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Information Technology in Business
MGT 417
Hospital Information System of
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Medical Centre (UKMMC)
 This report was commissioned to describe the hospital information
system (HIS) being used at Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia (PPUKM).
 This includes the objectives, functions and types of hospital
information system (HIS) being used. The major system under HIS is
Patient Management System (PMS). This system provides
information of all the patients in PPUKM so that it can be used for
other department. Different department tend to use different
system but eventually, all the systems are interlinked. For example,
the pharmacy department uses Pharmacy Information System or
Medipro, the radiology department uses Radiology Information
System (RIS) while the research department uses the Research
Management System (RMS).
 This report also includes the benefits and downsides of the hospital
information system. On a different part, we also state our own
suggestions to improve the implementation of current information
system and to minimize, if possible, the problems of the
information system.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre aims to
be a world renowned medical centre providing highest
healthcare, medical training and research according to
International Standard
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC)
determined to achieve excellence in providing healthcare
services, educations, and researches besides supplying
modern, sophisticated and cost effective healthcare
 Patient Management System (PMS).
This system provides information of all the patients in PPUKM so that
it can be used for other department. For example, in pharmacy
department, Pharmacy Information system (Medipro) is
interconnected with Patient Management System in order to provide
information regarding with the patient and their medication. When a
prescription order is sent, the system can check whether there are any
drug interactions, any allergies to the drug and what is the appropriate
dosage should be given to the patient based on their age, weight and
other physiologic factors.
 Radiology Information System (RIS)
It is also interrelated with Patient Management System. RIS is a
computer system which supports operational workflow and business
analysis within a radiology department. This system also acts as a
repository of patient data and reports as well as contributes to the
electronic patient record. It is said to be interrelated with PMS as all
the radiology patient records are stored in PMS for reference. Their
application includes other departments and imaging specialities such
as nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, endoscopy and soon.
 Research Management system (RMS)
This system used by the researchers for researching purpose whereas
Medical Education Module (MEM) is a module which provide
education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner. For
RMS, each proposal is completed by the researchers and consists of an
electronic document generated from a combination of data entered
directly into the proposal form. Then, the proposals are submitted
electronically via the internet. Both these 2 systems are
interconnected with Clinical Information System and PMS as they
provide patient detail and medical information for researching and
education purposes.
 To improve efficiency of hospital operation
 To improve quality of medical care
 To enable data and information sharing
between healthcare providers
 To support research and teaching in medical
 To support implementation of Healthcare IT
project by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.
HIS is function to manage the information that health
professionals required to perform their tasks more efficiently and
This system use computer and communication equipment to collect,
store, process, retrieve and communicate patient care and information
regarding administrative for all hospital activities and to fulfil the
function requirement for all authorized users. By implementing HIS in
the hospital, it can provide the flow of patient information and its
accessibility for the doctors and other health care providers. The
patient carries system record patient information, patient laboratory
test result and patients doctor information. Doctors can access person
information, test results and previous prescription easily.
 Hospital Information System (HIS) is implemented mainly to manage the administrative, financial
and clinical aspect of a hospital. This system involves all computerized program that has been
specified to perform several task that can be access by all departments with security accessibility
 University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) thereby developed its own Total Hospital
Information System (THIS), called Caring Hospital Enterprise System (C-HEtS) which is claimed to be
cheaper than similar systems available in the market
 This system provide the information required to each level of the management at the right time, in
the right form and in the right places, so that the decisions to be made effectively and efficiently.
 HIS also perform a synergistic organization in the process as the system plays a vital role in
planning, initiating, organizing and controlling the operations of the subsystems of the hospitals.
 Patient care management for example, is one of the aspects that are focused to review the quality
and appropriateness of care. The HIS helps to assess data strategically and making
recommendations for suitable care continuously based on retrospective patient's record.
 Hospital Information System technology up gradation upon time is
needed to meet the performance of certain tasks. Training is one of the
ways usually been conducted by the hospital in order to make sure the
staffs is up to date and handle the programs well. This activity is
implemented mostly to new staffs before they can start their work.
Training and guidance will be given on how to use the system gradually by
batches and when it is needed or new system is installed.
 In this system, training is compulsory for all users to avoid failure or
underutilization of the system, thereby reduces technical problems
resulted from misuse. However, there is a need to synchronize these
systems so that the system can communicate with other outside systems
to ensure the maintenance and continuity of care.
 Meet users requirement
 Satisfy users
 Ease users process
 Easy change/exchange request
 Development process
 Implementation and deployment
 User expectation
 Post implementation
e-Pharmacy is a web based application developed
which serves as an online inventory application
and also information system. It is an online
application that can be useful for the staffs in
pharmaceutical department and also the public.
Pharmaceutical personnel could managed the online
inventory effectively and systematically
Stock ordering will also be hassled-free because statistical
report for sales and ordering of pharmacy products can be
Connected to the patients and the public
Provide the information of the drugs and supplement to
the public
Better communication between departments
 HIS is an effective information system that should
be applied to all hospital and health center.
