The document provides information about the International Ship Engineering Service Association (ISES), a global network of companies that specialize in marine equipment repair and service. ISES has two classes of membership - Member and Affiliate Member. Member companies provide ship repair services across various areas like electrical, mechanical, and engineering. Affiliate Members are equipment and material manufacturers and suppliers. ISES publishes a magazine and directory to connect its member companies with shipowners and operators worldwide and facilitate equipment repairs and spare parts provision globally.
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Information to prospective members 2015
1. C/ Fuente Nueva 6 Tel/Fax: +34 956 660 586
Pueta 18 Mobile: +34 627 919 990
Algeciras Skype: I.S.E.S. Limited
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International Ship Engineering Service Association (I.S.E.S.)
1. General Description
On the 1st March, 1996, the Association amended its` name from International Ship Electric
Service Association (I.S.E.S.) Ltd to International Ship Electrical and Engineering Service
Association (I.S.E.S.) Ltd, thus enabling it to broaden its` base of activities.
The object of the Association, which is now in its` 52nd
year, is to unite a quality worldwide
service network of companies specialising in repair, service or manufacture of all forms of
marine related equipment.
The ISES Association is an organisation whose members have all been carefully selected to
ensure that the Association maintains a very high level of dedicated and specialised
expertise to ensure customer satisfaction, wherever in the world they are called upon to
provide a service.
2. Class of Membership
The Association has two classes of membership as follows:
2.1 Member
2.2 Affiliate Member
3. Members
Members provide Shipowners, Shipmanagers and Operators with competent service and
repair facilities for all plant, equipment and machinery, including electrical repairs and
rewinds, electronic repairs, navigation and communication systems, engine repairs,
mechanical repairs with full workshop capability, hydraulic and pneumatic system repairs
and refrigeration/air conditioning system repairs.
4. Affiliate Members
Affiliate Members are manufacturers or suppliers of equipment or materials in the electrical,
mechanical, electronic and specialised marine related fields.
Registered in England: No: 1096918 Registered Office: Dalton House, 60 Windsor Ave, London, SW19 2RR, UK
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5. ISES Publications
5.1 The Association publishes its own magazine, ISES News, presently circulated only to
Members. However, our intention is to begin circulation in electronic format to over 5,000
technical staff in shipowners, managers and operators offices worldwide.
The magazine is available to all members to subscribe editorial about their activities, new
developments in their business or products which will attract the attention of technical
managers and engineering/electrical/electronic superintendents who receive the magazine.
There is no charge to members who subscribe editorial.
6. ISES Marine Service Guide
6.1 The Association's directory of members gives concise information with addresses,
day and night telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses.
6.2 A full explanation of the services provided by each member is given in the directory.
6.3 Service and sales representations are also listed.
6.4 There is an Annual Levy for all members to meet the cost of printing and mailing of
approximately 贈130.00.
6.5 For a small cost, members can insert their logo in their company entry and/or a
quarter page advert at the back of the Guide.
6.6 A copy is available as a PDF on the Associations website.
7. Website
The Association has a website ( which includes all members`
details, a Members Only section, Marine Service Guide as a PDF, I.S.E.S. News as a PDF,
e-mail reply form to a member or the Secretariat and a hot-link to a member`s home page.
The Website does not incur any additional cost to a member.
8. Spare Parts Service
An important aspect to shipowners, shipmanagers and ship operators is the fact that our
members not only co-operate with each other in many ways, but also assist specifically in
the quick delivery of spares from makers in their own country. This is a valuable ISES
service from members in the traditional manufacturing areas such as Europe, U.S.A., Korea
and Japan to ISES members located in countries where they depend on imported material
and equipment. This is a good case of who you know is better and more effective than what
you know when it comes to obtaining spare parts quickly.
9. Voyage Repairs
ISES members provide technicians to travel with a ship to carry out repairs, maintenance or
installations on the move. To ensure the continuity of this service, ISES members co-
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operate with each other for the supply of materials and additional labour - the keynote
throughout ISES being quality worldwide services. (En-voyage work is not obligatory to
10. Marketing ISES
From time to time the Secretary General makes visits to areas where there are
concentrations of ships `owners, managers and operators to familiarise them with the
functions and services available from the ISES worldwide network.
11. The ISES Secretariat
11.1 The Association has a permanent Secretariat which all shipowners, shipmanagers
and ship operators are welcome to use as a channel for obtaining service from ISES
members. This is useful if there are queries that can be answered in advance.
11.2 The Secretariat will always refer specific requests for service to an ISES member
where an owner's ship is calling and needs urgent attention.
11.3 The Secretariat assists its members to obtain payment of overdue invoices from ship
11.4 All members are free to seek the assistance of the Secretariat for confidential
information about the integrity of ship operators who have requested their service.
11.5 Members ask the Secretariat for assistance in tracing manufacturers of marine
equipment and to obtain technical information needed as part of their day-to-day work.
11.6 Members receive newsletters from the Secretariat to keep them advised on matters
of interest and importance in ISES.
12. The Annual General Meeting
The ISES Association occasionally holds its` Annual General Meetings in a port where
shipowners/shipmanagers are based and they are then invited to a technical seminar and a
buffet. There is a modest Annual Presentation Evening Levy for all members to cover the
total cost of the seminar/buffet.
The A.G.M`s are of value to Delegates who have an opportunity to discuss networking and
business co-operation with their partners in ISES, apart from routine Association's matters.
Time is reserved for the presentation of papers/workshops on subjects of interest to
13. Maritime Exhibitions
The ISES Association will arrange to attend various Maritime Exhibitions, such as Posidonia,
SMM and Nor Shipping, and will organise a stand at these exhibitions, providing authority is
given by the Associations Board of Directors. These stands may be shared by any Member
also wishing to exhibit at a specific Exhibition, with each exhibitor contributing any equal
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amount towards the cost of the space for the stand, registration fee, stand design and
construction, refreshments, etc..
14. The ISES Mailing List
Our mailing list is in many cases superior to the latest international directories because of
up-to-date information provided by our members in various countries.
15. Annual Subscriptions
The fees are decided by the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting. For the
current fiscal year they are as follows:
Members 贈2,080.00
Affiliates 贈2,080.00
The Association's financial year commences on 1st March and upon receipt of an invoice
subscriptions should be paid immediately in a single instalment.
These subscriptions are in Pounds Sterling.
16. Membership Application
Applicants for either type of membership are requested to complete our Application Form
and return to the Secretariat complete with supporting documentation where requested.
We will be happy to answer any questions and look forward to your reply.
Pepe Bris
Secretary General