Presentation during NACLIN 2019 National Conference held at Udaipur, during 18-20 Sep 2019 conducted by DELNET (Developing Library Network) New Delhi
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Information literacy
1. Do students understand information literacy in
the digital era? Role of libraries and librarians
to prepare college students for the future
Dr. Vinita Jain
Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, Sc. & Commerce, Mumbai
All the images shown under this are taken from Google for presentation only and strictly not for commercial use
2. Objectives
Challenges faced by the users while using libraries
To know the level of understanding about IL among users
To find out the digital literacy level among the students
Opportunities to the Libraries
Measures taken by the libraries for better understanding of
IL process
11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"
3. Research Method
Category A
General Term
Category B
Online Features
Category C
Research Writing
Category D
Online Information
OPAC Email Alerts Copyright DELNET
Web-OPAC Boolean Operators Plagiarism NLIST
Index Online Journals Google scholar MOOC
Open access E books Shodhganga Swayam
News Clippings QR Code Peer review Journal NDLI
Digital Library Website/Library home page References IR
Keywords Online feedback Bibliography Consortium
Citations Database
Full Text
Impact factor
11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"
8. Category D UG PG PC Res
Respondents 80 65 90 15
DELNET 58.7 55.4 27.7 53.3
NLIST 80 78.4 66.6 93.3
MOOC 27.5 24.6 44.4 40
Swayam 23.7 66.1 46.6 66.6
NDLI 10 17 11.1 33.3
IR 3.7 18.4 2.2 40
Consortium 2.5 7.7 4.4 53.3
Database 5 9.2 3.3 66.6
9. 11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"
Library Plays Imp. Role in IL
Yes No
10. Recommendations
11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"
For Users For Librarians For HEIs
Regular Feedback is Required Coordination with faculty
IL should include in the
IL can be arranged as per type of
users, It can be flexible as per
Prepare a glossary of
important terminology
Include choice based credit
courses to understand
6-10 hours of training is required
to use the library resources
Self Analysis / Self
Motivation is a must
Train the teachers to focus on
digital technology
Micro level instruction program
arranged for research scholars
Design IL program for
internal staff
Induction program for new
Social media can be used to
update the users
Continuous professional
Awareness about Plagiarism,
Citations & Copyright issues
11. Conclusion
Make IL program a regular activity in HEIs.
Keeping up to date is a real challenge to librarians
College students are not really keen to use library, however their perception about
library is changed after attending IL program and start using the library facility.
Students are very happy to use online features available through their smartphones,
but again usage are not satisfactory.
IL is a lifelong learning process.
Digital resources goes unutilized if users are unaware of how to use it
Understanding of digital literacy level is more in researchers and post graduate
students in compare to under graduate and professional course students.
11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"
12. References:
ALA. (2008). Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final report. Retrieved 5 11, 2019, from ttp://
Islam, M. A., & Tsuji, K. (2010). Assessing information literacy competency of Information Science and
Library Management graduate students of Dhaka University. IFLA journal, 36(4),300-316.
Jacklin, M., & Et al. (2008). "Innovations in Practice: Drop in clinics for environment studies students
partnership. The Canadian Journal of Library & Information Practice & Research, 3(2), 1-7. Retrieved 05
10, 2019
McDevit, T., & Jen, J. (2013). We are all in this together stress reduction and team building activities for
modern library organization. Codex : The Journal of the Louisiana chapter of the ACRL, 2(3), 78-99.
Watson, S., & Et al. (2013). Revising the One-shot through lesson study, collaborating with writing faculty to
rebuild a library instruction session. College & Research Libraries, 74(4), 381-398. doi:10.5860/crl12-255
Schaub, G., Cadena, C., & Bravender, P. (2017). The Language of Information Literacy: Do students
understand? College & Research Libraries, 283-296.
Swapna, G., and S. G. Biradar. 2017. "Information Literacy Model for Higher Education Institution in India."
International Journal of Digital Library Services (IJODLS) (Geetanjali Research Publications) 7 (3): 31-48.
Accessed 8 2, 2019.
Thomas, D. (2003, Jan). Web Manager's Handbook, Special Issue. Library Technology Reports, 39(1), 50.
Retrieved 06 10, 2019, from
11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"
13. The Illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who
cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn
and relearn
Alvin Toffler
Thank You !!!
11-Sep-2019 "NACLIN 2019, September 18-20, 2019, Udaipur"