework to help establish "what
                                                              good looks like that you can use to analyze
 Maintain a single source of information about               potential bench strength, establish performance
  your talent.                                                expectations, determine competency gaps,
                                                              and more.
 Obtain accurate workforce counts.
                                                             Localization features that support your talent
 Identify, motivate, and reward multi-cultural talent.
                                                              initiatives across the globe.
 Manage workflows and personnel actions.
                                                             Talent profiles that include the competencies, skills,
 Motivate leaders to make fact-based decisions.              credentials, education, and career preferences that
                                                              allow you to complete gap analysis for succession
 Understand how talent can support key                       planning, recommended learning, and recruiting.
  business strategies.
                                                             Configuration Console that helps you modify
Many legacy HR applications say they can do all this,         application elements, personalize user content and
but are often just reengineered in an attempt to              data elements, and configure security. (The module
manage a complex workforce. They lack the flexibility         offers configuration options for 20 country
to do so effectively.                                         localizations and global data privacy provisions.)

Infor Enwisen HR Foundations is a better solution. Its
designed from the ground up to deliver simple, cost
effective management of HR business processes.
Features include:
 Spaces (role-based displays) that show only the
  relevant processes and tasks for a
  particular position.
Infor Enwisen Talent Acquisition                               Infor Enwisen Goal Management gives you the ability to:
                                                                Cascade goals down through the organization.
Beat the competition to top talent.
Infor Enwisen Talent Acquisition arms hiring managers,          Align goals by classifying them by category and type
recruiters, and others involved in recruitment activities to     within the organization.
align their work to support acquisition strategy. Use the       List specific personal activities under each goal, assign
tool to define your workforce needs, re-use the job              weights to goals, and link goals to activities according
success profile for determining candidate fit,                   to priority.
tap into your existing talent pool as a source of internal      View how employees are aligned with organizational
mobility, correspond with candidates through the offer and       goals and what they are doing to achieve their goals.
contract process, and manage data about current and
potential talent.                                               Understand how individual employees are impacting
                                                                 overall success by aligning goals with
Once you have selected the right talent, you can expedite        business objectives.
the hiring process because you already know everything
about the job responsibilities and the value the new hire      Infor Enwisen Performance
will bring to that job. As a result, your new and existing
employees will be better equipped to quickly and               Management
productively perform in their new roles. Additional Infor      Recognize, retain, and award top performers.
Enwisen Talent Acquisition features include:                   Infor Enwisen Performance Management allows you to
 Simplified candidate search, registration and profile        create and deploy standardized, online performance
  creation, including resume/CV upload.                        appraisal forms with clearly defined evaluation
                                                               scaleshelping to facilitate a thorough, objective review
 Deep view of your internal candidate pool and all the
                                                               for every employee. This application is designed to help
  attributes you already know about them.
                                                               an organization recognize, retain, and reward top
 Effective sourcing, including candidate pool searches,       performers while reducing attrition and flight risk. In
  job postings to external sources, and/or broadcast to        addition, Infor Enwisen Performance Management helps:
  your top sourcing methods.
                                                                Supervisors manage, develop, and retain their
 Facilitation of all candidate events, including a view of      best people.
  the most critical activities for Today.
                                                                Reveal where the talent is within your organization,
 Configurable workflow for managing your selection              who the top performers are, when personal and
  process, candidate correspondence, and tracking of all         organizational goals are
  acquisition costs.                                             reached, and what behaviors make people succeed.
 Requisition management to reuse the job success               Match employee competency profiles to job
  profile, including responsibilities, compensation              success profiles.
  structures, and competency requirements.
                                                                Analyze gaps of skills for particular positions and jobs.
Goal Management                                                 Tailor 360-degree appraisals to automatically flow
                                                                 through areas, groups, or positions according to an
Align employee goals with business objectives.                   unlimited schedule, and assign weights to individual
Infor Enwisen Goal Management gives you the ability to           sections of a review.
align employee goals directly with business objectives.
                                                                Show individual performance review status and
You will begin to understand exactly how each employee
                                                                 overall organizational unit scorecard on a
impacts the overall success of your organization. Best of        management dashboard.
all, you poise your employees to achieve measurable,
relevant results. Infor Enwisen Goal Management makes it
possible for employees to understand how they impact
organizational success and helps you boost goal initiative
buy-in and, ultimately, results.