 HIS provide information sharing between
healthcare providers
 HIS can reduce the error during healthcare
 More training should be given to all the staffs in
the hospital to improve their skill to manage the

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Information technology in business presentation

  • 1. Information Technology in Business MGT 417 Hospital Information System of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) Members: IZZATUL AFIQAH BINTI SEDIK 2013248528 SHARMIMI NABILAH BINTI AMAT 2013 SITI ZHULLINA IDAYU BINTI ZULKIFLI 2013691534 UMMI HANI BINTI MARUAN 2013283296 WAN NADRAH BINTI WAN MOHD ZAKRI 2013882094
  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report was commissioned to describe the hospital information system (HIS) being used at Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM). This includes the objectives, functions and types of hospital information system (HIS) being used. The major system under HIS is Patient Management System (PMS). This system provides information of all the patients in PPUKM so that it can be used for other department. Different department tend to use different system but eventually, all the systems are interlinked. For example, the pharmacy department uses Pharmacy Information System or Medipro, the radiology department uses Radiology Information System (RIS) while the research department uses the Research Management System (RMS). This report also includes the benefits and downsides of the hospital information system. On a different part, we also state our own suggestions to improve the implementation of current information system and to minimize, if possible, the problems of the information system.
  • 3. BACKGROUND OF COMPANY Vision Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre aims to be a world renowned medical centre providing highest healthcare, medical training and research according to International Standard Mission Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) determined to achieve excellence in providing healthcare services, educations, and researches besides supplying modern, sophisticated and cost effective healthcare facilities
  • 6. Patient Management System (PMS). This system provides information of all the patients in PPUKM so that it can be used for other department. For example, in pharmacy department, Pharmacy Information system (Medipro) is interconnected with Patient Management System in order to provide information regarding with the patient and their medication. When a prescription order is sent, the system can check whether there are any drug interactions, any allergies to the drug and what is the appropriate dosage should be given to the patient based on their age, weight and other physiologic factors. Radiology Information System (RIS) It is also interrelated with Patient Management System. RIS is a computer system which supports operational workflow and business analysis within a radiology department. This system also acts as a repository of patient data and reports as well as contributes to the electronic patient record. It is said to be interrelated with PMS as all the radiology patient records are stored in PMS for reference. Their application includes other departments and imaging specialities such as nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, endoscopy and soon.
  • 7. Research Management system (RMS) This system used by the researchers for researching purpose whereas Medical Education Module (MEM) is a module which provide education related to the practice of being a medical practitioner. For RMS, each proposal is completed by the researchers and consists of an electronic document generated from a combination of data entered directly into the proposal form. Then, the proposals are submitted electronically via the internet. Both these 2 systems are interconnected with Clinical Information System and PMS as they provide patient detail and medical information for researching and education purposes.
  • 8. OBJECTIVES OF HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS) To improve efficiency of hospital operation To improve quality of medical care To enable data and information sharing between healthcare providers To support research and teaching in medical informatics To support implementation of Healthcare IT project by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.
  • 9. FUNCTION OF HIS HIS is function to manage the information that health professionals required to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively. This system use computer and communication equipment to collect, store, process, retrieve and communicate patient care and information regarding administrative for all hospital activities and to fulfil the function requirement for all authorized users. By implementing HIS in the hospital, it can provide the flow of patient information and its accessibility for the doctors and other health care providers. The patient carries system record patient information, patient laboratory test result and patients doctor information. Doctors can access person information, test results and previous prescription easily.
  • 10. APPLICATION OF HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS) Hospital Information System (HIS) is implemented mainly to manage the administrative, financial and clinical aspect of a hospital. This system involves all computerized program that has been specified to perform several task that can be access by all departments with security accessibility made. University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) thereby developed its own Total Hospital Information System (THIS), called Caring Hospital Enterprise System (C-HEtS) which is claimed to be cheaper than similar systems available in the market This system provide the information required to each level of the management at the right time, in the right form and in the right places, so that the decisions to be made effectively and efficiently. HIS also perform a synergistic organization in the process as the system plays a vital role in planning, initiating, organizing and controlling the operations of the subsystems of the hospitals. Patient care management for example, is one of the aspects that are focused to review the quality and appropriateness of care. The HIS helps to assess data strategically and making recommendations for suitable care continuously based on retrospective patient's record.
  • 11. ACTIVITIES OF HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS) Hospital Information System technology up gradation upon time is needed to meet the performance of certain tasks. Training is one of the ways usually been conducted by the hospital in order to make sure the staffs is up to date and handle the programs well. This activity is implemented mostly to new staffs before they can start their work. Training and guidance will be given on how to use the system gradually by batches and when it is needed or new system is installed. In this system, training is compulsory for all users to avoid failure or underutilization of the system, thereby reduces technical problems resulted from misuse. However, there is a need to synchronize these systems so that the system can communicate with other outside systems to ensure the maintenance and continuity of care.
  • 12. BENEFITS OF HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS) Meet users requirement Satisfy users Ease users process Easy change/exchange request
  • 13. DRAWBACKS OF HOSPITAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (HIS) Development process Implementation and deployment User expectation Post implementation
  • 14. SUGGESTIONS AND POSSIBLE BENEFITS OF STRATEGIES TO BE USED BY UKMMC e-Pharmacy e-Pharmacy is a web based application developed which serves as an online inventory application and also information system. It is an online application that can be useful for the staffs in pharmaceutical department and also the public.
  • 15. Benefits Pharmaceutical personnel could managed the online inventory effectively and systematically Stock ordering will also be hassled-free because statistical report for sales and ordering of pharmacy products can be generated Connected to the patients and the public Provide the information of the drugs and supplement to the public Better communication between departments
  • 16. Conclusion HIS is an effective information system that should be applied to all hospital and health center. HIS provide information sharing between healthcare providers HIS can reduce the error during healthcare session More training should be given to all the staffs in the hospital to improve their skill to manage the HIS.