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Innovative lesson plan
Name of the teacher PREDEEP T S
Name of the school St.Johns H.S.S.Undancode
Division D
Unit Ancient Tamilakam
Topic Rock Chambers
Curricular statement
Students should understand the importance of rock, source, its
usage and its influence in ancient human life.
Curricular objectives
Through discussion, demonstration, observation, field trip and
activities students should be able
Teacher entered into the classroom and started to teach a sub unit from
ancient Thamizhakam. Then the student asked a doubt.
Student: when I was walking on the road I saw a model prepared with
three pieces of rocks it is higher than me.
Teacher: Oh that is nice to hear from you. This is a good thing which is
related with their unit. Can we visit the place.
The teacher and student visit the place
In the class room teacher explained about the age of rock
Teacher: Yesterday we visited a place where we saw
a model made up of three pieces of rock. It is known
as Chumadu Thangi. It was very helpful for who carry
goods from one place to another.
The another student in the
classroom asked a doubt. Near the Chumadu Thangi I had seen a Mandapam
prepared with stones. Teacher says it is known as Kallambalam. The platforms,
pillars and the roof every thing is prepared with rocks. This is known as ancient inn.
The travellers and who carry goods them can rest over
their and can drink some water. So inside the
Mandapam there will be an port contain the water and
a bed prepared with rocks .There are benches to sit
and there are small division of room used for a
Teacher and students first visited Chumadu Thangi and
secondly they visited Kallambalam and next they went to Charithra Malika which
is in and at Thannimoodu
After coming back to class room teacher asked the students
prepare a short note about the visit. After preparing the short note teacher asked three
out of them to read it out,
After the rocks where moved influence the ancient human
being they prepared many Monuments, Temples, Mini posts, Mandapam,
Chumadu Thangi etc. In the period of Ancient Thamizhakam they prepared
Nannangadi, Thoppikallu, Grainary etc by all these they can understand the
importance of rock in ancient period.
Innovative lesson plan

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Innovative lesson plan

  • 2. Name of the teacher PREDEEP T S Name of the school St.Johns H.S.S.Undancode Std VIII Division D Unit Ancient Tamilakam Topic Rock Chambers Curricular statement Students should understand the importance of rock, source, its usage and its influence in ancient human life. Curricular objectives Through discussion, demonstration, observation, field trip and activities students should be able
  • 3. Phase-1 Teacher entered into the classroom and started to teach a sub unit from ancient Thamizhakam. Then the student asked a doubt. Student: when I was walking on the road I saw a model prepared with three pieces of rocks it is higher than me. Teacher: Oh that is nice to hear from you. This is a good thing which is related with their unit. Can we visit the place. Phase-2 The teacher and student visit the place Phase-3 In the class room teacher explained about the age of rock Teacher: Yesterday we visited a place where we saw a model made up of three pieces of rock. It is known as Chumadu Thangi. It was very helpful for who carry goods from one place to another. The another student in the classroom asked a doubt. Near the Chumadu Thangi I had seen a Mandapam prepared with stones. Teacher says it is known as Kallambalam. The platforms,
  • 4. pillars and the roof every thing is prepared with rocks. This is known as ancient inn. The travellers and who carry goods them can rest over their and can drink some water. So inside the Mandapam there will be an port contain the water and a bed prepared with rocks .There are benches to sit and there are small division of room used for a multipurpose. Phase-4 Teacher and students first visited Chumadu Thangi and secondly they visited Kallambalam and next they went to Charithra Malika which is in and at Thannimoodu Phase-5 After coming back to class room teacher asked the students prepare a short note about the visit. After preparing the short note teacher asked three out of them to read it out, After the rocks where moved influence the ancient human being they prepared many Monuments, Temples, Mini posts, Mandapam, Chumadu Thangi etc. In the period of Ancient Thamizhakam they prepared Nannangadi, Thoppikallu, Grainary etc by all these they can understand the importance of rock in ancient period.