2                                                                                       Infor Enwisen Talent Management
Infor Enwisen Compensation
                                                                 Imagine knowing which employees have
Management                                                       the highest potential and how to recruit
Maintain pay levels and manage payroll costs.                    more talent like them
Infor Enwisen Compensation Management offers highly
efficient capabilities for managing an employee's total
compensation, including pay-for-performance, planning
and administration, and reporting and analytics. The
solution helps you:
 Award compensation increases, such as merit or
  promotions, by creating a budget, establishing award       Once you understand the behaviors and skills associated
  guidelines, and making the awarding process simple         with peak performance, the solution equips you to make a
  for management.
                                                             powerful impact on your organization's success by
 Perform comprehensive incentive compensation               recognizing high performers and developing them for
  administration, including pay-plan definition, rules       future key roles within your organization.
  automation, eligibility determination, and automated
  payout functionality.
                                                             Infor Enwisen Learning and
 Manage salary structures and step-and-grade
  progressions to ensure pay equity in the workforce         Development
  based on current market information.
                                                             Design training plans based upon employee,
                                                             management, and strategic planning inputs that meet
Infor Enwisen Succession                                     development objectives and requirements.
Management                                                   Infor Enwisen Learning and Development helps you link
                                                             training and other development activities to resulting
Set up organizational plans to fill your key positions.      competencies and skills. As a result, employees have a
Infor Enwisen Succession Management helps you identify       motivating line of sight to future career opportunities. Infor
critical talent that you need to keep your business moving   Enwisen Learning and Development offers access to:
forward by:
                                                              Role-based training functionality for administrators,
 Creating talent profiles and succession-                     instructors, managers, and employees.
  pipeline reporting.
                                                              Employee development plans, which are linked to
 Identifying key positions critical to business success.      training and other activities.
 Identifying high potential and high performing              Automated skill and competency achievement
  employees based on defined profile criteria.                 reporting based on training results.
 Alerting you to potential flight risks in key positions
  that, if vacant, could affect the continuity of your
  business operations.
 Keeping track of individual readiness and career paths
  for future target positions.

Infor Enwisen Talent Management                                                                                           3
Additional benefits
                                                                                                               Imagine understanding which employees
Rich-client experience; thin-client advantages.
                                                                                                               are a flight risk and how your
The full Infor Enwisen Talent Management suite has been
designed to operate with a visually appealing, intuitive
                                                                                                               compensation plans can enhance
user interface. Information is maintained on a server, yet                                                     employee retention.
retains user-specific customization upon logging on,
empowering users with the resources and tools they need
to achieve improved productivity. Inline analytics and
reporting. You may access information within the Infor
Enwisen Talent Management suite as soon as it has been
entered into the system. Its inline analytics allow you to:
 View information graphically.
                                                                                                        Infor Enwisen Human Resource
 Take action on the date from the view.
 Transform graph and list date to PDF and Excel reports
  with a single clickanytime, anywherewithout any                                                     The Infor Enwisen Human Resource Management System
  thirdparty software.                                                                                  includes four suites: Talent Management, Human
                                                                                                        Resource Management, HR Service Delivery, and
Infor Enwisen Talent Management provides choice.
                                                                                                        Workforce Management. Each suite comes with robust
Infor Enwisen Talent Management offers you choice.
                                                                                                        applications you can use to strategically manage
Choice of deployment models, choice of pricing models,
                                                                                                        your workforce.
and choice of application. Infor understands that
customers want to choose how they license our software
(perpetual or subscription pricing), where they deploy it
(via Software as a Service (SaaS) or on premise), and
which applications they buy (and when). With Infor the
choice is yours.

641 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10011

About Infor.
Infor is the world's third-largest supplier of enterprise applications and services, helping more than 70,000 large and
mid-size companies improve operations and drive growth across numerous industry sectors. To learn more about Infor,
please visit www.infor.com.
Copyright息 2012 Infor. All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or related affiliates and subsidiaries. All other
trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commitment to you in any way. The
information, products and services described herein are subject to change at any time without notice. www.infor.com.

