This document summarizes the final English project of two students, Jose Alvarado and Gustavo Belloso. It includes sections about the students, units on time, special occasions, person to person interactions, home, clothing, jobs and ambitions. Jose describes himself as a 18 year old law student from Maracaibo who enjoys AC Milan soccer. Gustavo introduces himself as an 18 year old accountancy student from Maracaibo who enjoys spending free time with family and friends and playing soccer. The document outlines the sections of their project, including topics about time, special occasions, descriptions of roles like coaches and referees, and both students' reflections on learning English through the project.
2. schemeabout us unit 7: time unit 8: special occasionsunit 9: person to personunit 10: home sweet homeunit 11: clothingunit 12: jobs and ambitions final reflection
3. About meTimeblogger Ac.milanHi, IamJoseand I have a18 yearsold, I liveinMaracaibo,I am a studentof lawinthecity, I am afanofAC Milan, Ilike thepizza,at level2did abloghelpedmetoimprovemyEnglishandI alsoliked thetimeclassesandspecialoccasionspizzaurbemy birthdaylaw
4. About meHello my name is Gustavo Belloso I am 18 years, old alive in Maracaibo, study accountancy, naci on May 29, 1992, in my free time I spend it with my family, my friends I play football and my favorite food is the pastiche
6. Unit eight: special occasions Football World Cup the last was in south Africasee the games on televisionfill albumsdress in the team colorsThe next will be in brazil
7. Unit nine:person to personscheduleof afootball playerGo To homeGet upTake a showerplay the matchGo to the night-clubtrain
8. Unit ten: home sweet home parts of the stadiumFootball fieldbackstageplayers benchpress roomsoccer fieldterrasesStadiumTrophy GalleryGymnasium
9. Unit eleven: clothingclothingWhite stockings $ 5White T-shirt and blue $ 20Yellow T-shirt$ 20White short and blue $ 15Black shorts$ 15 White socks and blue $ 45Black stockings $ 5Black shoes$ 45Black Tie $ 25White Dress shirt$ 75Black jacket $ 200Black slacks$ 75Black shoes$ 150
10. Unit twelve:jobs and ambitionsthe coach and the referee referee Directd the gamesound the whistle to stop playthey say when the game starts and endsmaintainorder amongtheplayersCoachtrains the playersorganizing teamsays who will playmakes changes to player