This document discusses innovative uses of SMS (short message service) in various areas including directories, inventory reports, sales automation, broadcasting, MIS, accounts, alerts, premium content, loyalty programs, news, ticketing, appointments, entertainment, games, corporations, finance, transactions, government, and examples in airlines, fish trading, and flowers. SMS is used for services, reports, reminders, reservations, pricing, supply and demand coordination, complaints, and payments across different industries.
3. Area of usage SMS directory Service engineers report Inventory & rates report Sales for automation Bulk scheduled web based SMS broadcast MIS Accounts/billing information Financial alerts (e.g. stock, auction) Premium SMS (Content: ringtones, screensaver, games. Text Content: jokes, horoscopes, weather, etc. Interactive: Bars, Nightclubs, TV, Radio)
4. Area of usage Loyalty messages News messages Credit control messages Ticketing messages VIP pass/entry messages Appointment reminder messages
5. Entertainment Game Channel - cell phone users play with each other in games offered by the show. Games like KBC TV viewers partner with a studio contestant. SMS revenues grew by 200% for cell phone companies
6. Corporate SMS allows companies to send high volume text broadcasts to pre-registered recipients provides order handling through an SMS solution connected to a clients inventory system allows two-way text messaging between the companys call center agents and its customers
7. Financial Transaction SMART money pre-paid re-loadable payment card linked to the SMART phone and the Master Card electronic payment system SMART Padalla international cash remittance service leverages pre-existing telecoms network (SMART communications) and e-payment system (MasterCard) PaySetters open, secure and adaptable mobile Person to person payment solution, including cross-border remittance service RemitCard SMS-based donation system
8. eGoverment citizens can text their concerns to the Ministers provides a channel for citizens complaints, suggestions or inquiries and as a citizens weapon against corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy. eBroadcasting taxpayers who enroll in the SMS based eBroadcasting receive confirmation (within 48 hours) of the exact amount of tax payment received by the deparment
9. Some examples Airlines: allows passengers to book a flight via SMS Fish traders in Mindoro use SMS to check prices in various municipalities to determine where to sell their products Cut flower producers use SMS to communicate with flower vendors in Manila to determine demand and regulate their supply
10. Life is too short to waste time in report/communicating, lets spend it more in Quality work... -Thank you