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  • 1. Infor Enwisen Talent Management Infor Enwisen Talent Management is an end-to-end Process automation that offers configurable talent management solution that changes the way you workflows to support particular business processes work, helping increase profitability by offering the and bring the right work to the right people at the right time. flexibility, intelligence, and ease-of-use you require to select, hire, and retain the best employees and take Analytics for insight into your talent through them beyond their potential in support of graphical views and point-in-time (as-of date) business strategy. reporting via graphs, charts, and/or export to pdf/csv. Infor Enwisen Talent Management offers an integrated A user-defined organizational structure that system, with each application strong on its own, but supports highly-complex domestic and more powerful when used together to support your multi-national organizations. The system offers business strategy and help you wage the war for talent. multiple views of the organizational and makes organizational changes a much simpler task. Infor Enwisen HR Foundations An authoritative system of record, including support for a global infrastructure and multiple work Infor Enwisen HR Foundations is the centerpiece of assignments and concurrent employment (an Infor Enwisen Talent Management. Its infrastructure employee in two or more roles). simplifies key HR processes, supports highly complex organizations and helps you address your need to: A competency framework to help establish "what good looks like that you can use to analyze Maintain a single source of information about potential bench strength, establish performance your talent. expectations, determine competency gaps, and more. Obtain accurate workforce counts. Localization features that support your talent Identify, motivate, and reward multi-cultural talent. initiatives across the globe. Manage workflows and personnel actions. Talent profiles that include the competencies, skills, Motivate leaders to make fact-based decisions. credentials, education, and career preferences that allow you to complete gap analysis for succession Understand how talent can support key planning, recommended learning, and recruiting. business strategies. Configuration Console that helps you modify Many legacy HR applications say they can do all this, application elements, personalize user content and but are often just reengineered in an attempt to data elements, and configure security. (The module manage a complex workforce. They lack the flexibility offers configuration options for 20 country to do so effectively. localizations and global data privacy provisions.) Infor Enwisen HR Foundations is a better solution. Its designed from the ground up to deliver simple, cost effective management of HR business processes. Features include: Spaces (role-based displays) that show only the relevant processes and tasks for a particular position.
  • 2. Infor Enwisen Talent Acquisition Infor Enwisen Goal Management gives you the ability to: Cascade goals down through the organization. Beat the competition to top talent. Infor Enwisen Talent Acquisition arms hiring managers, Align goals by classifying them by category and type recruiters, and others involved in recruitment activities to within the organization. align their work to support acquisition strategy. Use the List specific personal activities under each goal, assign tool to define your workforce needs, re-use the job weights to goals, and link goals to activities according success profile for determining candidate fit, to priority. tap into your existing talent pool as a source of internal View how employees are aligned with organizational mobility, correspond with candidates through the offer and goals and what they are doing to achieve their goals. contract process, and manage data about current and potential talent. Understand how individual employees are impacting overall success by aligning goals with Once you have selected the right talent, you can expedite business objectives. the hiring process because you already know everything about the job responsibilities and the value the new hire Infor Enwisen Performance will bring to that job. As a result, your new and existing employees will be better equipped to quickly and Management productively perform in their new roles. Additional Infor Recognize, retain, and award top performers. Enwisen Talent Acquisition features include: Infor Enwisen Performance Management allows you to Simplified candidate search, registration and profile create and deploy standardized, online performance creation, including resume/CV upload. appraisal forms with clearly defined evaluation scaleshelping to facilitate a thorough, objective review Deep view of your internal candidate pool and all the for every employee. This application is designed to help attributes you already know about them. an organization recognize, retain, and reward top Effective sourcing, including candidate pool searches, performers while reducing attrition and flight risk. In job postings to external sources, and/or broadcast to addition, Infor Enwisen Performance Management helps: your top sourcing methods. Supervisors manage, develop, and retain their Facilitation of all candidate events, including a view of best people. the most critical activities for Today. Reveal where the talent is within your organization, Configurable workflow for managing your selection who the top performers are, when personal and process, candidate correspondence, and tracking of all organizational goals are acquisition costs. reached, and what behaviors make people succeed. Requisition management to reuse the job success Match employee competency profiles to job profile, including responsibilities, compensation