This presentation contains slides explaining how to take history and identify clinical signs and symptoms of liver disease, followed by a preliminary laboratory and radiological examination appropriate for a patient with suspected liver disease prior to treatment
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14. Diagnostic Workup
Liver function tests
Blood grouping & typing
Prothrombin time
Serological markers for HCV and HBV
Ascitic fluid tap
Liver Biopsy (gold standard)
15. Liver Function Tests
ALT/ AST: Elevated
ALP: Elevated
Reversal of Albumin: Globulin ratio
Editor's Notes
#15: If a patient has a persistently increased ALT level, viral hepatitis serologies should be assayed. If these are negative, the remaining serologic work-up should include an antinuclear antibodies test or antismooth muscle antibody test, or both, to evaluate for autoimmune hepatitis; and a fasting transferrin saturation level or unsaturated iron-binding capacity and ferritin level18to evaluate for hereditary hemochromatosis.15In patients younger than 40 years in whom Wilsons disease is suspected, serum ceruloplasmin and copper levels should be measured,19but screening all patients with chronic hepatic injury for Wilsons disease is not indicated.15Primary biliary cirrhosis or primary sclerosing cholangitis should be suspected in patients with chronic cholestasis. Testing for 留1-antitrypsin (A1AT) deficiency may be of benefit in patients with chronic hepatic injury and no other apparent cause. Although the role of A1AT deficiency in liver disease in adults is not clearly defined, testing is especially important in neonates with evidence of hepatic injury.15Ultrasonography or biopsy is necessary to establish the diagnosis of NAFLD.