The document discusses an interview with a job candidate. The candidate has a deep passion for innovation that keeps her motivated. She is sharp, focused, eager to learn, creative, and constantly craving innovative challenges. She is looking for a thoughtful and assertive leader to work with who can provide challenging and thought-provoking assignments. She notes that her expectations for the job were met but that her boss asked about her past experience on the first day, which was irrelevant, and did not share his own experiences or make her think critically. She believes recognition is important to staying motivated in a job.
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(Telephonic interview)
She has deep, inherent
passion to innovate and that
is what keeps her motivated
to stick around the job
A sharp, focused, eager to
learn, creative, craving to
innovate all the time, with
passion to work for
advertising world and is
collaborative and assertive
Looks for a thoughtful and
assertive leader to work with.
Wants to learn more by
getting challenging and
thought provoking
Needs a
way to
• Job profile matched my expectation
• Flexible timing and Innovation was
what I was looking for
• Asking about my past experience on first day
was irrelevant
• My boss should have shared his
experiences and make me react
• Recognition is the key
• If I would have known my boss before,
• I would have not joined the company
• Be more vigilant & thoughtful while
selecting your first job
• Challenges & role plays give people more
opportunities to think
• Recognition is important to stick
around in your job
• Follow your passion while on job
(innovation & challenging assignments
in this case)
• Don’t get excited with what you get
but make conscious decision
while selecting your first job
• Enquire more about your boss
before you join
• Pat on your back is more important
• than the monetary benefits