1) The document discusses how Todd Staples implemented a marketing plan to increase traffic to his website through SEO, videos, and social media. This led to more leads and sales.
2) Key aspects of the plan included capturing leads through opt-in forms, nurturing leads over time through educational content, and automating follow-up communications.
3) Implementing this lead generation and nurturing strategy resulted in a significant increase in sales and growing an email list of automotive enthusiasts to over 20,000 subscribers.
4. We implemented a plan to get more traffic.1) Developed an AMAZING SEO system. 2) Created educational videos. Our Youtube channel has over 900K views.3) Formed a strong social media presence . Facebook Page has 4200+ members.4) Syndicated our products across many other websites. (This is just the tip of the iceburg! If you want more informationon any of this, please talk to me after the show).
13. How to build your list:Have various opt in forms. Rotate them until you find a winner.
14. Example: Win $100 Gift Cert Newsletter Signups 201167/282 Newsletter signups converted to sale. Thats 23.8% conversion rate.
15. Key Concept:After we get a new lead, we try to get more detailed information about them so we can send them ONLY relevant information.This lowers our unsubscribe rate and creates happy, educated customers.Happy, educated customers love to buy stuff!
18. Key Concept:People buy when they are ready to buy, not when you are ready to sell to them.Lesson:You MUST nurture your leads until they are ready to buy!
21. New Hot Lead SequenceExample of a educational sequence 5 Step invitation to give us info.
22. It is also very important to continue to nurture these customers AFTER a sale is made. We find a good way to do this is to engage them inThe Stealth Auto BMW Tribe
26. Cool Data I Dug Up76K Unique in 2011Roughly 2740 Opt Ins457 Sales from these opt ins 16.7% C.RThat equals an estimated value of $23.02/email.Have built a list of almost 20K automotive enthusiasts. Sales are up over 500% since we started capturing & nurturing.Lesson: GET MORE OPT INS!How do you get more opt ins? 1) Get more traffic2) Perfect your offer
27. How has all this affected our business? Have built a list of almost 20K automotive enthusiasts. Sales are up over 500%Automation makes us seem like a much larger company and has allowed us to grow bigger without hiring a lot of people.We are having fun doing what we love.
28. What I Learned Have a compelling lead magnet to get opt-insSegment contact list three ways:Lead sourceDemographicsBehaviors and interestsAutomate follow-up so no lead falls through the cracksAutomation helps bubble up hot leadsKiller content = higher conversions
29. What this means in the big picture?The better I get at marketing, the more people I can help!If any of you need help with your marketing or ecommerce strategy, let me know.How to get more help?http://www.stealthauto.com/marketing.aspx
Editor's Notes
#17: 11.8% signup rateBy asking for more info you can send better targeted messages