success profiles. structures, and competency requirements. Analyze gaps of skills for particular positions and jobs. Goal Management Tailor 360-degree appraisals to automatically flow through areas, groups, or positions according to an Align employee goals with business objectives. unlimited schedule, and assign weights to individual Infor Enwisen Goal Management gives you the ability to sections of a review. align employee goals directly with business objectives. Show individual performance review status and You will begin to understand exactly how each employee overall organizational unit scorecard on a impacts the overall success of your organization. Best of management dashboard. all, you poise your employees to achieve measurable, relevant results. Infor Enwisen Goal Management makes it possible for employees to understand how they impact organizational success and helps you boost goal initiative buy-in and, ultimately, results. 2 Infor Enwisen Talent Management
  • 3. Infor Enwisen Compensation Imagine knowing which employees have Management the highest potential and how to recruit Maintain pay levels and manage payroll costs. more talent like them Infor Enwisen Compensation Management offers highly efficient capabilities for managing an employee's total compensation, including pay-for-performance, planning and administration, and reporting and analytics. The solution helps you: Award compensation increases, such as merit or promotions, by creating a budget, establishing award Once you understand the behaviors and skills associated guidelines, and making the awarding process simple with peak performance, the solution equips you to make a for management. powerful impact on your organization's success by Perform comprehensive incentive compensation recognizing high performers and developing them for administration, including pay-plan definition, rules future key roles within your organization. automation, eligibility determination, and automated payout functionality. Infor Enwisen Learning and Manage salary structures and step-and-grade progressions to ensure pay equity in the workforce Development based on current market information. Design training plans based upon employee, management, and strategic planning inputs that meet Infor Enwisen Succession development objectives and requirements. Management Infor Enwisen Learning and Development helps you link training and other development activities to resulting Set up organizational plans to fill your key positions. competencies and skills. As a result, employees have a Infor Enwisen Succession Management helps you identify motivating line of sight to future career opportunities. Infor critical talent that you need to keep your business moving Enwisen Learning and Development offers access to: forward by: Role-based training functionality for administrators, Creating talent profiles and succession- instructors, managers, and employees. pipeline reporting. Employee development plans, which are linked to Identifying key positions critical to business success. training and other activities. Identifying high potential and high performing Automated skill and competency achievement employees based on defined profile criteria. reporting based on training results. Alerting you to potential flight risks in key positions that, if vacant, could affect the continuity of your business operations. Keeping track of individual readiness and career paths for future target positions. Infor Enwisen Talent Management 3
  • 4. Additional benefits Imagine understanding which employees Rich-client experience; thin-client advantages. are a flight risk and how your The full Infor Enwisen Talent Management suite has been designed to operate with a visually appealing, intuitive compensation plans can enhance user interface. Information is maintained on a server, yet employee retention. retains user-specific customization upon logging on, empowering users with the resources and tools they need to achieve improved productivity. Inline analytics and reporting. You may access information within the Infor Enwisen Talent Management suite as soon as it has been entered into the system. Its inline analytics allow you to: View information graphically. Infor Enwisen Human Resource Take action on the date from the view. Management Transform graph and list date to PDF and Excel reports with a single clickanytime, anywherewithout any The Infor Enwisen Human Resource Management System thirdparty software. includes four suites: Talent Management, Human Resource Management, HR Service Delivery, and Infor Enwisen Talent Management provides choice. Workforce Management. Each suite comes with robust Infor Enwisen Talent Management offers you choice. applications you can use to strategically manage Choice of deployment models, choice of pricing models, your workforce. and choice of application. Infor understands that customers want to choose how they license our software (perpetual or subscription pricing), where they deploy it (via Software as a Service (SaaS) or on premise), and which applications they buy (and when). With Infor the choice is yours. 641 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10011 800-260-2640 infor.com About Infor. Infor is the world's third-largest supplier of enterprise applications and services, helping more than 70,000 large and mid-size companies improve operations and drive growth across numerous industry sectors. To learn more about Infor, please visit www.infor.com. Copyright息 2012 Infor. All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or related affiliates and subsidiaries. All other trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commitment to you in any way. The information, products and services described herein are subject to change at any time without notice. www.infor.com. INF1230739-1261627-EN-US-1012-1