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Table of Contents
BDM Architecture
Security / Access
Informatica BDM AD groups details
Informatica BDM New Project Setup
Informatica BDM Migration / Deployment
Informatica Big Data Management
 Informatica BDM - Informatica Big Data Management (BDM) product is a GUI based integrated
development tool. This tool is used by organizations to build Data Quality, Data Integration, and Data
Governance processes for their big data platforms.
 Informatica BDM can be used to perform data ingestion into a Hadoop cluster, data processing on the
cluster and extraction of data from the Hadoop cluster.
 Use Big Data Management to collect diverse data faster, build business logic in a visual environment, and
eliminate hand-coding to get insights on your data.
 We can use Big Data Management in following situations
a. The volume of the data that you want to process is greater than 10 terabytes.
b. You need to analyze or capture data changes in microseconds.
c. The data sources are varied and range from unstructured text to social media data.
BDM Architecture
Security / Access
 The user must be a Mass Mutual employee and have access to the Active Directory Application on Citrix.
 User should have a Mass Mutual ID created before setting them up in Informatica.
 Future Plan  AD Groups List
Group Name Description
G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-AppAdm This group will be owned by Application leads who is
responsible to provide/revoke access to Informatica
based on the user role (for ex: Developer, Operator).
G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-Dev This group is for application a developer which
provides RWX in Dev environment, Read access in
QA, and Read access in Production.
G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-Op This group is for application a developer which
provides RX access in Production.
G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-NPOp This group is for application a developer which
provides RX in Dev environment, RX in QA.
Security / Access
 Future Plan  AD Groups List
Roles Database Connections Permission Project Permissions
Platform Dev Test Prod Dev Test Prod
BDM Platform Admin R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G
BDM Analyst R/E R/E R/E R/E
BDM Developer R/E R/W/E R R
BDM Operator R R/E R/E R/W/E R/W/E R/E
Informatica BDM New Project Setup
 Create Project, Group and OS Profile.
a) Create Project from developer tool and assign read/write permission. Format of the project
name: <Functional Area>_<Project_Name>.
b) Group Name in the Informatica Domain would be:<<Project name>>_<Operator>.
c) Create OS profile and make default profile to the group. OS Profile name should be
osp_<<Project Name in Lowercase>>.
d) Create standard folder structure in OS level for OS profile setup.
e) The Project Name, S3 File share Path should be the same.
 Create a SNOW request to create new AD groups as per standards.
 Grant Access Privileges.
a) The Project Name, S3 File share Path should be the same Add users to LDAP security group.
b) Assign custom role- "BDM Developer" to <Security group>.
Create folder structure in OS level for OS profile setup.
 Create Cluster Configuration Object type connection and related, DataBricks, DataBricks cloud
provisioning connections.
 Create JDBC connections.
Informatica BDM New Project Setup
 New Project Creation request as a SNOW Request (Req).
 Ensure REQ has required approvals.
 Create a Standard Change in SNOW for new project creation.
 Approval from Project owner (Ad-hoc owner), IT Approval, CI Owner approval & CAB approval.
 After receiving approval for standard change, Continue with Project creation.
 Once Project setup is complete, communicate to the requestor.
Informatica Migration / Deployment
 Informatica BDM ImportExport Deployment process is used.
 Deployment script can be used for large deployments. Currently, assessing the existing script.
 It is recommended to deploy whole application instead of individual workflow/mapping.
 Emergency deployment will be performed any day (Including weekend) as per the ECR process.
 Production deployments will be taken care by Admin team.
Thank You

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Informatica big data relational topics and presentation

  • 1. Table of Contents BDM Architecture Security / Access Informatica BDM AD groups details Informatica BDM New Project Setup Informatica BDM Migration / Deployment Advantages/Disadvantages
  • 2. Informatica Big Data Management Informatica BDM - Informatica Big Data Management (BDM) product is a GUI based integrated development tool. This tool is used by organizations to build Data Quality, Data Integration, and Data Governance processes for their big data platforms. Informatica BDM can be used to perform data ingestion into a Hadoop cluster, data processing on the cluster and extraction of data from the Hadoop cluster. Use Big Data Management to collect diverse data faster, build business logic in a visual environment, and eliminate hand-coding to get insights on your data. We can use Big Data Management in following situations a. The volume of the data that you want to process is greater than 10 terabytes. b. You need to analyze or capture data changes in microseconds. c. The data sources are varied and range from unstructured text to social media data.
  • 4. Security / Access The user must be a Mass Mutual employee and have access to the Active Directory Application on Citrix. User should have a Mass Mutual ID created before setting them up in Informatica. Future Plan AD Groups List Group Name Description G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-AppAdm This group will be owned by Application leads who is responsible to provide/revoke access to Informatica based on the user role (for ex: Developer, Operator). G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-Dev This group is for application a developer which provides RWX in Dev environment, Read access in QA, and Read access in Production. G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-Op This group is for application a developer which provides RX access in Production. G-<Region>-EDPP-BDM-NPOp This group is for application a developer which provides RX in Dev environment, RX in QA.
  • 5. Security / Access Future Plan AD Groups List Roles Database Connections Permission Project Permissions Platform Dev Test Prod Dev Test Prod BDM Platform Admin R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G R/W/E/G BDM Analyst R/E R/E R/E R/E BDM Developer R/E R/W/E R R BDM Operator R R/E R/E R/W/E R/W/E R/E
  • 6. Informatica BDM New Project Setup Create Project, Group and OS Profile. a) Create Project from developer tool and assign read/write permission. Format of the project name: <Functional Area>_<Project_Name>. b) Group Name in the Informatica Domain would be:<<Project name>>_<Operator>. c) Create OS profile and make default profile to the group. OS Profile name should be osp_<<Project Name in Lowercase>>. d) Create standard folder structure in OS level for OS profile setup. e) The Project Name, S3 File share Path should be the same. Create a SNOW request to create new AD groups as per standards. Grant Access Privileges. a) The Project Name, S3 File share Path should be the same Add users to LDAP security group. b) Assign custom role- "BDM Developer" to <Security group>. Create folder structure in OS level for OS profile setup. Create Cluster Configuration Object type connection and related, DataBricks, DataBricks cloud provisioning connections. Create JDBC connections.
  • 7. Informatica BDM New Project Setup New Project Creation request as a SNOW Request (Req). Ensure REQ has required approvals. Create a Standard Change in SNOW for new project creation. Approval from Project owner (Ad-hoc owner), IT Approval, CI Owner approval & CAB approval. After receiving approval for standard change, Continue with Project creation. Once Project setup is complete, communicate to the requestor.
  • 8. Informatica Migration / Deployment Informatica BDM ImportExport Deployment process is used. Deployment script can be used for large deployments. Currently, assessing the existing script. It is recommended to deploy whole application instead of individual workflow/mapping. Emergency deployment will be performed any day (Including weekend) as per the ECR process. Production deployments will be taken care by Admin team.