House of Genius brings together entrepreneurs and collaborators from the community each month for disruptive thinking, input, and new ideas. Venture Creation provides a forum for entrepreneurs to develop their ideas. Entrepreneurs can interact with industry gurus who share their experiences. The program helps entrepreneurs beyond the point where their venture does not attract buyers or allow for scaling. It connects investors and entrepreneurs to find matches through a competitive process. Future Fast allows discussion of future predictions and explanations. Innoberator is led by serial entrepreneurs and advisors from companies like Accenture to help bridge gaps for startups.
2. House Of Genius
House of Genius brings
together entrepreneurs
and a diverse mix of
collaborators from the
community for an evening
each month of disruptive
thinking, supportive input,
and creative new ideas.
in association with NSRCEL, IIMB
3. 212O
When Entrepreneurs get
into the boiling point with
their Ideas, they need a
vent to ensure they just
don¡¯t steam out but are
able to run the Engine.
This is where it starts..
4. F2 @ 1800
We invite Entrepreneurs
and Senior Industry
Practitioners to come and
share the experiences of
their journey. A Face to
face for entrepreneurs with
those who have been there
done that.
5. Glass Ceiling
Many entrepreneurs get
to a point where they
don't know the way
forward. Venture does
not attract buyers, they
don't see a way to scale
it any bigger. When you
want to
Arena, where Investors and
Entrepreneurs ?nd a match
and this works like a game
where in pre quali?ed
Ventures and Investors play
to get the best partner for
their journey.
7. Future Fast
This is a group of people
thinking and reasoning
the future that will be and
many a times that may
never be. This is the forum
to talk about it. Make
predictions and give an
explanation as why you
think we are all heading to
the tomorrow
Nanju has been a serial entrepreneur in Technology, HR, Analytics
and IOT space. An alumni of Indian Institute of Management,
Bangalore. He brings 22 years of experience in Product
development and Management.
Anand K Padmanaban is a certi?ed manager(CM) from ICPM USA and is a
senior professional with over 20 years experience in High Technology and
related Professional Services businesses.
His expertise is in the areas of New Ventures, Business Model and Value
Innovation, the e?ective use of technology/IT, Business Transformation and
Professional Services Business Management with companies in Europe and
the US. Anand holds degrees in Electronics, Industrial Engineering and
Management. Anand is also a trustee with the People¡¯s Education
Society(NGO) in Chennai and volunteers by running the Rural Employability
Advancement Programs (REAP) and coaching programs for the NGO. Anand
has also written articles for Hu?ngton Post, DataQuest etc. and loves
mentoring and coaching.
??Bala , VP Accenture India - bala has started up and run several successful startups
before taking over the complex business operations of Accenture India
??Durga Vemula , cofounder and CEO peepal design - Vemula started up peepal which
is a usability and user experience company. He was responsible for usability at sap
labs earlier and is a representative of the global UX alliance network
??Geetha Devi , cofounder and CEO gradus - Geetha is an award winning entrepreneur
focusing on clean tech solutions and reducing the carbon foot print. She is a very
active member of the women entrepreneurship in Karnataka
??Sathya shankar ,CEO Alchemist infotech group - Sathya has started up and scaled
many companies including manmar and eaglesoft. Sathya owns many patents in the
embedded design area and regularly helps the government of Tamil Nadu is
technology scaling challenges
SME advisors